What are Metallic Minerals? | Definition, Source, Advantages vs Disadvantages

All types of minerals played a significant role in the formation of human civilization. The most common items everyone utilizes in their daily life are minerals. For this reason, from the beginning of human civilization, mankind tried to harness it from mother earth. Most of the minerals we found on the ground remain in the ore. It requires lots of chemical processing before use. These minerals can be divided into different categories. Metallic minerals are a mineral that humans excavate for metal production. Let’s learn how metallic minerals work and what are the advantages and disadvantages associated with them.

Key Takeaways

  1. Metallic minerals are naturally occurring minerals that have a high content of metals in them.
  2. These minerals are used for various purposes, such as construction, jewellery making, and as a source of energy.
  3. Some examples of metallic minerals include gold, silver, copper, iron, and zinc.
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Source for Metallic Minerals

The primary properties of metallic minerals are metal. Most of these minerals can be found on the earth’s crust. Igneous and metamorphic rocks are mostly holding these metallic minerals. Most metallic elements originate in the earth’s centre and come on the surface with lava or magma. Later they cooled down and became metallic mineral deposits on the earth’s crust. These mineral deposits remain couple hundred feet beneath the earth’s surface. Generally, these mineral deposits are called mines and require industrial operation for excavation. These minerals are classified into two types. These are ferrous minerals and non-ferrous minerals.

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Generally, 75% of metallic minerals are ferrous, like iron, nickel, manganese, etc. These metallic minerals have magnetic properties and get oxidised easily. On the other hand, non-ferrous minerals do not react to a magnetic field and don’t get oxidize easily. Some examples of non-ferrous minerals are gold, silver, copper, etc. Most metallic minerals are hard and contain shiny properties. These minerals are also malleable and have ductile properties. They can also carry heat and electricity easily. When forged under the right condition, the metallic minerals become hard metals, which can take high load stress.

Advantages of Metallic Minerals

On this planet, metallic minerals are the only source of metal. Metals extracted from metallic minerals are used in different industries and household items. Expensive metals like gold, silver, and platinum are used to make jewellery; inexpensive metals like iron, copper, and aluminium are used in various industries. Some metals conduct heat and electricity better than others. These metals are used in electric and electronic devices. Modern human civilization would have been impossible without the substantial contribution of metallic minerals. For this reason, it is considered the foundation of civilization.

Disadvantages of Metallic Minerals

Metallic minerals are quite scarce on the earth’s surface. For this reason, it requires industrial mining operations for mineral extraction from the ground. Most of these mining operations cause environmental degradation. Besides mining, the metal extraction processes out of these minerals take lots of energy and sometimes require harmful chemicals.

As a result, these metal extraction process increases pollution and other environmental degradation. Relentless mining operations can also damage the area’s natural beauty and permanently scar the surroundings. Metallic minerals are a very precious resource. For this reason, many countries fought with each other to have this resource.

  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0019103567900024
  2. https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/segweb/economicgeology/article-pdf/24/4/412/3475904/412.pdf
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Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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25 thoughts on “What are Metallic Minerals? | Definition, Source, Advantages vs Disadvantages”

  1. The article provides a comprehensive overview of metallic minerals and their implications for society and the environment.

  2. The scientific references cited in the article add credibility to the information presented. Exploring the role of metallic minerals in human civilization provides valuable insights.

    • The historical and geological context of metallic minerals demonstrates their profound impact on human development. The references offer a deeper understanding of this topic.

  3. The discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of metallic minerals offers a balanced overview. Mining practices should align with environmental preservation efforts to mitigate negative impacts.

    • Ensuring responsible mining practices and minimizing environmental harm are critical aspects that should be emphasized in the context of metallic minerals.

    • The article raises thought-provoking points about the applications and implications of metallic minerals. It prompts reflection on the sustainable management of these resources.

  4. The examination of metallic minerals and their diverse applications is thought-provoking. Sustainable resource management should be prioritized to mitigate environmental impacts.

    • The multifaceted nature of metallic minerals necessitates a balanced approach. Addressing environmental concerns without compromising industrial needs is an ongoing challenge.

    • The article delves into the complexities of metallic mineral usage and acknowledges the environmental considerations associated with mining. Establishing sustainable practices is imperative for responsible resource utilization.

  5. The article presents a compelling narrative on metallic minerals and their contributions to human civilization. Evaluating the environmental trade-offs of mining activities is imperative for long-term resource management.

    • The article provides an in-depth examination of metallic minerals, including their benefits and drawbacks. Sustainable practices should be integral to mineral extraction processes.

    • The discussion surrounding metallic minerals elucidates their multifaceted influences. Environmental considerations are paramount for sustainable use of these resources.

  6. The article effectively highlights the significance of metallic minerals in various industries and their impact on modern civilization. Emphasizing sustainable mining practices is essential for the future.

    • The role of metallic minerals in industry and technological innovation cannot be understated. Utilizing these minerals responsibly is crucial for sustainable development.

    • The insights provided shed light on the dual nature of metallic minerals, where benefits coincide with environmental challenges. Finding a balanced approach is pivotal.

  7. The historical and industrial significance of metallic minerals is well articulated in the article. Balancing resource utilization with environmental responsibility is essential.

    • The article navigates through the complexities of metallic mineral extraction and usage. Environmental stewardship and conservation are pivotal considerations for the future.

  8. The article is informative, but I believe it paints a somewhat romanticized picture of metallic minerals. The adverse environmental impact of mining operations may overshadow the benefits.

    • I understand your perspective, but it’s important to acknowledge that metallic minerals have been essential for technological advancements and industrial development. Striking a balance between resource extraction and environmental conservation is crucial.

    • I agree with the concerns raised. The environmental implications of mining metallic minerals are significant and must be addressed by implementing sustainable practices.

  9. I appreciate the detailed explanation of metallic minerals and their properties. However, the environmental concerns associated with mining operations cannot be overlooked.

    • The pros and cons of metallic minerals are thought-provoking. Addressing environmental challenges while continuing to harness the benefits of these minerals is a complex but necessary endeavor.

    • The environmental ramifications of metallic mineral extraction warrant careful consideration, especially in the context of sustainable resource management.

  10. This is a fascinating and insightful article. I agree that metallic minerals are a crucial part of human civilization and have contributed to the development of society. The advantages and disadvantages mentioned are worth considering.

    • I agree with you. The article provides a comprehensive overview of metallic minerals and their importance. The adverse effects of metal extraction on the environment should be closely monitored.


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