Desktop vs Laptop: Difference and Comparison

People made technology to ease out their manual work and to save time and energy of people. Technology is used in every sphere of life these days.

Computers were invented in the 19th century; this was the greatest invention of all time, leading to world steps in digital space. Charles Babbage invented computers, and computers were further developed after this invention.

Earlier computers were not accessible to all due to their great size and cost, but these days having a computer is cliche and has become a daily need rather than a luxury.

Key Takeaways

  1. Desktop computers are stationary computing systems designed at a single location, offering more powerful components and greater expandability.
  2. Laptop computers are portable, compact computing devices with integrated screens, keyboards, and trackpads, optimized for mobility and ease of use.
  3. Both desktop and laptop computers serve as personal computing devices, but they differ in their form factors, portability, and performance capabilities.

Desktop vs Laptop

The difference between desktops and laptops is their portability. Desktops and laptops serve the same in terms of work. Both of them are similar but not the same.

Desktop vs Laptop


Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonDesktopLaptop
Power to switch onWorks on electricity through wall socketsWorks on batteries
PortabilityNot so portablePortable
Storage capacityHigh storageLow storage
Components (keyboard, CPU, mouse, etc.)External componentsBuilt-in components
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What is Desktop?

A desktop computer is suitable for graphical users’ workspace on a software operating system like the window desktop. Desktop consists of external components like a keyboard, CPU, mouse, monitor etc.

It works on software operating systems like windows.

Desktops are powered by a grounded electrical source, a wall socket, which also means that the desktop will not work if there is a power cut. If the desktop is not configured for wifi, bluetooth has the necessary ports for USB or HDMI, most probably installed manually.

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Desktops are a more robust choice for gaming and video productions as they have more powerful processors and ample data storage. Data can be stored on the desktop; if there is a lack of space, the hard drive can be replaced manually.

This is one of the advantages of a desktop.

Installation of desktops is manual; all the devices( keyboard, mouse, CPU, etc..) are assembled and connected through HDMI or USB cables. Desktops are not expensive these days as more developed systems are present in the market, which have reduced the value of desktops to some extent.

The limitation of desktops is their size and portability. They are not easily portable as they are set up in one place and it is stationary at one desk.

There should be proper arrangement of some wanted desktops at home or office. Desktops are preferred for offices as their storage work is more and also the graphical works.

Desktop maintenance is not expensive as its components are not too expensive. It sometimes does not require expertise as external presence makes the desktop’s components easily detachable.


What is Laptop?

The laptop is all in one computer that uses batteries or AC power. As the name suggests, a laptop can be used by just keeping it on a lap.

Laptops were invented back in 1981 by Adam Osborne. Laptops acted as substitutes for desktops.

As desktops have several limitations in terms of their portability and size.

Laptops can be defined as compact and portable computers. There are no such external components like a mouse, CPU or UPS.

They act as fully functional units without any connected devices or power.

Laptops have lower specs than desktops. Laptops are somewhat weak processors as they have size limitations to fit the portability.

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Laptops are available in the market in various sizes depending on their functions and performance. There are several brands which manufacture laptops.

The cost of laptops is certainly higher than desktops, and even their maintenance is high because it needs expertise due to their built-in components.

Laptops are low in storage sometimes as they do not have replaceable hard drives, which is a limitation or can be considered a compromise for its portability.

Installation of laptops is easy; they do not need any external component to be attached and thus need to power open before being ready for use. Laptops are not preferred for gaming as they may need more processing than a desktop which low processors do not approve of laptops.


Main Differences Between Desktop and Laptop

  1. Desktops need more space and time for installation, whereas laptops are easy to use and need no fixed place.
  2. Desktops have external components like monitors, UPS, CPU or keyboards, etc. At the same time, laptops have built-in components like keyboards and touchpads.
  3. Desktops need full installation before use; however, laptops are ready to use and do not need manual installation.
  4. Desktops have high storage capacity with replaceable hard drives, whereas laptops do not have a high storage capacity as compared to desktops and do not have irreplaceable hard drives.
  5. Desktops do not need high maintenance or do not need any high expertise, whereas laptops need high maintenance and do need expertise.
Difference Between Desktop and Laptop

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.