Malware vs Adware: Difference and Comparison

In our world, which is becoming more and more connected day by day, the role of the Internet is vital. The Web allowed people to connect with people across the globe.

With the rise of social media and messaging apps, one can instantly reach out to another person, without any delay. These digitally connected lives also possess some risks, like malware and adware.

Key Takeaways

  1. Malware is malicious software designed to cause harm to devices, networks, or users.
  2. Adware is a specific type of malware that displays unwanted ads on devices, for generating revenue.
  3. Both can negatively impact user experience, but adware focuses on advertising rather than causing direct harm.

Malware vs Adware

Malware is malicious software that can steal personal data, damage or destroy files, and disrupt computer networks. Adware is designed to display unwanted advertisements or pop-ups on a user’s computer and can be difficult to remove. It can slow down a computer, and interfere with the user’s browsing experience.

Malware vs Adware

The term Malware is made up of the words malicious and software. These words are self-explanatory and explain the intent behind the malware attacks.

A hacker malware attacks a computer to steal or delete information and infuse other harmful viruses into the computer. Malware can also be used for spying on someone.

The term Adware is made up of the words advertisements and software. These words are also self-explanatory. They clearly explain the intent behind the adware attacks.

Though it is not malicious like malware, the adware is supposed to put up ads on your computer. These ads breach the privacy of a computer.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMalwareAdware
MeaningMaliciously attacks the computer with the wrong intent.It puts up annoying advertisements.
SourceUsually from email links and software.It pops up as ads from malicious websites.
ThreatMalware can be a dangerous threatAdware is not such a threat.
ReplicationMalware can easily replicate itself within a computer.Adware cannot replicate.
ExamplesTrojan virus is an example of Malware.DeskAd is an example of adware.

What is Malware?

The term Malware is used quite in today’s world. It is time to clearly understand the meaning of this word and what risks it poses.

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Threats like Malware must not be treated as something simple, as they can potentially damage one’s data and computers. Malware attacks are becoming extremely common and tricky these days.

Malware is nothing but a combination of two words. Malicious and Software make up the word Malware. These words are pretty self-explanatory.

They plainly state the intention behind this malware, which is just malicious. To explain in technical terms, Malware is simply an executable and malicious binary. To put it in simple terms, Malware is harmful to our gadgets.

Attackers or hackers use malware attacks on a particular or random target. They tend to steal or delete the data from our computers.

Malware can also breach the security of our gadgets and lock the data. Even more frightening is that Malware can hack our phones, webcams, and microphones, spy on us, and listen to our conversations.  

The technique of malware attacks is improving and becoming discrete every day. One must not install unwanted software or open links from unwanted messages.

More importantly, everyone must keep their gadgets secure by using any updated antivirus software.


What is Adware?

The term Adware is used quite in today’s world. It is time to clearly understand the meaning of this word and what risks it poses.

Threats like Adware must not be treated as something simple, as they can potentially damage one’s data and their computers. Adware attacks are becoming extremely common and tricky these days.

Adware is nothing but a combination of two words. Advertisements and Software are the two words that make up the word adware.

These words are pretty self-explanatory. They plainly state the intention behind the adware, that is, sending unwanted advertisements.

To put it in simple terms, Adware breaches the privacy of one’s computer and sends advertisements within any software or on the desktop

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Attackers or hackers send adware to your computer and some free software. When a person installs random software from an unsecured website, the software comes with adware.

As the software they provide is free of cost, these developers earn their money by sending you advertisements. 

Sometimes they can even track your activities on your computer, your likes, and preferences and send you advertisements accordingly.

Though adware does not pose a dangerous threat like malware, it is necessary to use an ad-blocker to prevent unwanted advertisements such as pop-ups.


Main Differences Between Malware and Adware

  1. The word Malware is made up of the words Malicious and Software. The word Adware is made up of words advertisement and software.
  2. Malware is harmful to the computer. Adware is not so dangerous.
  3. Malware can hack, delete data on the computer, spy through the camera, listen through the microphone, and much more. Adware can only breach your privacy by showcasing unwanted advertisements.
  4. Malware enters a computer or a mobile through web links and software. The adware comes as pop-up ads from random websites.
  5. Some examples of Malware are the Trojan virus, Pegasus and others. Some examples of adware are Sportsbet, Rummy, etc. 
Difference Between Malware and Adware
  2. 10.1007/978-3-540-70542-0_6

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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6 thoughts on “Malware vs Adware: Difference and Comparison”

  1. I find it quite ironic that the article talks about the risks of adware and malware, and at the same time, it has adware advertisements. Quite contradictory, isn’t it?

  2. The author claims that the adware is not a dangerous threat, but it could be annoying for users and can potentially damage one’s data, so it is not correct to say it isn’t dangerous.

  3. In today’s digital world, it is crucial to have a good understanding of terms like Malware and Adware. This article does a good job in explaining these concepts.

  4. It is interesting to read about the main differences between Malware and Adware. Both are harmful and can put our privacy at risk, so it is important to be aware of these threats.

  5. The article does a great job of breaking down the technicalities of Malware and Adware. The comparison table is particularly helpful to understand the differences between them.

  6. The article is very informative and well-written. I appreciate the author’s use of malicious and software to build the word ‘Malware’. The key takeaways are well-structured and informative


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