Brainly vs Ruangguru: Difference and Comparison

Knowledge has no boundaries from offline mode to online mode. The teaching methods have changed from that of old times.

Key Takeaways

  1. Brainly offers a platform for students to get answers to their academic queries, while Ruangguru offers an online learning platform for students from primary to secondary level.
  2. Brainly offers community-based solutions where students can learn collaboratively, while Ruangguru offers pre-recorded lectures and live classes with experienced teachers.
  3. Brainly offers a free and paid version of its platform, while Ruangguru offers a subscription-based model to access its content.

Brainly vs Ruangguru

The difference between Brainly and Ruangguru is that the company Brainly provides online lessons, tutorials, and many more on the main core subjects, while Ruangguru also provides extra-curricular subjects to the students. They were launched in different years, that is, Brainly was launched in the year 2009, while the website Ruangguru was launched in the year 2014.

Brainly vs Ruangguru

Brainly is an online platform that allows students to help in their subjects and solve their doubts and problems, along with interactive sessions between parents, teachers, and students.

Ruangguru is also an online platform in the field of education. They help students to find online tutors not only for main core subjects but also for extracurricular activities.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonBrainlyRuangguru
Founded In20092014
Founded By Michał Borkowski, Tomasz Kraus, Łukasz HaluchAdamas Belva Syah Devara, Muhammad Iman Usman
Languages Supported Hindi, English, Spanish, Portuguese (BR), French, Filipino (Tagalog), Turkish, Romanian, Russian, Polish, Italian, IndonesianIndonesian
Headquarters New York City, United StatesJakarta, Indonesia
Areas Served 35 Countries1 that is Indonesia

What is Brainly?

Brainly is an online education platform based in Krakow, Poland, but the company’s headquarters is located in New York, United States.

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Recently, the company has reached 350 million users every month, which helped it to achieve the title of the World’s most popular education app.

It offers main subjects like English, Mathematics, Hindi, Science, and Social Science to the students. Because of the presence of gamification technology, the students can be rewarded daily according to their performance.


What is Ruangguru?

Ruangguru is officially known as PT Ruang Raya Indonesia.

The company was founded and established by two individuals named Adamas Belva Syah Devara and Muhammad Iman Usman as a start-up company that works in the field of education.

The meaning of the word Ruangguru is ‘teacher’s office.’ In April 2014, the founders of the company got the idea of providing online tutors for students online, and by August, the company registered more than a thousand teachers on the website.

The service they provide is mainly helping students with their school-related projects, foreign languages, music, sports, and many more.

Main Differences Between Brainly and Ruangguru

  1. The headquarters of the company Brainly is located in New York City, United States, while on the other hand, the headquarters of Ruangguru is located in Jakarta, Indonesia. 
  2. The area served by the company Brainly is around 35 countries, while Ruangguru mainly serves in Indonesia. 



Last Updated : 03 July, 2023

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10 thoughts on “Brainly vs Ruangguru: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article discusses the significant differences between Brainly and Ruangguru and also provides an informative comparison table, which is useful for those looking to understand their distinctions.

  2. It’s interesting how both Brainly and Ruangguru offer varied types of services for students. Their differences are apparent, and this article does an excellent job of outlining them.

  3. The details presented in the article about Brainly and Ruangguru are comprehensive and thoroughly explained. It’s a well-organized comparison between the two platforms.

  4. The information provided in the article about Brainly and Ruangguru is quite beneficial to understand what each platform offers. It presents them in a clear and organized manner.

  5. As the reader, I found the post informative and enlightening. The details provided about Brainly and Ruangguru are precise and well-explained.

  6. The article presents a well-structured comparison between Brainly and Ruangguru, from the languages they support to their areas of operation. The information is detailed and insightful.

  7. The article successfully discusses the substantial differences between Brainly and Ruangguru while also providing a brief history and overview of both platforms.

  8. The article provides detailed information about the differences between Brainly and Ruangguru, mentions everything from the languages they support to the subjects they offer and the areas they serve. It is a great summary.

  9. The article provides comprehensive details about both online learning platforms, Brainly and Ruangguru. It gives a clear insight into their services and features.


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