King vs Queen Mattress: Difference and Comparison

Sleeping is one of the most vital activities which every human must do to stay fit and mentally relaxed. Sleeping on the right kind of mattress is also very important so that people get the right amount of comfort and relaxation during their sleep.

King and Queen mattresses are two such kinds of mattresses providing varying amounts of comfort.

Key Takeaways

  1. King mattresses provide more sleeping space than queen mattresses, making them suitable for couples or individuals who need extra room.
  2. Queen mattresses are more affordable and fit into various room sizes, making them popular for many households.
  3. Both king and queen mattresses offer comfort and support, but the choice depends on personal preference, budget, and available space.

King Mattress vs Queen Mattress

The difference between King and Queen mattresses is that the King mattress is very spacious and can accommodate a couple and two children, whereas the Queen mattress has a decent space for a couple to relax and have a nice sleep.

King Mattress vs Queen Mattress

King mattress is very large, having dimensions of 76 inches wide and 80 inches long. It is sufficient to accommodate a couple and their 2 children.

It is about 16 inches wider as compared to a Queen mattress. In fact, when two normal-sized beds are attached, then they both form a King mattress.

The Queen mattress is decent enough to accommodate a couple, the dimensions of the queen mattress are 60 inches wide and approximately 80 inches long.

Queen size mattress is the most demanded mattress for couples as it provides the required amount of comfort and space.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonKing MattressQueen Mattress
DimensionsA king mattress is 76 inches wide and 80 inches long. A queen mattress is 60 inches wide and 80 inches long.
Surface areaThe surface area of the King mattress is 6080 square inches.The surface area of the Queen mattress is 4800 square inches.
Ease of transportationA king mattress is very difficult to carry and transfer from one place to another as it does not fit in even trucks and vans.It is easy to transport a queen mattress with the help of trucks and even vans.
SuitabilityKing mattress is widely used by couples having 2 or even more kids.A Queen mattress is used by couples having no kids or at a maximum one kid.
Shifting capacityA king mattress cannot be easily shifted from one room to another.A queen mattress can be easily shifted from one room to another.

What is King Mattress?

King mattress is very spacious and comfortable and is preferred by couples having 2 or even more children. The area by a person’s dimensions is 38 inches by 80 inches.

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The type of room required for a King mattress is a Master bedroom, due to which the popularity of a King mattress is comparatively less than a Queen mattress.

The King mattress is the best choice and option for couples who prefer the maximum possible sleeping space. You need to have a customized King sized bedroom for keeping a King-sized bed and mattress.

The size, weight, and height of the sleeping people influence the choice of the Mattress required.

The major advantages of a King mattress are:-

  • The King mattress is very spacious and comfortable.
  • It also serves as a status symbol and looks very great in a large bedroom.
  • It is so spacious that it can easily accommodate a couple and two children and even a pet.

The major disadvantages of Queen mattresses are:-

  • The cost of the King mattress is much more than the queen mattress.
  • The accessories and cost of maintenance are very low.
  • It is very, very difficult to move.
  • It is very difficult to move from one place to another.
king mattress

What is Queen Mattress?

The Queen mattress was invented in America. It is popular among people seeking space and comfort but does not have a large king-sized bedroom.

A Queen mattress is a very good option for couples not having any children, even having one child. It is easy to move a queen mattress from one place to another.

The various advantages of Queen mattresses are:-

  • The cost of a queen mattress is very affordable.
  • It is very easy to move and transfer a Queen mattress from one room to another.
  • It is the most popular size as most people have the necessary accessories required for it.
  • The maintenance charge for the queen mattress is reasonable.
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The various disadvantages of Queen mattresses are:-

  • It is not as spacious as a King mattress, which may feel cramped for some couples.
  • It is not at all recommended at all for couples having more than one child.

