Lessonly vs Bridge: Difference and Comparison

Companies and different businesses need systems like LMS, LXP, etc., for a number of functions, especially for training programs and distributing information throughout the place.

Lessonly and Bridge are LMS learning platforms where people can start to get knowledge right from scratch to even expand.

Key Takeaways

  1. Lessonly is a learning management system that focuses on employee training, while Bridge is a talent management software that includes learning and development as one of its features.
  2. Lessonly provides interactive training content, assessments, and analytics, while Bridge offers a range of tools, including performance management and engagement surveys.
  3. Lessonly targets small to medium-sized businesses, while Bridge caters to larger organizations.

Lessonly vs Bridge

The difference between Lessonly and Bridge is that currently, Bridge has more count of features on its interference than Lessonly. The former platform has extra features like 360-degree feedback, real-time notifications, etc. Lessonly has other functions, but they are fewer.

Lessonly vs Bridge

Lessonly is an LMS, a learning management system. People use it to build the training course and distribute it to the employees of the company.

A bridge is performance and learning software. It is easy to navigate and claims to grow both the company and its employees, both the managers and the other employees.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonLessonlyBridge
FoundersEric Tobias, Kristian Andersen, Max Yoder, and Mike Fitzgerald.Brian Whitmer and Devlin Daley.
Year of discovery20122011
FeaturesIf to be compared with Bridge LMS, Lessonly has the fewer amount of features.The bridge is more featureful than Lessonly
SubscriptionsIt currently offers 4 subscription plans: Basic, Plus, Growth, and Enterprise.There are 3 plans offered by the company: Learning, Learning+performance, and Learning+Performance+Engagment.
Personalized featuresLessonly has less amount customizable forms of fonts, templates, etc.Bridge provides a variety of customization like customizable templates, questions, reports, etc.

What is Lessonly?

Lessonly is a training network designed to make the training part easier for businesses.

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There are four types of subscriptions now, with the higher ones being added with extra features like providing certificates to the users, etc., depending on the type of plan.

The software has four plans the subscription now: Basic, Plus, Growth, and Enterprise. Like other LMS, they bill per learner as well.

There are some features that make it worthwhile, like the option to record in-person training, providing a manager that will help new users on the platform, and many more.

What is Bridge?

The bridge is a learning and employment management system. The learning platform is by the company Instructure but is now operated by Learning Technologies Group after its purchase by the latter in the year 2021.

The software also has a mobile application and is compatible with popular internet browsers to use on desktops.

The information and the documents of the company can be easily regulated between the managers and trainees, which results in a faster end result and fewer chances of delay.

Main Differences Between Lessonly and Bridge

  1. Both companies provide SCORM files, but learners and managers have encountered problems with the Bridge software in comparison to the SCORM files on Lessonly.
  2. Until now, Lessonly has had fewer options to customize its tailored programs. On the other hand, Bridge has more diversity in customizing templates, reports, branding, questions, etc., on its lessons.
  1. https://books.google.co.in/books?id=a_NADwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=lms&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjrkeKi-prxAhXEYysKHavrAoIQ6AEwBXoECAYQAw#v=onepage&q=lms&f=false
  2. https://books.google.co.in/books?id=2kUlDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=online+education&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjghLfXm5fxAhX8xTgGHakGCogQ6AEwAnoECAMQAg

Last Updated : 04 July, 2023

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25 thoughts on “Lessonly vs Bridge: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The detailed comparison of Lessonly and Bridge is informative, shedding light on the unique features of both systems and their applications in organizational learning.

    • Agreed. The article accurately details the features and applications of each system, facilitating effective decision-making for businesses.

  2. The article is well-researched. It emphasizes the importance of tailored programs, giving comprehensive insights into the functionality of both systems.

  3. The in-depth comparison of Lessonly and Bridge provides valuable insights into each learning system, enabling organizations to assess their requirements effectively.

    • That’s true. The detailed analysis of features and functionality greatly assists decision-making in selecting an appropriate learning system.

    • Absolutely, the specific attributes of each system are well-explained, which is essential for organizations to make informed decisions.

  4. The article highlights the main differences between Lessonly and Bridge LMS, providing crucial knowledge for organizations to make informed choices.

    • Indeed, the comparison offers insights that are imperative for organizations aiming to enhance their learning and training programs.

    • Absolutely. The article’s thorough analysis assists in identifying the most suitable learning system based on specific organizational needs.

  5. The article offers a clear understanding of the unique aspects of Lessonly and Bridge LMS, emphasizing functionality and the range of features available.

  6. The comprehensive comparison of Lessonly and Bridge provides a profound understanding of the features and functionalities, aiding organizations in making well-informed decisions.

    • The well-researched comparison gives a clear view of the distinguishing aspects of each system, allowing organizations to make informed decisions.

    • Absolutely. The detailed analysis offers valuable insights for organizations to select the learning system best suited to their specific needs.

  7. Interesting differentiation between Lessonly and Bridge. It’s crucial to know the specifics of each platform and their main advantages.

    • Absolutely, the comparison provided in the article gives a clear understanding of the unique features of each system.

  8. The specific characteristics of Lessonly and Bridge are effectively highlighted in the article, providing a comprehensive understanding of the learning systems.

    • That’s true. The detailed insights offered in the article are beneficial for businesses in determining the appropriate learning system for their requirements.

    • Absolutely. Understanding the unique attributes of each system is crucial for organizations to select the most suitable learning platform.

  9. Provide an excellent comparison between the two learning systems. Lessonly and Bridge LMS are both productive, but it is essential to have in mind the different characteristics.

  10. The article provides valuable information on the features offered by both Lessonly and Bridge. The specific comparison is highly beneficial.

    • Absolutely, having an understanding of the features of each platform is crucial for organizations to make informed decisions.


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