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Computer games are an industry. They have superior experience types like PS3, Xbox, and Wii. The most popular game in the gaming industry is Knothole island.

It is easily downloadable and is loved by gamers for its interface. Knothole Island is available in two main versions – the free version and the premium version.

Key Takeaways

  1. The free version only allows access to Knothole Island’s main area and some quests, while the premium version provides full access to all quests, locations, and items.
  2. The premium version features exclusive weapons, clothing, and hairstyles not available in the free version.
  3. The premium version allows players to change the weather on Knothole Island, which is impossible in the free version.

Free Version vs Premium Version of Knothole Island

Free version of Knothole Island provides players with basic features without the DLC, and they can play with co-op players that have the premium version. Premium version of Knothole Island comes with exclusive features like food, potions, melee weapons, and others for editing the appearance of the character.

Free Version vs Premium Version of Knothole Island

The free version of the knothole island provides a few basic features of the game. It does not provide full access to the continent. It allows the users to play without the DLC.

The free version users can play with co-op players who have purchased and have access to the premium version. However, the free DLC cannot be downloadable.

On the other hand, the premium version of knothole island provides advanced high-level features.

Some exclusive features in the premium version are food, potions, trophies, augments, dyes, melee weapons, ranged weapons, clothing, and other miscellaneous items like a bow wow collar and cascading hair for character development.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonFree Version of Knothole IslandPremium Version of Knothole Island
Plan priceRequires no pointsRequires 800 Microsoft Points
TrophiesFew basic features of hunting are available without any trophiesIce key, sun key, and storm key
ClothingThere is no customization of clothes of the characterThere are several varieties to choose from in headgear, coats, hands, upper body, lower body, masks, and feet
CharactersHenchmanChieftain, Jessica, and Gordon
BooksThere is no availability of books10 volumes of books covering the history of knothole island are available

What is the Free Version of Knothole Island?

Knothole Island is available in a free version. It is free of cost and can be accessed by any player. The free version of Knothole island provides a few basic features but not deep advanced features of island exploration.

It allows the players to play as henchmen, and not enough character customization is possible.

The free version of Knothole island limits several accessibility features for the players. It gives the provision for a new continent but does not provide every option, hence restricting the excitement of the players. Many features also require a co-op.

A co-op is another cooperative team-mate that may have a premium version and help the existing user with the accessibility of a few features. This requires necessary updates from the game’s side.

The free version can be easily downloadable from the Xbox Live marketplace.

The free version allows the users to play without the DLC. The free version users can play with co-op players who have purchased and have access to the premium version. However, the free DLC cannot be downloadable.

The free version is best for beginners so that they can have an essence and idea about the game plan and practice without paying any price. After they excel and have learnt a few techniques, players can go ahead with the premium version.

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What is the Premium Version of Knothole Island?

Knothole Island is available in a premium version. It is a paid subscription plan to access the game. 800 Microsoft points or MS can avail the content of the premium version.

It has a dynamic environment. There are constant changes in the environment and the island depending upon the action of the Hero.

The Premium version of Knothole island has the provision of exclusive features like the addition of different guests (maximum three), change in attire and costumes of the characters, and addition of new weapons.

It provides six new weapons. It also has numerous magic potions that can change the looks of the hero completely. Even the weapons can be personalized like a knight in shining armour.

Most of the clothes of the characters are available for trade in the Box of Secrets Shop. There are many characters like Chieftain, Jessica, and Gordon. The chieftain is a politician, Jessica owns the Box of Secrets, and Gordon is a submarine captain.

The Premium version offers various weather quests. Three major weather quests are big freeze, huge heat, and drowning. The Premium version also offers an exclusive activity for collecting ten lost volumes of the history of Knothole Island.

The collection of all ten volumes can provide achievement and access to the next advanced levels.

Main Differences Between the Free Version and Premium Version of Knothole Island

  1. The free version only allows hunting, while the paid version allows special privileges and features.
  2. The free version of Knothole island does not allow attire customization, while the Premium version allows attire and costume customization.
  3. The free version of Knothole island does not allow island guests, while the Premium version can access island guests.
  4. The free version does not allow weapon customization, while the premium version allows weapon customization.
  5. The free version does not demand any points to access any feature or option, while the premium version needs 800 Microsoft Points or MS to access the various features.
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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.