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Ginseng is a medical herb with thick roots that grow slowly and come in 11 distinct forms. It has the potential to improve and restore well-being.

It’s available as tea, raw dried herbs, powder, or pills as a nutritional supplement. American ginseng and Korean ginseng are the two varieties of herb.

Key Takeaways

  1. American Ginseng and Korean Ginseng are both types of ginseng plants.
  2. American Ginseng is used for its calming effects, while Korean Ginseng is used for its energizing effects.
  3. American Ginseng is native to North America, while Korean Ginseng is native to Asia.

American Ginseng vs Korean Ginseng

The difference between American and Korean ginseng is that American ginseng provides a cooling tendency and is used during warmer climates. While Korean ginseng is warmer, it is better suited to colder climates. American ginseng is abundant in the Rb1 group of ginsenosides, whereas Korean ginseng is abundant in the Rg1 group of ginsenosides.

American Ginseng vs Korean Ginseng

Panax quinquefolius is the scientific name for American ginseng. It boosts ‘yin’ energy and is recommended to calm the body down while suffering from a fever or being stuck in a hot place.

American ginseng is also known to help in the management of depression and to enhance the immune system.

Panax ginseng is the scientific name for Korean ginseng. Korean ginseng is thought to improve the body’s ‘yang’ vitality. It helps to revitalize the body’s natural warmth while increasing blood circulation.

Korean ginseng can enhance cognitive processes, including learning, conduct, and temperament.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAmerican GinsengKorean Ginseng
DefinitionAmerican Ginseng is a medicinal herb used to boost ‘yin’ energy.Korean Ginseng is a medicinal herb used to boost ‘yang’ energy.
OriginThe United States and CanadaKorea and North-Eastern China
SuitabilityIt is suitable for hot weatherIt is suitable for cold weather
EfficiencyWeaker ginseng, due to lower ginsenoside contentTrue ginseng because it contains more ginsenosides.
Use / BenefitDecrease the effects of warfarin, depression, insomnia, and diabetes, and boosts the immune system.It improves stamina, reduced blood sugar and cholesterol levels, relieves stress, promotes relaxation, controls male sexual dysfunction, and cures diabetes.
Consumption Duration3-4 months, twice a dayUp to 6 months only

What is American Ginseng?

American ginseng is a perennial herb. It belongs to the ivy group used primarily in traditional medicine, mainly traditional Chinese medicine. It’s a native of eastern North America but also cultivated in China.

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Native Americans employed the plant’s roots and leaves in traditional medicine. Since the eighteenth century, “sang hunters” have gathered and traded the roots with Chinese or Hong Kong businesses, who would pay astronomical prices for ancient wild roots.

It is well known to assist with stress, immunological health, getting over a cold faster, and protecting against some forms of cancer. It is also used as a stimulant to improve heart and brain health.

American ginseng is used to heal reduced iron levels in the blood, diabetes, insulin resistance caused by HIV therapies, cancer-related tiredness, hypertension, insomnia, erectile dysfunction, flu, hangover symptoms, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, blood and bleeding disorders, breast cancer, drowsiness, headaches, fibromyalgia, artery hardening, and many other conditions.

It is suited for adults in their twenties and thirties. When taken in moderation, American ginseng is most likely harmless. Doses ranging from 100 to 3000 mg daily have been administered safely for 12 weeks.

american ginseng

What is Korean Ginseng?

Korean ginseng is also known as Asian ginseng and Panax ginseng. It is native to Asia and Russia and is produced mostly for medical use.

It is cultivated in the chilly, temperate regions of North-East China and the Korean peninsula. Around 2000 years ago, it was first employed in Chinese medicine and is today one of the world’s most frequently cultivated herbs.

The root is the most medicinally significant part of the plant. Most of the critical components and ‘active’ compounds are situated here.

Its effects have been shown to reduce angina and discomfort, help diabetics manage blood sugar, ease sexual dysfunction, promote strength and stamina, improve the capacity to cope with stress, and boost physical endurance.

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The color diversity in Korean ginseng roots is induced by the method in which the ginseng is prepared. Sun-dried ginseng is known as ‘White’ ginseng, whereas ‘Red’ ginseng is steam cooked at 100–110 °C for 2–3 hours.

This treatment destroys any infections that may be present on the plant’s roots. The disadvantage is that it destroys some active components in the bark’s outer layers. It is mainly recommended for the elderly only on a short-term basis.

korean ginseng

Main Difference Between American Ginseng and Korean Ginseng

  • American ginseng has a tremendous cooling tendency and is excellent for warm weather. However, considering Korean ginseng is warmer, it is more suitable for cool weather.
  • While American ginseng is supposed to be more soothing, Korean ginseng is more revitalizing and energizing.
  • American ginseng improves “yin” vitality, whereas Korean ginseng boosts “yang” vitality.
  • Regarding the Rb1 group of ginsenosides, American ginseng takes the lead, but Korean ginseng takes the lead in the Rg1 group.
  • American ginseng has a minor ‘qi’ raising effect, while Korean ginseng has a stronger influence.
Difference Between American Ginseng and Korean Ginseng
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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.