Kaspersky vs Webroot: Difference and Comparison

Anti-viruses are very common software for computer systems. It is defined as software that scans, detects, and deletes threats to a system. These threats can be viruses, malware, breaches, etc.

While many companies offer anti-viruses, Kaspersky and Webroot fall in a similar category.

Key Takeaways

  1. Kaspersky and Webroot are antivirus software providers offering protection against malware, phishing, and other cyber threats.
  2. Kaspersky delivers comprehensive security features and robust performance, while Webroot is known for its lightweight, cloud-based approach.
  3. Kaspersky and Webroot have their strengths and weaknesses, with Kaspersky being more feature-rich and offering faster system performance.

Kaspersky vs Webroot

The difference between Kaspersky and Webroot is that Kaspersky focuses more on the depth of system scanning, whereas Webroot focuses more on system scanning speed. Furthermore, the two differ in their approaches and features to securing the systems.

Kaspersky vs Webroot

Kaspersky is a global cyber-security and anti-virus provider. It is a Russian multinational firm headquartered in Moscow.

It was introduced in 1997 by Eugene Kaspersky, Natalya Kaspersky, and Alexey De-Monderik.

Even though Kaspersky provides many services, including internet security, data management, secure payments, etc., it is particularly known for providing the Kaspersky anti-virus software.

Webroot is a private cyber-security provider that provides cloud-based protection.

It is an American firm internationally headquartered in Dublin, Ireland. It was introduced by Steven Thomas and Boulderite Kristen Tally in 1997.

Webroot is particularly known for providing next-generation security for superior internet technologies. It offers one of the most innovative endpoint security software.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonKasperskyWebroot
DevelopersIt was developed by Kaspersky Lab in 1997.It was developed by Webroot Inc. in 1997.
Global HeadquartersMoscow, Russia. Dublin, Ireland.
Multi-PlatformIt offers protection to 5 devices on a single plan.It doesn’t offer protection to multiple devices.
SpeedIt has an average scanning speed.It has the best-in-class scanning speed.
Online StorageIt offers no online storage.It offers 25 GBs of online storage.

What is Kaspersky?

Kaspersky is a global cyber-security and anti-virus provider. It is a Russian multinational firm headquartered in Moscow.

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It was introduced in 1997 by Eugene Kaspersky, Natalya Kaspersky, and Alexey De-Monderik. Even though Kaspersky provides many services, including internet security, data management, secure payments, etc., it is particularly known for providing the Kaspersky anti-virus software.

Kaspersky defends the system against malware and viruses and notifies of minor breaches as well. The software is easy to set up and use.

This highly optimised antivirus doesn’t slow down the system while running in the background. It offers the highlighting feature of parental control.

This feature is a must for parents if their children use the device, as it enables safe browsing. This feature is also useful for educational institutions as it can monitor all the work.

Furthermore, Kaspersky also offers a plan for supporting 5 devices simultaneously.

It also allows safe banking and privacy features for data protection. However, Kaspersky has a few drawbacks. It takes much longer to scan the system than its competition.

On top of that, it doesn’t allow any extra features or utilities to its users. Nevertheless, Kaspersky has held the largest share of the cyber-security stock market since 2016 and has over 400 million users.

What is Webroot?

Webroot is a private cyber-security provider that provides cloud-based protection. It is an American firm internationally headquartered in Dublin, Ireland.

It was introduced by Steven Thomas and Boulderite Kristen Tally in 1997. Webroot is particularly known for providing next-generation security for superior internet technologies. It offers one of the most innovative endpoint security software.

Webroot stands out from its competition when it comes to speed and efficiency. The software takes only about 20 seconds to scan the computer for any threats, which is much faster than any other software.

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It also can identify emerging malware and viruses, which makes the software future-proof. Furthermore, Webroot is rich in features. Some of them include webcam protection, threat intelligence system, encrypted storage, etc.

It also provides 25 Gbs of secure online storage, which is an added advantage in cases of data loss on local drives.

However, Webroot is not as flexible as Kaspersky. It offers fewer plans and doesn’t allow multiple devices for a single plan. This is a major drawback for many professional purposes.

Since Webroot is so fast in scanning, it sometimes fails to identify major threats. It lacks the level of protection offered by Kaspersky. Nevertheless, it is feature-rich and leads in many areas.


Main Differences Between Kaspersky and Webroot

  1. Kaspersky offers far better overall protection than Webroot.
  2. Kaspersky has limited features and utilities when compared to Webroot, which is rich in features.
  3. Kaspersky offers parental control to the users, whereas Webroot doesn’t.
  4. Kaspersky focuses on the depth of system scanning, whereas Webroot focuses on system scanning speed.
  5. Kaspersky offers a plan for supporting 5 devices simultaneously, whereas Webroot doesn’t offer any such feature.
  1. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/20450621111180954/full/
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1742684706704104

Last Updated : 18 June, 2023

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9 thoughts on “Kaspersky vs Webroot: Difference and Comparison”

  1. Although they have their differences, it’s evident that both Kaspersky and Webroot have unique strengths. It’s great to have diverse options when it comes to cybersecurity.

  2. Kaspersky’s focus on parental control is commendable, especially for family devices. It’s a balance between depth of scanning and speed of detection.

  3. At the end of the day, Kaspersky and Webroot, each with their unique offerings, contribute to the advancement of cybersecurity and protection of users’ data. It’s a win for consumers.

  4. While Kaspersky may offer increased system performance, Webroot’s faster scanning speed is a significant advantage in today’s fast-paced digital world.

  5. We must remember that different users have different requirements. The choice between Kaspersky and Webroot hinges on individual needs and priorities.

  6. However, Kaspersky’s comprehensive security features cannot be overlooked. All aspects must be carefully considered for effective decision-making.

  7. I appreciate the thorough comparison. This will certainly help users choose the antivirus software that best suits their needs and concerns.

  8. Both Kaspersky and Webroot have a lot to offer, and I will definitely look into them. It is important to keep our systems and personal data safe.

  9. On the other hand, Webroot’s threat intelligence system and quick scanning are valuable. Each software addresses specific vulnerabilities, and users must take into account the trade-offs.


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