BDC vs Call Transaction: Difference and Comparison

BDC or Batch Data Communication and Call Transaction are methods of interfacing strategy. One can run over numerous contrasts between BDC and Call Transaction.

The handling is delayed in Batch Data Communication when contrasted with the preparing speed in call transactions. When managing mistakes, both Batch Data Communication and Call Transaction have their particulars.

Key Takeaways

  1. BDC (Batch Data Communication) transfers large amounts of data while Call Transaction is used to automate the process of entering data.
  2. BDC requires a program to convert data into a specific format, while Call Transaction uses pre-defined screens and fields for data entry.
  3. BDC is used for mass data transfers, while Call Transaction is used for automating repetitive tasks.

BDC vs Call Transaction

A BDC is a team of sales representatives who generate new leads and convert them into customers. They use channels like phones, email, etc. A call transaction is a process of providing customer support and solving issues. It involves a customer calling a company’s support to seek assistance.

BDC vs Call Transaction

BDC or Batch Data Communication is a batch interfacing strategy that SAP created. It is mostly utilized for transferring information into the SAP R/3 framework.

BDC works by reproducing the client input from a value-based screen using an ABAP program.

Call Transaction: The exchanges are set off at the hour of preparing themselves; thus, the ABAP program should take the mistake taken care of.

It can likewise be utilized for ongoing interfaces and custom mistake taking care of and logging highlights.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonBDCCall Transaction
Error DealingIn BDC, error dealing is finished by the framework by making of mistake log.In call transactions, error dealing has to be done expressly by the program by utilizing structure BDCMSGCOLL. 
MeasureIt is utilized for an enormous measure of information. It is ideal for less measure of information. 
Communication TypeInformation handling is Asynchronous. Information handling is Synchronous. 
Data SetData set updates are coordinated. Data set updates are coordinated/nonconcurrent. 
UtilizationVarious exchanges can be utilized.Just a single exchange can be utilized.

What is BDC?

BDC or batch data communication is a method utilizing heritage information or information stacking into the SAP framework, which isn’t refreshed in the SAP frameworks.

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For instance, if the organization chooses to adjust its frameworks and techniques to SAP and introduces SAP, it should transfer a gigantic volume of information that is a piece of its inheritance frameworks or old frameworks into the SAP framework.

This strategy is done through BDC.

BDC meetings, which are otherwise called Batch Input Sessions, are utilized to stack heritage information into the SAP framework and perform profoundly redundant errands that include information passage.

BDC meeting mimics the online section, everything being equal, exchanges approvals that are remembered for every exchange. 

To perform a BDC exchange, a developer needs to physically look at the whole exchange interestingly. He should take note of every field – including subtleties like the field’s name, type, and length.

Software engineer needs to compose a bunch of input program to arrange the whole approaching information into a BDC table.

SAP works on the whole cycle by utilizing BDC Recording. BDC Recording is an element that is remembered for SAP R/3 frameworks.

In BDC Recording, a client records an example exchange, and Importer Wizard arranges the recording into the construction of a type tree.

The tree is then utilized in Map Designer, which maps the whole information straightforwardly into the BDC table arrangement. This is then prepared altogether by the BDC meeting program.


What is Call Transaction?

Call Transaction is a strategy like meeting strategy, while group input is a two-stage methodology. Call transaction does the two stages online, one just after the other, and we can restart the framework.

The main parts of the CALL TRANSACTION USING interface are: – Synchronous preparing – Transfers information for a solitary exchange – Synchronous and offbeat data set refreshing both conceivable.

The program indicates which sort of refreshing is wanted. Separate LUW for the exchange the framework plays out a data set submitted preceding and after the CALL TRANSACTION USING explanation. – No bunch input preparing log is produced. 

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In the Call Transaction technique, we call the exchange in the BDC program itself. Assuming we need this program to be executed by another person, we need to open the code to him.

Call Transaction Method Works in Foreground. No Display Mode is equivalent to Background Processing in the call transaction technique.

Call Transaction Method can deal with just a single application at a time. In the Call Transaction Method, there is no Log File, of course. We need to configure the Log File by utilizing BDCMSGCOLL.

Call Transaction Method Updates the Database Asynchronously. In this method, the information gets refreshed automatically in the call transaction.

call transaction

Main Differences Between  BDC and Call Transaction

  1. The main part of the BDC interface is Asynchronous preparation. Then again, the main part of the Call Transaction interface is simultaneous handling. 
  2. In BDC, no new exchange will be begun till the past exchange has been totally kept in touch with the information base. In Call Transaction, the exchanges occur at the hour of handling itself.
  3. At the point when Batch Data Communication moves enormous measure of information, call transaction just exchanges a limited quantity of information. 
  4. The handling is delayed in Batch Data Communication when contrasted with the preparation speed in call transactions.
  5. In BDC, information isn’t refreshed as data set tables. In Call Transaction, quick updating in the database is excepted in the meeting handled table.

Last Updated : 04 September, 2023

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8 thoughts on “BDC vs Call Transaction: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article’s detailed analysis of BDC and Call Transaction is an excellent resource for SAP professionals. The depth of the comparison and inclusion of real-world examples makes it highly valuable.

  2. The comparison table simplifies the complex differences between BDC and Call Transaction methods. The article provides a scholarly discussion on their usage and error handling.

  3. This detailed comparison reveals the fine nuances of BDC and Call Transaction. Its relevance to real-world scenarios makes this article an important resource for understanding these SAP interfacing strategies.

  4. Thank you for providing valuable insights into the SAP interface strategies. The detailed description of BDC and Call Transaction’s usage and processing has expanded my knowledge in this area.

  5. The detailed explanation of BDC and Call Transaction is truly remarkable. The methodical comparison of their parameters and use cases is very impressive.

  6. This article gives a detailed understanding of BDC and Call Transaction. The real-world examples are of great help in understanding the practical application of these methods.

  7. This article provides a valuable and comprehensive comparison between BDC and Call Transaction. The insights on their processing, error dealing and communication type are really insightful and useful for SAP professionals.

  8. The distinction between BDC and Call Transaction is excellently described. The methodical organization of their differences and practical examples adds depth to the understanding of these methods.


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