Flutter vs Java: Difference and Comparison

Since the technology has taken a new fold towards development, new and advanced frameworks have been introduced to reduce the future complexities of making modern mobile applications for IOS and Android.

Among the many, flutter and Java has emerged as one of the finest frameworks the developers have developed. If any of these perfect works, why do we need another? Let’s see their definitions and differences.

Key Takeaways

  1. Flutter is a mobile app development framework, while Java is a programming language for various applications.
  2. Flutter offers a hot reload feature for faster development, while Java requires compiling before deployment.
  3. Flutter uses Dart programming language, while Java uses its language, making it more suitable for developing mobile apps.
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Flutter vs Java

The difference between Flutter and Java is that the first is a cross-platform framework developed by Google in 2015. In contrast, Java is an object-oriented language for desktop, mobile, and web applications and the most widely used language by developers.

It was developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems and released in 1995.

Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit (SDK) meant to design mobile applications for Linux, iOS, Mac, Windows, etc.

To make a rapid application for the web or any other desktop application, Dart programming language is used and implemented for faster speed and accuracy.

It is free to use and an open UI framework maintained by ECMA standards.

Java was developed way long before many languages came into existence. It is used for computing platforms and developing mobile, web application and many more platforms.

Much of the work is done through Java, and many applications won’t work without the codes. Java is faster, more secure, and a source to rely on.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonFlutterJava
TypeCross-platform applications can be developed with the Flutter tool.It uses a set of instructions called codes or a program to design Cross-platform applications.
Year of developmentThis was developed and unveiled in 2015 by Google.It was developed in 1995 by James Gosling.
CodeFlutter uses Dart programming to write codes.Java is a language that uses codes.
Source to obtainDeveloped by Google, it is open-source.
Developed by Sun Microsystems, it is free to use.
PerformanceIt provides material design and gives out effective UI
It does not give much expressible UI and doesn’t give material design.

What is Flutter?

Designing an app depends on the platform it is working on. Flutter is a tool or a framework that is a Cross-platform development of applications.

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Flutter is fast and beautiful because of its UI response in nature. The language used by Flutter is the Dart language. It is similar to other languages like Kotlin and Swift.

The major property of Flutter a Hot-Reloading. It means that whenever a developer changes the code, it reflects as the output on the spot.

Besides, you must write code once, and deployment onto any platform or OS is possible. The property of Cross-platform framework.

The performance by Flutter is great. Gives out 60fps (frame per second) on a device.

It is because it was developed by one of the strongest search engines, Google.
Also, the UI is very responsive. That makes the design appreciable.

It provides material designs and has a single codebase. It also allows quick prototyping for development. It is free, and anyone can access this framework without any charges.

It has an open-source community that keeps developing it for a better user experience.

What is Java?

Java is a Cross-platform set of instructions or codes which helps a developer make and develop Mobile, web, and desktop applications.

Java has a vast set of libraries to develop applications, making the coding and development part robust and easy. Also, it is widely used in the field of Technology.

Java is easy to learn and has applications. The syntax, logic, and implementation part is not as hard as expected. It runs on various platforms like JDK, eclipse, etc.

In Java, you can easily manage the code, and it also has an excellent tooling part. A course of a few months can take a beginner or a learner to an advanced programmer and can join the developer team too.

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Developed by James Gosling in 1995, it was initially developed for interactive television, but it seemed an updated part as the televisions supported cable systems.

The language is robust in nature, portable, platform-independent, Simple and much more.

Java’s dynamic nature and multi-threading nature make it accessible and a preferable choice by developers. Currently, Java is used in internet programming, mobile devices, games, and e-commerce websites.

It was developed at Sun Microsystems in 1995 and was believed to be one the best 10 products of that year.


Main Differences Between Flutter and Java

  1. Java has a huge set of libraries, making it more dynamic, whereas Flutter is a cross-platform language developed by Google on Dart.
  2. Flutter provides materialistic designs and an effective and responsive UI design that gives a better idea while developing, but in the case of Java, it is unavailable. Neither the material part nor any UI design thing.
  3. Flutter gives out more precise results in lesser time as compared to Java.
  4. Flutter is new in the market and was launched by Google, so the developers are less than the latter. Java came into the market, making it a bit more powerful and large numbers of developers are available.
  5. The specific advantage of Flutter over Java is the hot reloading aspect. While In the case of Flutter, the response after the changes made in the code is swift and visible, but in Java, it takes time since the developers work on it.
Difference Between Flutter and Java
  1. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1530/1/012020/meta
  2. https://edelivery.oracle.com/otn-pub/jcp/jls-7-mr3-fullv-oth-JSpec/JLS-JavaSE7-Full.pdf

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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21 thoughts on “Flutter vs Java: Difference and Comparison”

  1. While the comparison is informative, it would be beneficial to include examples of real-world use cases for both Flutter and Java. Practical applications would enhance the understanding of these frameworks.

    • I see your point, Holly. Real-world examples would illustrate how Flutter and Java are utilized in different projects, giving readers a more concrete understanding.

  2. The article gives a great overview of the evolution and features of both Flutter and Java. It’s fascinating to see how these frameworks have developed over the years.

  3. The article effectively highlights the key strengths and unique selling points of both Flutter and Java. It’s an enlightening read for anyone interested in app development.

    • Absolutely, Jason. The article provides an in-depth analysis of these frameworks, offering valuable knowledge for aspiring developers and industry professionals alike.

  4. This article provides a comprehensive comparison between Flutter and Java, highlighting their key differences and advantages. It’s very informative and useful for developers.

    • I totally agree with you, Courtney. The article does a great job of explaining the two frameworks in a clear and concise manner.

  5. I appreciate the detailed comparison table, which makes it easy to understand the key differences between Flutter and Java. It’s a great visual aid for readers.

    • Yes, the comparison table is very helpful, Lucy. It simplifies the complex technical details and presents them in a user-friendly format.

  6. The article’s comparison table succinctly summarizes the key points of difference between Flutter and Java, making it easier to grasp the core distinctions between these frameworks.

    • I completely agree, Charles. The comparison table is a valuable resource for those seeking a quick understanding of Flutter and Java’s contrasting features.

  7. I’m not convinced that Flutter’s hot reload feature makes it better than Java. Both frameworks have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice should be based on the specific project requirements.

    • I disagree, Nathan. Flutter’s hot reload is a significant advantage in terms of speeding up the development process. It’s a game-changer for many developers.

    • I see your point, Nathan. It’s important to consider the unique needs of each project before deciding on a development framework.

  8. The technical details about the performance and features of Flutter and Java are presented clearly in the article. It’s an insightful analysis for developers and tech enthusiasts.

    • Absolutely, Aaron. The article delves into the nuanced aspects of these frameworks, shedding light on their capabilities and limitations.

  9. It’s interesting to learn about the historical background and origins of both Flutter and Java. The article provides a comprehensive context for understanding their development.

    • I share your sentiment, Danielle. The historical insights add depth to the comparison, contextualizing the evolution of these frameworks.

  10. The article effectively explains the unique features and benefits of both Flutter and Java. It’s a well-researched and comprehensive analysis of these frameworks.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Mason. The article provides valuable insights into the strengths of each framework, allowing readers to make informed decisions.


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