Queen mattresses have a popularity of almost 32% among people all around the world. The most common Queen mattress are Olympic Queen, California Queen, and spilled queen mattresses.

queen mattress

Main Differences Between King and Queen Mattress

  1. The cost of King mattresses is quite more than the of Queen mattresses.
  2. The popularity of the King mattress is quite less than the Queen mattress. King mattress is 7% purchased, whereas queen mattress is 38% purchased.
  3. King mattresses are found in large master bedrooms, whereas queen mattresses are found in guest rooms as well as the normal master bedroom.
  4. The recommended room size for a king mattress is 12 by 12 feet, while the recommended room size for a queen mattress is 10 by 10 feet.
  5. A king mattress is not transferable from one place to another, whereas a queen mattress is transferable from one room to another.
Difference Between King and Queen Mattress

Last Updated : 25 July, 2023

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23 thoughts on “King vs Queen Mattress: Difference and Comparison”

  1. Understanding the various aspects of King and Queen mattresses allows prospective buyers to make a discerning choice based on their individual preferences. This article serves as a valuable guide in that regard.

  2. The article effectively analyzes the specifications and suitability of King and Queen mattresses, allowing readers to weigh the pros and cons of each option.

    • The detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of King and Queen mattresses makes it easier for consumers to address their specific preferences and needs.

    • Indeed, this thorough comparison can help consumers make well-informed choices based on their individual requirements.

  3. Understanding the key differences related to space, cost, and transportation between King and Queen mattresses is essential for making an informed decision when purchasing a mattress.

    • Absolutely, these details are vital for consumers to consider. Making a choice between King and Queen mattresses can be easier when all these factors are taken into account.

  4. The article’s detailed comparison of the King and Queen mattresses serves as an essential tool for potential buyers, assisting them in deciding which mattress aligns best with their requirements.

    • Absolutely, the article’s thorough breakdown of the features and differences between King and Queen mattresses facilitates an informed decision-making process for consumers.

    • The insightful comparison presented in the article can help readers narrow down their choices based on necessary factors like space, cost, and suitability.

  5. The thorough comparison provided in the article allows potential buyers to consider all the necessary factors when deciding between King and Queen mattresses, ensuring a well-considered purchase.

    • Indeed, this detailed analysis helps readers understand the nuances involved in choosing the right mattress, based on their specific requirements for space, comfort, and practicality.

  6. A well-explained comparison of King and Queen mattresses provides valuable guidance for individuals seeking to make a decision based on their personal comfort, space, and budget constraints.

    • The article presents a detailed comparison between King and Queen mattresses, which is highly beneficial for individuals looking to invest in the right mattress for their needs.

    • Absolutely, this comparison offers a comprehensive understanding of the features and suitability of King and Queen mattresses, making it easier for consumers to make a well-informed choice.

  7. This article provides an extensive comparison, helping readers weigh their options thoughtfully. Factors like sizing, space considerations, and ease of transportation are crucial highlights of the discussion.

    • The breakdown of differences between King and Queen mattresses is very beneficial. It allows customers to make a decision based on their specific needs and lifestyle.

    • Agreed, the detailed parameters of comparison make it easier for readers to understand the differences and make a well-informed decision.

  8. This article provides a comprehensive comparison of King and Queen mattresses from which readers can derive valuable insights needed to make an informed decision.

    • Absolutely, the detailed analysis of factors like surface area, transportation, and ease of shifting helps consumers understand the merits of each mattress, aiding them in their final choice.

  9. The detailed analysis of King and Queen mattresses is enlightening, making it easier for readers to assess the various factors involved in choosing the right mattress.

  10. The article offers a clear comparison between king and queen mattresses. Having a clear understanding of the differences can help customers make an informed decision about which option will suit their needs best.

    • The differences outlined between the King and Queen mattresses give a comprehensive insight. It’s a helpful guide for anyone in the market for a new mattress.

    • Absolutely, the comparison is detailed and insightful. For those who are trying to decide between the two, this article provides very useful information.


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