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Cheese and paneer are both milk products that form after the coagulation of milk. Cheese has its own wide variety, and some cheese could even taste like paneer.

Key Takeaways

  1. Cheese is a dairy product made from the coagulation of milk proteins through enzymes or bacterial cultures. At the same time, paneer is a fresh, non-melting cheese made by curdling milk with an acidic substance like lemon juice or vinegar.
  2. Cheese has a wide range of flavors and textures because it’s aged for various periods; paneer is an unaged cheese with a mild taste and firm, crumbly texture.
  3. Cheese production includes a ripening process, contributing to its diverse characteristics; paneer production lacks this step, making it simpler and quicker to prepare.

Cheese vs Paneer

Cheese is a dairy product that comprises proteins and fat from milk. It is aged and can have a strong, sharp taste as well as high-fat content. It involves emulsification and can be both hard and soft. Paneer is a fresh unsalted, uncured soft cheese made from full-fat buffalo milk or cow milk.

Cheese vs Paneer

Cheese is a milk product. It is a whole food which means it can be super unhealthy if consumed in large quantities. Cheese contains a high level of calories.

Paneer is also a milk product that can be easily made at home by solidifying hot milk using lactic acids. Paneer is said to be an origin from Persians and Afghans.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonCheesePaneer
PreparationIt is coagulated with the help of rennet.It is coagulated with the help of vinegar, lemon juice, curd, etc.
HealthIt is less healthy compared to paneer.It is healthy compared to cheese.
TextureIt is soft and smooth.It is fluffy and crumbly.
TypesThere are various types of cheese.Paneer has no types.
Consumed inIt is consumed all over the world.It is mostly consumed in South Asian countries.

What is Cheese?

Cheese is a dairy product. It is made from the milk of cows, buffalos, goats, and sheep. Cheese is a rich source of protein, calcium, zinc, vitamin-A, fat, etc.

Cheese has a wide variety, such as mozzarella, cheddar, feta, cotija, hard cheese, blue cheese, Roquefort, Parmesan cheese, etc.

Cheese could be freshly made and eaten. However, many kinds of cheese can even be consumed after months and years of their manufacture.

Countries like France, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland have the highest cheese consumption when compared to the entire world.

Cheese, however, may lead to various health risks if consumed in large quantities. High fat and cholesterol in cheese can lead to cardiovascular diseases.


What is Paneer?

Paneer is a dairy product that is produced in factories and farms. Paneer can be easily made as a home as well.

Paneer is consumed in countries like India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Many of the dishes of north India comprise the use of paneer.

Paneer is very healthy as it contains vitamin D, calcium, essential fats, and proteins. Paneer is used in dishes like paneer tikka, paneer chilly, paneer momos, paneer butter, etc.

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Freshly made paneer is also used to make several sweets. Paneer easily absorbs spices and seasoning mixed with it and easily gets blended with vegetables to give a soft texture to any dish.


Main Differences Between Cheese and Paneer

  1. Cheese is even consumed after months and years of its manufacture, whereas paneer is mostly consumed when fresh.
  2. Cheese does melt at room temperature or at high temperature, whereas paneer to not melt. Hence cheese can not be fried, but paneer is fried to make various types of dishes.
Difference Between Cheese and Paneer

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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.