German Christmas Stollen Recipe – Xmas Fun

A common traditional fruitcake that got its start in Germany, stollen has received different variations throughout the years.

One common version includes marzipan (AKA almond paste), helping to add a touch of decadence to this cake-like bread dessert.

Though served during the holidays, stollen is a mouthwatering treat that can be enjoyed whenever you please.

Due to its special sugary coating, stollen lasts for weeks at a time.

Thus, giving you ample time to prepare, making the perfect gift idea for your family and loved ones!


  1. Three ounces (75g) sultanas (white seedless grapes)
  2. Three ounces (75g) California raisins
  3. One-ounce (25g) almond flakes (toasted)
  4. One-ounce (25g) glacé cherries (cut into halves)
  5. Two ounces (50g) candied lemon peels (chopped)
  6. One lemon rind (grated)
  7. One fluid ounce (25ml) of brandy or rum
  8. One pound (450) plain all-purpose flour
  9. Dash of sea salt
  10. 1/4 tsp grated nut or ground mace
  11. One-ounce (25g) fresh yeast or 1/2 ounce dried yeast
  12. Two fluid ounces (50ml) milk (slightly warmed)
  13. Four fluid ounces (100ml) water (slightly warmed)
  14. Two ounces (50g) pure granulated sugar
  15. Four ounces (100g) salted butter (softened)
  16. One in a half ounces (40g) melted butter (approximately)

Topping / Decoration:

  1. A mixture of candied fruits
  2. 1/4 cup orange slices
  3. Citron and lemon peels
  4. Glacé cherries
  5. Icing sugar (sifted)


  1. Four tablespoons pure granulated sugar
  2. Four tablespoons water


Step One:

Place nuts, fruits, grated lemon rind, and peels into a large bowl, pouring brandy or rum over top. Allowing to sit overnight, until the liquor has been thoroughly absorbed.

Step Two:

Sift all-purpose flour, sea salt, and spices into a large heated mixing bowl. Add in the yeast, warmed milk, and tsp sugar, toss in some flour, place in a warm area until crust begins to crack.

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Step Three:

Stir mixture in with the flour and remaining granulated sugar, mixing into the dough. Add softened butter and beat until well blended.

Put some flour onto a boarded surface and begin to knead the dough for ten minutes until it is nice and smooth. Make sure that there’s no sign of stickiness.

Step Four:

Cover stollen dough with saran wrap and put in a warm area for half an hour, or until it has doubled in size.

Add the fruit at 1/3 increments, doing so immediately as to not have dough discolor. Next, form into the shape of an oval until one inch thick.

Step Five:

Using a rolling pin, put a lengthwise dent which is somewhat off-centered. Fold dough over so bottom portion extends past top, pressing down with light pressure.

Step Six:

Put your stollen onto a well-greased baking sheet and cover, placing it into a warm area for approximately twenty minutes or until dough becomes puffy.

Next, brush on the melted butter and put it into a preheated oven at 450 degrees for half an hour.

Step Seven:

Lower oven temperature to 400 degrees and continue to bake for another twenty or 30 minutes.

Check your stollen with a toothpick or skewer and when it comes out clean, it means cooking is finished.

Then, dissolve sugar in a medium bowl of warm water for stollen glaze.

Step Eight:

Brush the sugary glaze onto stollen while pipping hot. If you are planning to present this at Christmas time, decorate with candied fruit mix on top.

Going over the stollen again with glaze and/or a topping of icing sugar. This holiday treat is guaranteed to make your tastebuds tingle and tastes amazing warmed.

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Learn More With the Help of Video


After following the exact steps given by me above, I hope you will be able to easily cook the Stollen fruitcake. It’s so common to bake some cakes on Christmas and you should add this traditional cake recipe for your Christmas food items menu.

You can also share your experiences while cooking this fruitcake recipe.

Word Cloud for Christmas Stollen Recipe

The following is a collection of the most used terms in this article on Christmas Stollen Recipe. This should help in recalling related terms as used in this article at a later stage for you.

Christmas Stollen Recipe

Last Updated : 24 November, 2023

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34 thoughts on “German Christmas Stollen Recipe – Xmas Fun”

  1. The detailed description and word cloud aid in understanding the key elements of the recipe and its significance in a visually appealing manner.

  2. The instructional video link provides a visual guide for preparing stollen, enhancing the learning experience.

  3. The historical and cultural significance of stollen have been well presented along with the comprehensive recipe details.

  4. The unique combination of ingredients, along with the insightful references to German origins, make this recipe an interesting and authentic choice for the holidays.

  5. The detailed explanations ensure that the stollen will turn out to be a delectable dessert, perfect for special occasions and celebrations.

  6. The detailed procedure for preparing the stollen, along with the video link, ensures a comprehensive understanding of the recipe.

  7. The icing sugar and glaze instructions add a delightful finishing touch to the stollen, making it visually appealing and delicious at the same time.

  8. The combination of flavors and the longevity of stollen due to its sugary coating make it a perfect treat for gifting during the holiday season.

  9. The flavors in this recipe must be absolutely divine. I can’t wait to make this for myself!

  10. The use of sultanas, raisins, almond flakes, and other high-quality ingredients make this stollen recipe a truly indulgent treat.

  11. This seems like a lot of work, but I’m intrigued by how good everyone says the recipe is. I might give it a try.

  12. Stollen has always been a favorite of mine. I’m thrilled to have a perfect recipe now to make my own. Thank you!

  13. The links to further references are a great addition, allowing readers to explore more about stollen.

  14. I had no idea Stollen is so easy to make! I’ve always bought it from the store but I’m definitely going to try making it myself now. Thanks for the recipe!

  15. The comprehensive conclusion summarizes the recipe and encourages readers to share their experiences, creating an engaging community around stollen preparation.

  16. The step-by-step instructions are clear and can help even novice bakers to successfully make this traditional fruitcake.

  17. The detailed decorations and glaze instructions add a festive touch to the stollen, making it an ideal Christmas dessert.

  18. This is the traditional Stollen recipe exactly as I remember it! The detail and care taken in this recipe are just as important to the final product as the ingredients. Upvoting for this Christmas recipe.

    • The recipe is very detailed and easy to follow. Love how the ingredients are easily listed and well-instructions are provided

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