Significance of Christmas

Why we are celebrating Christmas?  We should have thought this question thousands of times in our minds by ourselves. The answer to this question differs and it is being with us everyone in our own aspects.

Christmas celebrations to remember the birth the Jesus, Son of God is the story that we all would agree. But when digging deep into the case and meditating it, we should be able to understand the true significance of the celebration of Christmas.

The true meaning behind the celebration of Christmas is exchanging the true, unconditional, irrepressible, self-denying love among our loved ones.

This makes Jesus come again into our lives, heart, and soul.

The tradition of conducting prayer meetings, family parties on the Christmas occasion comes to exist because the world when becomes more civilized becomes isolated even when many come together.

Christ was born in such conditions where qualities of negative consequences like anger, greed, jealousy, self-pride, sins, and other qualities of devil raise their heads in the society, which need a savior to release the people from their clutches.

Christ born as a man, who lived like a man in all aspects but not the sins, he showed the people the way, the path, and taught us how to reach the divine destination and the goal of human life.

He even sacrificed his own precious life through intense sufferings, humility and finally been assassinated by us and by our own sins. This legacy reminds us of the destination of our life which is to be reached by all of us one day.

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This journey is started and been planned by the almighty God.

“A Journey of thousand miles begins with a single step”, and the first step for that ultimate journey was placed on the day of Christmas and that day is bringing us back to the right track whenever we lose our way.

This is the true significance of the Christmas celebration that we all must meditate on the auspicious day.

Last Updated : 09 October, 2023

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24 thoughts on “Significance of Christmas”

  1. The article’s contemplation of the true significance of Christmas is thought-provoking and insightful. It prompts us to reevaluate our approach to the holiday.

    • Absolutely, Mhunter. It’s an invitation to engage in meaningful reflection during the Christmas season.

    • I respectfully disagree. The article’s interpretation overlooks the pervasive commercialization of Christmas today.

  2. The article’s portrayal of Christmas presents an enlightening narrative that invites deep contemplation. It’s a significant departure from the usual festive discussions.

  3. This article offers a profound and insightful perspective on the true meaning of Christmas. It’s a welcome departure from the commercialized narratives that dominate discussions during the holiday season.

  4. This article beautifully articulates the true meaning of Christmas and its significance in our lives. It’s a reminder of love and sacrifice, and the need for spiritual guidance in our lives.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Max. This article provides insightful reflections on the deeper meaning of Christmas.

  5. The article’s reflection on the spiritual significance of Christmas is quite compelling. It encourages us to revisit our understanding of the holiday and its deeper meaning.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Roxanne. It’s a thought-provoking examination of the spiritual dimensions of Christmas.

  6. The article offers a compelling exploration of the spiritual significance of Christmas. It prompts us to reconsider our traditional understanding of the holiday.

  7. This article presents a profound perspective on the true meaning of Christmas, emphasizing its spiritual underpinnings. It’s a call for a deeper contemplation of the holiday’s significance.

    • I understand your perspective, Watson. However, the modern portrayal of Christmas has veered away from its original spiritual essence.

  8. The article’s interpretation of Christmas is quite compelling. It challenges the typical commercialized view and offers a more profound perspective.

  9. The article provides a poignant representation of the deeper spiritual significance of Christmas. It inspires introspection and reflection during the holiday season.

  10. This perspective on Christmas is quite thought-provoking. It presents a deeper understanding of the holiday beyond the usual traditions and festivities.

    • Absolutely, Mike. It’s a refreshing take on Christmas that encourages us to reflect on its spiritual significance.


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