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The human stomach produces different acids, including hydrochloric acid, to ease digestion and kill germs and bacteria. The acid can corrode the inner lining.

The work of antacids is to counteract the acid in the stomach. Antacids being basic, react with the acids in the stomach and neutralize them.

Key Takeaways

  1. Gaviscon is an antacid that neutralizes stomach acid, while Gaviscon Advance is a stronger version with an extra ingredient to form a barrier against acid reflux.
  2. Gaviscon can relieve heartburn and indigestion, while Gaviscon Advance is more effective in treating gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
  3. Gaviscon is available over the counter, while Gaviscon Advance requires a prescription from a doctor.

Gaviscon vs. Gaviscon Advance

The difference between Gaviscon and Gavison Advance is that Gaviscon comprises calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, and Sodium Alginate. At the same time, Gaviscon Advance contains potassium bicarbonate and Sodium Alginate. However both are potent antacids, but the percentage of Sodium Alginate present in Gaviscon is half of the portion found in Gaviscon Advance, making Gaviscon Advance more efficient.

Gaviscon vs Gaviscon Advance

Gaviscon is constituted of calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, and Sodium Alginate. The percentage of Sodium Alginate present in Gaviscon is half the same as in Gaviscon Advance.

Gaviscon Advance is constituted of potassium bicarbonate and Sodium Alginate. The percentage of Sodium Alginate present in Gaviscon is half the same as in Gaviscon Advance.

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Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonGavisconGaviscon Advance
ConstitutionGaviscon is constituted of calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, and Sodium Alginate.Gaviscon Advance is constituted of potassium bicarbonate and Sodium Alginate.
Percentage of the main ingredientThe percentage of Sodium Alginate present in Gaviscon is half found in Gaviscon Advance.The percentage of Sodium Alginate in Gaviscon Advance is twice that in Gaviscon.
How does it work?The cover or the barrier formed in the inner lining of the stomach by Gaviscon is less intense and less pliable.The cover or the barrier formed in the inner lining of the stomach by Gaviscon Advance is more pliable and stronger.
AvailabilityGaviscon is found in liquid tablets or in the form of liquid sachets.Gaviscon Advance is found in the market in liquid and tablets.
Effect Gaviscon is less effective than Gaviscon Advance in curing acidity.Gaviscon Advance is more efficient in curing acidity than Gaviscon.

What is Gaviscon?

Gaviscon is a type of antacid prescribed for heartburn and dyspepsia. In layperson’s terms, dyspepsia means acidity.

The tablets like Gaviscon also treat belching with heartburn, which occurs because of the reflux of acid in the stomach into the esophagus or the food pipe.


What is Gaviscon Advance?

Gaviscon Advance is the advanced version of Gaviscon Original. It substantially affects acidic stomach fluids more than the original version.

 However, Gaviscon and Gavison Advance can only be bought from a pharmacy. Typically, Gaviscon and Gavison Advance’s action lasts twice as long as other available antacids.

However, Gaviscon Advance differs from Gaviscon only in terms of its constituents, effectiveness, and packaging. Gaviscon Advance works two times faster than the original version of Gaviscon. 

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Gaviscon Advance is constituted of potassium bicarbonate and Sodium Alginate. The percentage of Sodium Alginate present in Gaviscon is half the same as in Gaviscon Advance.

gaviscon advance

Main Differences Between Gaviscon and Gavison Advance

  1. Gaviscon is found in liquid tablets or in the form of liquid sachets. On the other hand, Gaviscon Advance is located in the market of liquids and tablets.
  2. Gaviscon is less effective than Gaviscon Advance in curing acidity. At the same time, Gaviscon Advance is more efficient in curing acidity than Gaviscon.
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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.