Gene vs Allele: Difference and Comparison

We all have some talents, and we get praise for what we do. But these are the things that come from hereditary and will pass from generation to generation.

But these things are determined by genes, and the other one is an allele. They are the two factors that will form genes inside our chromosomes and are responsible for the in-built talents that we have.

Key Takeaways

  1. A gene is a segment of DNA that codes for a specific trait, while an allele is a variant form of a gene.
  2. Genes determine an organism’s characteristics, while alleles influence the variations within those characteristics.
  3. An individual inherits two alleles for each gene, one from each parent, which can result in different combinations of traits.

Gene vs Allele

Genes form the DNA structure, while alleles are variations of a gene. Genes determine the genotype in a person, whereas alleles determine the phenotype. Alleles occur in pairs, while Genes don’t. For instance, eye colour, or hair colour form genes, and alleles are brown hair or green eyes. 

Gene vs Allele

Genes are available inside the human being in their chromosomes. These genes will be inherited inside the baby at the time of its birth from both its father and mother. The genes will be formed with the help of DNA.

So later, people will take DNA tests as well to identify their children if they lost them somewhere and all. There are kinds as well as types of genes are available as well.

An allele will have either two pairs or multiple pairs, and their character will differ. They are also placed inside the chromosome, and they will always be in pairs. You cannot find a single allele.

These alleles, which are sometimes present in individual chromosomes, are responsible for our eye color. They are formed with the help of the mutation process or with alternative genes. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonGeneAllele
DefinitionIt will determine the human trait.It is a gene variant.
DeterminationOrganism’s genotypeOrganism’s phenotype
PairsThey are not in pairsThey are always in pairs
FormationDNAInside the gene

What is a Gene?

A gene is a term that is mainly used for describing heredity. The thing which is used in making genes is DNA. You can find the genes inside chromosomes. The shape of the genes will be like spaghetti noodles.

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The gene count per human is 20,000. Genes determine the way you act and speak. It is also responsible for your hair growth. If your family members have good hair growth from generation to generation, then you will also have perfect hair with full volume.

If your family history has some disease, then it will also spread from one generation to another generation. The reason behind this is genes. We get our set of genes only from our parents.

These genes will be arranged in particular order inside the chromosomes. They won’t be arranged clumsily. There are four types of genes available inside the human body.

And each one of them has a separate name. Your gene will be very tiny, and it requires a microscope to see them. 

But the size of these genes won’t be the same. They will differ even in their tiny sizes. Some genes will come only from a mother. And some other genes will come only from a father. They will slightly differ.

We can’t get all the genes from a single person. These genes will also determine our talents as well. Biology is the branch where they will be first taught. To get a clear understanding and to do good research, we need to take genetics subjects.


What is an Allele?

An allele is a gene, but it has two alternative genes. These are also available inside the chromosomes. These will be formed by the process of mutation. But the count is not exactly two at all times.

It may differ to many genes as well. They are mostly found in pairs, and at times, they are found in groups as well. If you have multiple alleles, then it will affect your expression.

In simple words, they are called our different versions. These different versions are from the same gene. This event determines our eye colors as well. For all the genes that we have in our human body, we will find their alleles.

The reason why we have two alleles is that our human bodies have two chromosomes, and these two chromosomes will have two different genes inside them. And these two genes will form a pair of alleles.  

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The character of an allele can sometimes be very dominating. In another case, it will be recessive and sometimes might be co-dominant as well to the other partner of that pair.

This could become your favourite topic if you are interested in genetics and biology. But for that, you have to take genetic engineering or something related to genetics in your higher studies.

So that you will get permission from the lab to research this topic.

recessive allele

Main Differences Between a Gene and an Allele

  1. Genes are present inside the chromosome and are formed by DNA. On the other hand, alleles are found in two pairs inside the genes and require the process of mutation and alternative chromosomes.
  2. A gene is mainly used for determining the organism’s genotype. On the other hand, an allele is used to determine the organism’s phenotype.
  3. A gene is found inside the chromosome. Likewise, an allele is also found inside the chromosome.
  4. There are 4 different types of genes available in the human body. But there are only 2 types of alleles available in the human body.
  5. Genes are for determining our traits and talents. On the other hand, alleles are used for phenotype expression diversion.

Last Updated : 09 August, 2023

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25 thoughts on “Gene vs Allele: Difference and Comparison”

  1. I appreciate how this article explains the role of genes in determining our characteristics and traits. Genetics is such an intriguing field of study.

    • The discussion on how genes are arranged on chromosomes and their different types provides a clear insight into their complexities.

  2. The article’s comparison table is a great visual aid to explain the differences between genes and alleles. It’s a well-rounded piece pertaining to the subject.

    • The concise manner in which genes and alleles are explained makes this article an excellent resource for diving into genetics and heredity.

    • I agree. The article delves into the subject with great detail and covers relevant examples to provide a clearer understanding.

  3. The article does a good job of breaking down the difference between genes and alleles in a way that’s easy to understand for those without a scientific background.

    • The examples provided to illustrate the concepts were very helpful, especially when discussing traits such as eye color or hair color.

  4. The detailed explanations provided here are beneficial for individuals trying to familiarize themselves with the concepts of genes and alleles. The real-world applications are helpful.

    • I particularly enjoyed the discussions on gene inheritance from parents and how they contribute to traits within a family lineage.

  5. This article provides a clear and in-depth view of genes and alleles, offering an educational piece suitable for anyone interested in learning about genetic fundamentals.

    • The references to real-life hereditary traits tied to genes and alleles help in visualizing and understanding the concepts more effectively.

    • The detailed knowledge shared here is insightful and can serve as the perfect introduction to anyone seeking an understanding of genetic inheritance.

  6. The explanation on how alleles influence our phenotype and how they are tied to gene mutation is very intriguing. It’s a great read for those interested in genetics.

    • Understanding the mechanisms of genes and alleles is crucial for understanding hereditary patterns and genetic inheritance. Very well explained here.

    • I found the section on multiple alleles and their interaction in influencing physical traits particularly interesting. This article covers a lot of ground on the subject.

  7. This article is a commendable piece of information on genes, alleles, and their inherited traits. The comprehensive coverage is exceptionally valuable for those with an interest in understanding genetics.

    • The mention of how genes play a role in determining our unique talents and inherited diseases is noteworthy and adds depth to the discussion.

  8. This is a very clear and informative explanation of Genes and Alleles. I think the author has done a great job helping the public understand complex genetic concepts.

    • Genetic studies are essential to understand human evolution and hereditary patterns. This article is a great starting point for anyone interested in the subject.

  9. The article offers a comprehensive view of genes and alleles, and how they contribute to the inheritance of traits from one generation to another. It’s fascinating to learn about.

    • Explaining the concepts of genes and alleles through real-world examples makes it easier to grasp their influence on hereditary traits. Well done!

    • The comparison table is a great summary to highlight the key differences between genes and alleles. It really helps in understanding the material better.

  10. The article effectively communicates complex genetic concepts in a way that’s accessible and easy to comprehend. It’s an informative read for anyone looking to learn more about genes and alleles.


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