Ransomware vs Malware: Difference and Comparison

Whenever we install something new on our computer, there is a high chance that viruses or hacking could happen. This we don’t do deliberately, but we have to be careful and not let these things happen.

Key Takeaways

  1. Ransomware is a type of malware that restricts access to the computer system, while malware is a broader term that includes any malicious software.
  2. Ransomware demands payment in exchange for restoring the system access, whereas malware can cause damage to the system without demanding any payment.
  3. Ransomware spreads through email attachments, while malware can spread through various means, such as infected websites or software downloads.

Ransomware vs Malware

Ransomware is a type of virus that attacks a system’s personal data by locking the user’s access to the system until a ransom is paid off. This occurs in malicious email attachments. Malware is software that threatens the security and privacy of a computer system or server. These threats can easily be eliminated with anti-virus software.

Ransomware vs Malware

Ransomware is like a virus that will affect your personal computer. You have to be very careful when you are opening any emails or using any public site.

So, the basic step followed by people is to have antivirus software in their systems that will protect them from these types of software. Some incidents will happen if your system gets affected by malware.  

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonRansomwareMalware
DefinitionIt is software that helps to block access unless if the ransom fee is paidIt is mainly designed to cause damage to others personal computer or network
DeliveryEmails that contain malicious attachmentsEmail, USB, and Software installations
ImpactIt will attack the system, and the impact will be highCommodity malware will help to control the data and the resources
RemovalIt is very difficult to removeAntivirus can remove this easily

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malware that will attack your personal computer and restrict all your access unless you pay some amount of money to get rid of it.

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This will be caused to your system when you open any spam or phishing emails on your system. People most likely respond to these emails, and the percentage of people who respond to these emails is 54%.

To get rid of ransomware attacks, people pay the person who attacked so that they can recover all their files. But paying itself will not give you the exact guarantee that the person who attacked will give back all your files.


What is Malware?

Malware is mainly designed to destroy computers and computer systems. This will just cause damage to standalone computers or PCs.

There are even some simple steps available to remove malware as well. You can disconnect your personal computer from the internet connection.

Whatever web browser you are using, always fix them. And the last method is you can clear your cache memory.


Main Differences Between Ransomware and Malware

  1. If your system is affected by ransomware, then the impact will be serious, and it will follow you for a long.
  2. Removing ransomware is not an easy task. But removing malware is easy. You can do it with the help of antivirus. 
Difference Between Ransomware and Malware
  1. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8433199/
  2. https://labs.f-secure.com/assets/resourceFiles/mwri-behavioural-ransomware-detection-2017-04-5.pdf

Last Updated : 26 August, 2023

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8 thoughts on “Ransomware vs Malware: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The references provided in the article contribute to the credibility of the information presented and lead to a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

  2. The comparison table clearly illustrates the key differences between ransomware and malware, making it easier for readers to grasp the distinctions.

  3. It’s alarming how easily ransomware and malware can affect our systems. We must take necessary precautions to protect our data.

  4. Understanding ransomware and malware is crucial for every computer user. This article emphasizes the importance of staying informed about potential cyber threats.

  5. The technical details outlined in the article are valuable for enhancing knowledge about cybersecurity and protecting against ransomware and malware attacks.

  6. This article provides insightful information on computer viruses, ransomware and malware and is helpful for all computer users.

  7. This article makes it easier to understand the difference between ransomware and malware, and the impacts of these threats on computer systems.


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