Norton vs Webroot: Difference and Comparison

The necessity of privacy and secure access to the internet has been booming to become a demand due to huge causes of exploitation, vulnerabilities, and the evolution of hackers’ reign. From the late 18th century, there was a vision towards providing safety from such exploitations to common people within the cyber world.

Key Takeaways

  1. Norton and Webroot are antivirus software that protects against malware and other threats.
  2. Norton offers more advanced features and a more comprehensive range of protection options than Webroot.
  3. Webroot is less resource-intensive than Norton and is better suited for older or less powerful computers.

Norton vs Webroot

The difference between Norton and Webroot is that Webroot is much more cost-effective antimalware than Norton. Besides that, Webroot is a much more powerful anti-software and antimalware tool than Norton despite the latter’s achievements as a renowned Anti-software product.

Norton vs Webroot

Norton is a malware and virus-detecting software product which identifies cyber threats and safeguards devices from viruses, malware, and other hazards. It was developed and distributed by Norton LifeLock.

Webroot is an American privately led cybersecurity software company that provides internet security for consumers and businesses. It was launched in 1997 and was initially for Android, smartphones, and tablets.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonNortonWebroot
DefinitionNorton is antivirus software and antimalware software which has been known for decades for providing prolonged protection across devices throughout the globe. Webroot is an antivirus and anti-malware software that helps secure thousands of lakhs of devices by giving the protection needed for every individual device.
PublisherNorton was developed and published by Nortonlifelock. Webroot was developed and published by an American private company.
PublishedNorton was launched in the year 1997.Webroot was launched in the year 1989.
FeaturesNorton uses more useful features when compared to Webroot.Webroot uses fewer useful features when compared to Norton.
PerformanceNorton’s performance in the recent independent tests is quite good.Webroot’s performance in tests is quite worse compared to Norton’s.

What is Norton?

Norton is an antivirus or antimalware-detecting software product which prevents online threats and secures devices from viruses, malware, and other hazards.

Also Read:  Cybersecurity vs Ethical Hacking: Difference and Comparison

It uses signature (signature scanning detects threats by scanning specific strings), heuristic detection (which is now commonly found in every antivirus software in the market keeps a check on instructions or commands used in an application that are not a part of that application), rootkit detection (the method involved includes a trusted analysis host) and integrity kits (are kits which are used find out and knockout viruses and malware).

There are queries about the unexpected renewal of costs of the subscription package after the end of the subscription, and there isn’t a proper message before the subsequent activation occurs for the consumer to think about it.

norton 1

What is Webroot?

It has an email system, ‘ software as a service or Saas. It provides a VPN software service in partnership with Anchor Free.

Editor’s choice – pc magazine 19 times awarded Webroot as the security product of the year. In magazines, it scored as the best in malware blocking tests, malware removal tests, speed of scans, and installation speed.

Carbonite, its parent company, was taken by OpenText, which is a global leader in Enterprise Information Management.

They provide cyber resilience, offering total end-user protection and disaster recovery for any business, from small to big companies. Webroot has received one of the highest awards that no other cybersecurity software has attained.

Everyday things we can figure out with Norton, Webroot, and probably every single articulate model of antivirus and antimalware software are below:

Real-time protection – Real-time protection helps stop malware installation in the computer or the device when the antivirus software is running in it.

Auto protection secures communications through the network, data transfer, software, and hardware.

Also Read:  Firewall vs Antivirus: Difference and Comparison

Scanning – Scanning or skimming is reading a particular text, bar code, or content to detect vulnerabilities.

Shield – A shield is an overprotected outer coating used on your system to deny entry to hazards.

Background protection – Background protection includes Anti-Data retrievable protection and cyber breach-able protection.


Main Differences Between Norton and Webroot

  1. Webroot is comparatively better-performing software than Norton. It has made a positive impression much better than Norton’s. It is more feasible than Norton.
  2. Users of Norton say that there is an unexpected renewal of costs, which is not the case for Webroot after the end of the subscription. So Webroot becomes more user-friendly, and less trouble is felt through Webroot in this particular case.
  3. The effectiveness of the overall performance of Norton has decreased over the past year, but, Webroot is scoring better in overall performance compared to the last year.
  4. Webroot provides a cloud backup service with a storage capacity of 75 GB in its premium pack, whereas; Norton gives only 25 GB in its highest-paid premium pack.
  5. Webroot is associated with many leading companies for separate services such as the Last pass for password management, Spy sweep for antivirus software and firewall-enabled services, VPN service by Anchor Free, and so on. But Norton does not have the same.
  6. Webroot’s services are packages for business and personal purposes that are 2- 3 times costlier than Norton’s packages and services. Thus for basic protection and software needs of cloud computing, password management, etc.
  2. .

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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11 thoughts on “Norton vs Webroot: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The explanation of the main differences between Norton and Webroot leaves much to be desired. There are other crucial considerations for users to weigh in their decision.

  2. The article falls short of providing a comprehensive analysis of the overall performance of Norton and Webroot. It needs further elaboration.

  3. The focus on the real-time protection, auto protection, and scanning features of both Norton and Webroot is quite enlightening. It gives a clear view of their functionalities.

  4. The comparison of the performance of Norton and Webroot based on independent tests gives a solid understanding of their capabilities.

  5. The comparison between Norton and Webroot is quite insightful. However, it would be helpful to see more information about the user interface and customer service.

  6. This article lays out the differences between Norton and Webroot quite clearly. However, it fails to provide a deeper understanding of their implications on users.

  7. I hope to see more practical examples and comparisons of Norton and Webroot to better understand their real-world effectiveness.

  8. This article provides a detailed look at the features of Norton and Webroot. However, it would be useful to include actual user experiences to further illustrate the points made.

  9. The article provides valuable insights into the technical aspects of Norton and Webroot. However, it could benefit from a more user-oriented perspective.


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