Islam vs Buddhism: Difference and Comparison

There are many religions followed all across the world. Some countries are even considered religious countries based on the fact that maximum people residing in that country practice the same religion.

There are many religions like Islamism, Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, etc. They have many differences as compared to the similarity. Here are a few differences between Buddhism and Islam.

Key Takeaways

  1. Islam is a monotheistic religion founded by the Prophet Muhammad, emphasizing submission to Allah and following the Five Pillars of Islam.
  2. Buddhism is a non-theistic religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), centered on the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path to achieve enlightenment.
  3. Islam worships a single deity, while Buddhism emphasizes personal spiritual development.

Islam vs Buddhism

Islam is a monotheistic religion founded in the 7th century by the prophet Muhammad in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Its central religious text is the Quran, which Muslims believe is the word of God revealed to Muhammad. Buddhism is a non-theistic religion that originated in ancient India and was founded by Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha. 

Islam vs Buddhism

The religion Islam was originated by Prophet Muhammad. It is one of the most ancient religions in the world. There are many countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Turkey, etc., that have Islam as their national religion.

The rules and regulations of these countries are mostly based on the rule and regulations described in Quran. This is followed not now but from the ancient times when these countries were ruled by sultans. 

Buddhism was founded by Lord Buddha is nearly about 563 B.C.E. this is an Asian religion. This religion is mostly followed in Asian countries.

This religion is widespread in the countries like Nepal, China, etc. this religion follows the teachings of Gautam Buddha. All the traditions, spiritual practices are based on the teachings of Lord Buddha.  

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonIslamBuddhism
FounderProphet MohammadGautam Buddha
Places of worshipMosque/masjid, or any clean place as per Islamic standards  Buddhist monasteries, temples, shrines
SalvationBelief in God, repentance and follow the rules of God, gaining the mercy of the GodReaching Enlightenment, by following the Noble Eightfold Path
ScripturesThe Quran is the holy scriptureTripitaka is one of the scriptures
Original languageArabic languagePali and Sanskrit language

What is Islam? 

The prayers and holy practices are performed in mosques or masjids. The followers of this religion are termed Muslims. There are two groups among the Muslims, one is Sunni, and the other is Shia.

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Sunni comprises most of the Muslims, nearly eighty-five to ninety per cent of the followers, and Shia has fewer followers, nearly ten to fifteen per cent.

The impact of Prophet Muhammad has slowed down the growth of the Shia community and increased the growth of the Sunni community among the Islam religion.

The rules and teachings of this religion are followed according to the scripture, Quran. Islam believes that there is only one God who is Allah. So they are called monotheists.

Islam teaches that God is the most powerful, merciful, and unique. The expansion of Muslims across the world has many reasons. The most popular reasons are the Ottoman Empire, conversion of regions by missionaries, etc.

During the Ramadan month, fasting is compulsory for every Muslim. This fasting is not required for certain groups like pregnant women etc. the rule of Ramadan fasting is followed from dawn to sunset.

Nothing can be consumed in these hours, including food, drinks, and even smoking. This Ramadan month ends with a religious Id festival. This religion believes in peace, humanity, and faith.


What is Buddhism?

Buddhism is the religion that follows the teaching of Lord Gautama Buddha. This religion is found in Asian countries. It is practised hugely in Nepal, China, Sri Lanka, India, etc. this religion was originated in India nearly 25,000 years ago.

The people who follow this religion are termed Buddhists. Most of the traditions, spiritual practices are based on the teaching of Lord Buddha.

They believe that God resides in every creature. The goal of this religion is to overcome desires, sufferings, and greed in this world. 

They pose a belief to overcome the cycle of birth and death and to reach the level of eternity through regular prayers, discipline, and concentration of mind.

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Buddhist monasteries are the main cultural heritage for the preservation of the religion. The people in charge of these monasteries are called bhikkhus and bhikkhunis.

They continue the teaching of Lord Buddha to the Buddhist monks and nuns. The rules mainly consist of meditation, believing and following Dharma and Sangha, taking refuge under the mercy of Lord Buddha.

The holy scripture of Buddhism is Tripatika, written in Sanskrit and Pali languages. There are many interesting stories in Buddhism religion taught by Lord Buddha, which mainly has humanity moral.

These are very important and useful to be reached every child irrespective of religion.

buddhism 1

Main Differences Between Islam and Buddhism

  1. Prophet Mohammad is the founder of Islam; on the other hand, Gautam Buddha is the founder of Buddhism.
  2. The places of worship of Buddhism are Buddhist monasteries, temples, and shrines, and in contrast, the places to worship are mosques or masjids or any clean place as per Islamic standards.
  3. The meaning of salvation is reaching Enlightenment by following the Noble Eightfold Path, on the other hand. In Islam, salvation means believing in God, repentance, following God’s rules, and gaining God’s mercy. 
  4. The Quran is the holy scripture of Islam, and in comparison to that, the Tripitaka is the sacred scripture of Buddhism.
  5. The Quran was originally written in Arabic, compared to the Tripitaka in Pali and Sanskrit.
Difference Between Islam and Buddhism

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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