Hotel vs B&B: Difference and Comparison

While out for vacation, long or short, we opt for hotels, motels or B&B to rest and spend the nights. The difference between hotels and B&B is very prominent, the former is a corporate set-up, and the latter is a homely space to stay in.

Key Takeaways

  1. Hotels offer many amenities and services, while B&Bs (Bed & Breakfasts) provide a more intimate, home-like atmosphere.
  2. B&Bs have fewer rooms and more personalized service, while hotels can accommodate more guests.
  3. B & Bs include breakfast in the room rate, whereas hotels offer various dining options at an additional cost.

Hotel vs B&B

Hotels offer a range of services and amenities and they cater to a variety of customers, including business travelers, families, and tourists. B&Bs (Bed and Breakfast ) offer a cozy and intimate atmosphere with limited rooms and a personalized touch, providing a warm and welcoming experience.

Hotel vs BB

Hotels are luxury places as these are part of chained companies and thus do not have one individual owner. Everything in the hotels is formal and professional.

You can stay for a long time in hotels, and it offers complimentary breakfast at times.

B&B or Bed and Breakfast is exactly what it sounds like; it is a place to stay at night when you go on short trips, and the complimentary breakfast is served the next morning. The environment of a B&B is very informal and homely. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonHotel B&B
Owner The breakfast offered by the B&B is informal, but the quality of the food is gourmet.In most cases, B&B is owned independently.
Nature of breakfastThe breakfast offered by the hotels is formal and sterile.The owners cook the meals provided by B&Bs and do not include a lot of options.
Range of breakfastHotels provide a great range of breakfast foods.Besides the room, other facilities are available in a hotel in exchange for extra money.
ChargesHotels have a decided rate for the room and offer discounts occasionally.B&B decides its rates based on the current situation of the season.
Other facilitiesB&B mainly provide other small facilities free of cost.B&B mostly provide other small facilities free of cost.
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What is Hotel?

Large companies own hotels and the renowned ones also have several branches. The complimentary breakfast served in hotels is no less than a large feast.

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Many varieties on the menu are available here, and the hotel management appoints professional chefs to cook the food items. Hotels have the setup of apartments.

The rooms share similarities, and the decor of the rooms is identical as well.

As the hotels are part of the business chain, different hotels in different places under the same brand name follow the same theme to convey uniformity.

Hotels got you covered with all their equipment and services. The hotel staff takes care of all the daily chores.

Other amenities requested by the guests are also taken seriously by the staff and done accordingly.


What is B&B?

B&B stands for Bed and Breakfast. It has a homely atmosphere and is mainly owned by people individually. This is a place for a night stay, and breakfast is served as complimentary the following day.

This comfortable staying place is commonly enjoyed for one or two nights.

The complimentary breakfast is made by the owners only, and though the food is not professional, its quality is not compromised.

Anything we consume at home will be available here, for instance, eggs, meats, fruits, cereals etc.

B&Bs are essentially houses that are rented to guests for business purposes. Here the guests will experience the warmth that a hotel lacks.

The staff of the B&Bs, in most cases, belong to the same family and come together to take care of the visitors. There is no place for proper behaviour or service.

The prices of B&B are decided based on the season. If it is peak season, the costs will be high, but they will be very cheap and affordable in the off-season.

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Main Differences Between Hotels and B&B

  1. Generally, hotels are chains that large multinational companies own, but independent owners own B&B.
  2. The breakfast in different hotels is formal, sterile, and cooked by professional chefs. Contradictorily, the breakfast offered by the B&B is informal. However, no compromise gets made in the quality and purity of the food.
  3. Hotels also serve a great range of breakfast foods with several options of cereals, different types of bread and juices, but B&B, on the other hand, does not serve many options, as the owners cook the food.
  4. Hotels have a decided rate for the room and offer discounts depending on the special occasions, and the room rates of B&B get decided based on the current season.
  5. Besides the room, if the visitors want other facilities, they have to pay extra, but B&B is known to offer those services free.
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Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.