Flutter vs Angular: Difference and Comparison

Although Google develops Flutter and Angular, they still have a lot of differences. Both these platforms are UI software but written in different languages.

Flutter uses DART and C languages to create various applications, whereas Angular uses HTML and Typescript for the same work to meet the client’s expectations.

Both these open-source frameworks target different demographics.

Key Takeaways

  1. Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework that uses the Dart programming language, while Angular is a web application development framework that uses TypeScript.
  2. Flutter allows developers to create mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase, while Angular is primarily used for web application development.
  3. Flutter uses a widget-based architecture to create user interfaces, while Angular uses a component-based architecture.

Flutter vs Angular

The difference between Flutter and Angular is that they both work on discrete writing platforms. Though Angular is slower than Flutter, it still possesses more stability than its peer.

Regarding performance, Flutter is faster and less complex than Angular.

Flutter vs Angular

Flutter is a single system-based language that uses different components to build an application. It is still undergoing its development currently and is somewhat unstable.

However, due to its better execution, developers still use it widely. Flutter works on four different components to create an SDK platform.

Angular creates applications through HTML and Javascript languages, making it superior in terms of stability. It majorly includes six components to build applications.

Angular is a recognized source used extensively for its stability and excellent framework results.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonFlutterAngular
Source LanguageAll the Flutter applications are written in Dart, with their Flutter engines working in C++.It uses HTML structure and JS to create the anatomy of its applications.
PerformanceFlutter performs better using the same ARM code for iOS and Android.Angular needs to rebuild the same application from Android to iOS.
UsabilityWhen it comes to usability, it is slightly less stable.Regarding usability, Angular stands out from the crowd due to its high stability features.
ComponentsFlutter uses components like Flutter Engine, Dart platform, Foundation library, and Operating system design-specific widgets to construct the applications.It uses components like Data Binding, Type Components, Dependency Injection, and Service Components to build the applications.
Development and UserbaseDue to its unstable nature, it’s still undergoing development every day.Angular has a massive userbase currently and also going through an evolution to increase its performance and speed.
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What is Flutter?

Flutter is a cross-platform framework targetting Android, iOS, Web, Desktop, etc. It includes four components: the Dart platform, Flutter engine, Foundation library, and Flutter DevTools to create an application.

Flutter uses only DART for creating all sorts of applications. With the codename Sky, Flutter unveiled its first version at the Dart Developer Summit of 2015.

Flutter is a complete software development kit (SDK) that is still changing to create a more stable platform for its users. It also uses some design-specific widgets to create a properly working application.

Flutter engines use C++ as their primary writing language with the help of Google’s Skia graphic engine. It is a graphics library initially developed by Skia inc but taken over by Google in 2005.

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Flutter’s foundation library, formulated in DART, gives it sources and features to create applications smoothly.

It also includes two different design-specific widgets, Material design widgets and Cupertino widgets, to generate new designs.

Material design widget primarily uses Google’s design language, whereas Cupertino widgets use iOS human interface guidelines (HIG).

What is Angular?

AngularJs, popularly known as Angular, is a web front-end framework. It uses the general HTML structure and Typescript language to build web applications. It is more stable than its rival, Flutter.

It uses components like Data binding, Type Components, Service components, Provider Components, etc., to build an application.

Components like Filter components and Dependency Injection are also used as the construction segments for the user interface.

Also, Angular is established by a group of engineers with the idea of creating a futuristic platform for developers.

Apps like Google Voice, Google Transparency Report, Google Open Source, Messages, and Keen are made with Angular frameworks.

Angular is easy to understand if the user is well-versed in Javascript. Initially, Angular was solely written in JS in 2012 when it was introduced in the market by Google.

It underwent modifications with Data binding and other concepts, allowing developers to use and invent their HTML tags.

The concept of Dependency Injection expedites the codes reusable and testable for other application components.

Main Differences Between Flutter and Angular

  1. Flutter is written using Dart and C++, whereas Angular apps are written using HTML and Javascript. Both frameworks use different programming languages to build their applications.
  2. When it comes to performance, Flutter is quite ahead of Angular. Flutter has a long way to go under development right now.
  3. Angular is more stabilized and is preferred by developers these days. Flutter is still dealing with stability issues currently.
  4. Since Flutter is easy to use and doesn’t require rebuilds on different operating systems, it is slightly ahead of Angular in these terms.
  5. Angular is a framework, whereas Flutter is a complete SDK (Software Development Kit). Also, Angular is a front-end framework, but Flutter works towards a cross-platform framework.
Difference Between Flutter and Angular
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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.