Force vs Momentum: Difference and Comparison

Everything is physics and physical components, whether you walk on the road, slide on a marble, or push a sofa. Indeed force and momentum are the essential concepts on which half of the physics laws lean.

Key Takeaways

  1. Force is a push or pulls on an object due to its interaction with another object, while momentum is the product of an object’s mass and velocity.
  2. Force can change the direction or speed of an object, while momentum measures the amount of motion an object has.
  3. The unit of force is Newton (N), while the unit of momentum is kilogram-meter per second (kg m/s).

Force vs. Momentum

The difference between force and momentum is that force is the multiplication of the body’s mass and acceleration applied to the body. In contrast, Momentum is a multiplication of the body’s mass and velocity. For any stationary object, the force can exist while the momentum of that same stationary object is zero.

Force vs Momentum

The force means the external action of pushing or pulling something that changes the momentum of a body. The force formula is MA, where M is the body’s mass, and A is the acceleration applied.

On the other hand, Momentum is the quantitative analysis of motion in the body—momentum changes with constant acceleration. Also, momentum increases with time for an applied force.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonForceMomentum
DefinitionForce is the external action on the body that either shifts the body or not.Momentum is the amount of motion in a moving body that instigates the movement.
DirectionThe direction depends upon acceleration.The direction of momentum depends on velocity.
TimeThe increase in time eventually decreases the force amount if momentum is constant.The increase in time increases the momentum.
Contact with objectsIt happens when the body comes in contact or is not in touch.It’s a result of an unbalanced force acting on a body.
FormulaThe formula of force is force = mass*acceleration.The formula of momentum is momentum = mass*velocity.

What is Force?

Force is an external action that changes the motion of the object. Like you push a sofa or push a car from behind, these types of forces that act on a body are a force.

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Thus, Newton’s law is one of the essential concepts in physics. It makes up more than half of physics. According to Newton, this law says that the net force applied to the object equals the rate at which its momentum changes with time.

It’s to be pushed and pulled so that it overrules the body’s mass to break the object state, which is on rest. Concepts like thrust, which accelerates the velocity, and drag, which decreases torque, pressure, mechanical stress, deformation, flow in fluids, equilibrium, gravitational force, and rolling balls on inclined declined or on a plane, the surface is supported by Newton’s law.

Force is a vector quantity. It means it will have a magnitude and direction both. Since acceleration is a vector quantity and mass is constant, the force is a vector quantity.


What is Momentum?

According to Newtonian mechanics, momentum, or describing linear momentum, translational momentum, or simply momentum, is the multiplication of mass with velocity.

The formula of momentum is Momentum = mass * velocity. Newton’s 2nd law states that the body’s momentum is equal to the force applied to it. It depends upon the frame of reference.

Suppose you are playing pool. When you hit the cue ball to destroy the formation of those stripes and solids, it happens when the cue ball transfers its energy to those colored balls—the momentum changes from zero to some value.

Formulas like Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics allow one to choose a coordinate system with symmetries and constraints. Here the general Momentum is a conserved quantity.


Main Differences Between Force and Momentum

  1. Force can result from when objects come in contact and even without coming in touch, while Momentum is always an unbalanced force acting.
  2. The formula for force is force= mass* acceleration, while the formula for momentum is momentum= mass*velocity.
Difference Between Force and Momentum
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Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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25 thoughts on “Force vs Momentum: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The lucid explanations and thorough analysis presented in this article are a testament to the value it provides in educating readers about the fundamental concepts of force and momentum.

    • The author’s ability to simplify complex physics principles is evident throughout the article, making it an engaging and enriching read.

    • Agreed, the in-depth understanding this article offers through its comparison table and detailed descriptions is truly commendable.

  2. The intellectual depth and clarity of the article’s content make it an indispensable tool for those looking to understand the critical differences between force and momentum.

    • The article’s systematic approach in highlighting the fundamental contrasts between force and momentum renders it an insightful and enlightening read.

    • This article is an exemplary resource for individuals aiming to expand their knowledge in physics; the precision and coherence of the content are commendable.

  3. The article’s focus on the differences between force and momentum is exemplary in promoting an in-depth understanding of these concepts. The references included add value to its credibility.

    • The comprehensive comparison table is a valuable addition to the article, offering readers a concise yet meticulous differentiation between force and momentum.

    • The references cited in this article indicate the depth of research undertaken by the author, solidifying the reliability and integrity of the content.

  4. The engaging discussion of force and momentum, accompanied by a lucid comparison table, makes this article a valuable resource for those seeking knowledge in the field of physics.

    • Absolutely, the author’s proficiency in presenting complex concepts in an accessible manner is worthy of appreciation.

  5. The article thoroughly defines and explores force and momentum, enhancing the understanding of these concepts. It’s an essential reference for physics enthusiasts.

    • The discussion on the parameters of comparison effectively encapsulates the essence of force and momentum, catering to the intellectual interest of readers.

    • I appreciate the detailed breakdown of the physical principles involved. It’s a commendable effort to educate readers about force and momentum.

  6. This article provides a comprehensive and easy-to-understand comparison between force and momentum. It is full of rich information about the two concepts.

    • Indeed, the description of the parameters and differences is quite informative. It is definitely a useful resource for those interested in physics.

    • The thorough explanation of the formulas and definitions is very helpful in understanding the principles outlined here. Great work!

  7. The author provides a clear differentiation between force and momentum, making it easier for readers to comprehend these fundamental physics concepts.

    • Absolutely, the article’s breakdown of the comparison table and detailed explanation contribute to a highly insightful read for those seeking knowledge in physics.

  8. The extensive coverage of force and momentum principles, coupled with a detailed comparison and references, solidifies this article’s credibility and value as an educational material.

    • The authoritative and informative nature of this article significantly contributes to its efficacy as a valuable learning resource. It truly enriches one’s understanding of physics.

  9. The well-structured and thorough elucidation of force and momentum establishes this article as an essential reference for individuals passionate about physics.

    • I concur; the article’s holistic approach to discussing the nuances between force and momentum greatly aids in comprehending these fundamental physics concepts.

  10. The article’s insightful breakdown of force and momentum fosters a profound understanding of the core principles underlying these concepts, making it a valuable asset for physics enthusiasts.

    • The meticulous comparison and elucidation provided in the article contribute to a refined comprehension of force and momentum, making it an exemplary resource for aspiring physicists.


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