White Mulberry vs Red Mulberry: Difference and Comparison

Berries are soft, round fruits. They are a combination of sweet or sour and serve delicious smoothies, jams, and desserts.

The colorful smoothies or desserts have great nutritious value and are rich in fibre, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Incorporating berries into our diet prevents chronic diseases. They are eaten both fresh and dried.

Mulberry is a good source of iron and vitamin C. Mulberries are fruits from mulberry trees. Mulberry is black, red, or white and is grown in Asia and North America.

The leaves of the tree are the only food that silkworms eat. Mulberry is utilized to make wines, jams, juices, or dried and eaten as a snack.

The white and red mulberry looks like Siamese twins at a glance. They both are edible berries and are grown on small trees. When we closely scrutinize, there is a striking difference between both these berries.

Key Takeaways

  1. White mulberries originate from Asia, while red mulberries are native to North America.
  2. White mulberry leaves are glossy and smooth, whereas red mulberry leaves have a rough texture.
  3. White mulberry fruits are sweeter and less tart than red mulberry fruits.

White Mulberry vs Red Mulberry

The difference between white mulberry and red mulberry is that white mulberry is enjoyable while eating but preferred in baking and preservatives. Red Mulberry is sizeable, sweeter and eating off the branch is yummy.

White Mulberry vs Red Mulberry

White mulberry is a tree native to Asia cultivated for its leaves, fruit bark, and roots. White mulberry has medicinal properties and has been utilized for a long time to treat ailments.

Research suggests it helps to block the growth of cancer cells and lower blood sugar and cholesterol.

The Appalachia region in the Eastern United States utilizes red mulberry for delicious pies, jams, wines and juice. Red mulberry is native to North America. Red mulberry trees enjoy the shade and are commonly found in the understory of a forest.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonWhite MulberryRed Mulberry
OriginChinaEastern United States
Colour of the FruitThe ripe white mulberry is creamy-white.The ripe red mulberry is reddish black.
LeafThe leaves of white mulberry are bright green and the leaf lobes are rounded.The leaves are dark green and the leaf lobes are pointed.
BudIn the white mulberry, the buds are small and have brown bands.In the red mulberry, the buds are large and flattened.
TasteThe white mulberry is less sweet.The red mulberry fruit is sweet.

What is White Mulberry?

White Mulberry (Morus Alba) is native to China. North America bought cultivation in the 19th century to boost the silk industry. The leaves of the mulberry tree are the favourite food of the silkworm.

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The idea did not take off as expected due to the cost factors of producing silk. White mulberry is intolerant to shade.

It is like a weedy species commonly found in abandoned fields or as fence rows. White mulberry is a small tree and reaches up to 40 feet. The white mulberry is black or purple.

Once they mature, they are creamy-white. White mulberry leaves are bright green and shiny above.

The chief veins underneath the leaves are more prominent compared to red mulberry. White mulberry buds are smaller and more doomed in the middle.

Tennis rackets, hockey sticks, furniture, and boats use white mulberry wood since it is flexible. The white mulberry is less sweet, small, and lighter in color.

The powdered leaves have medicinal value. It helps in treating diabetes, cholesterol, and even the common cold. There could be side effects if taken in larger quantities.

It could be mild diarrhoea, dizziness, or constipation. There is no proof that white mulberry causes any allergies, but in rare cases, it may occur.

white mulberry

What is Red Mulberry?

The Red Mulberry(Morus Rubra) cultivated in Southern Indiana prefers moist, wooded slopes and shady roadways. It is resistant to shade. It is found as a small understory tree and can attain a height of 60 feet.

Red Mulberry is dull, dark green-colored leaves rough on the top and hairy beneath.

The red mulberry bud is large and flattened, and a single fruit hangs on the twig. The red mulberry fruit is large and sweet and reddish black when ripe. The Native Americans love red mulberry in their beverages, bread, and cakes.

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The Appalachia region fondly uses red mulberry and enjoys the wine, jam, and pies. Red Mulberry is a worming agent that treats dysentery.

The durable wood helps build fence posts, furniture, and caskets, and the Native Americans utilize the inner bark to make thread and ropes.

Red mulberry is a large and sweet berry and the favourite food of a few birds and small mammals like raccoon squirrels.

red mulberry

Main Differences Between White Mulberry and Red Mulberry

  1. White Mulberry is Morus Alba and is a native of China. Red Mulberry is Morus Rubra and is a native to the Eastern United States.
  2. The white mulberry tree has a height of 40 feet and spreads over 40 feet. The red mulberry is tall and has a height of 60 feet and a spread of over 50 feet.
  3. The mature white mulberry is creamy-white. The ripe red mulberry is reddish black.
  4. The leaves of white mulberry are smooth and bright green. The leaves of red mulberry are rough, hairy, and are dark green.
  5. The white mulberry is a combination of sweet and sour. The red mulberry is large and pleasant.
Difference Between White Mulberry and Red Mulberry
  1. https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2745.2006.01152.x
  2. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10942910701558652

Last Updated : 23 August, 2023

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8 thoughts on “White Mulberry vs Red Mulberry: Difference and Comparison”

  1. This was a very interesting read. It’s amazing to know that the silkworm’s primary food source has so many health benefits.

  2. The article was very educational. I have learned a lot and will be incorporating mulberries into my cooking from now on.

  3. The comparison between white and red mulberry was extremely informative. I appreciate the detailed explanation.


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