Netbook vs Notebook: Difference and Comparison

The entire world has digitalized, and most of our work of schools, offices, and banks has shifted to our devices. The devices play a pivotal role in our lives and have evolved and launched different models to replace conventional desktop computers.

The two such devices which are portable and handy are Netbooks and Notebooks.

Key Takeaways

  1. Netbooks are smaller, lighter, and less powerful than notebooks, designed for basic tasks and portability.
  2. Notebooks are larger and more powerful, offering a wider range of capabilities and better performance.
  3. Netbooks have longer battery life due to their lower power requirements.

Netbook vs Notebook

Netbooks are more lightweight and compact than notebooks, making them easier to carry around. Notebooks offer more advanced features and better performance for more demanding tasks. Netbooks are less expensive than notebooks, making them a more budget-friendly option for basic computing tasks.

Netbook vs Notebook

Netbooks are ideal for daily tasks like mailing, browsing the Internet, calculating in spreadsheets, and access to web-based applications.

The storage capacity offered in netbooks is 80 to 160 GB. The screen size of netbooks is 5 to 10 inches. The weight of netbooks is around 1 to 2 pounds.

On the other hand, notebooks are ideal for heavy usage like gaming, multimedia, and watching movies. The storage capacity offered in notebooks is 300 to 800 GB.

The screen size of notebooks is 12 to 17 inches. The weight of notebooks is around 5 to 6 pounds.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonNetbookNotebook
OriginFirst netbook was launched in 2007 First notebook was launched in 1981 that was Epson HX-20
ExteriorUltraportable, compact, lightweight and smaller in size Portable, sophisticated, heavy weighted and bigger
Storage capacity 80 to 160 GB 300 to 800 GB
Battery life Lasts for a shorter period Lasts for a longer period
Usage Suitable for easy web access or running office Suitable for running heavy applications

What is a Netbook?

Netbook refers to devices that are lightweight, small, and low-powered computer systems with the processing power of a full-sized laptop.

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Netbooks have ultraportable designs and have the potential to provide easy Internet accessibility at any given point in time. Netbook can run on Web Browser. The storage capacity offered in netbooks is 80 to 160 GB.

Netbooks are known as small-form computers, subnotebooks, mini-notebooks, ultra-mobile PCs, mini-thin clients, and several other related names.

The operating system in netbooks is slimmed down and has a smaller screen with a smaller keyboard. The storage space is also lower in a netbook. Netbooks are power efficient and more innovative than mainstream laptops.

The launch of netbooks was for consumers of the education market or related. Such consumers would need a second computer.

However, netbooks gained popularity among consumers on a tight budget or looking for affordable options in computers. The sales of netbooks skyrocketed in the year 2009.

The devices were mainly sold from 2007 to 2013. Later lower-end Chromebooks and tablets replaced netbooks. These optimized computers had a typical weight of around 1 kg or 2 pounds.

The devices are portable, easy to use, and compact in design. Most of the major companies launched several models of netbooks.


What is a Notebook?

A notebook refers to a device that runs on a battery or is an AC-powered personal computer. It is compact and portable and is easier to carry around.

The size of a notebook is smaller than even a briefcase. The manufacturing process of the notebook is complex and hence is more expensive than most desktop computers.

A notebook is also known as a laptop computer. Typically a notebook weighs around 5 pounds and is 3 inches thick.

Most of the top manufacturers of laptops, like IBM, Dell, Apple, Toshiba, Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, and others, have launched several models of notebooks.

The notebooks have efficient CPU, RAM, and GPU. Typically most notebooks provide a battery backup of 7 to 14 hours for unplugged sessions.

Notebooks are used as desktop computers with other peripheral equipment like a docking station, connecting supplies like input/output devices, or even a large monitor and printer.

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The notebook has a port replicator that allows the users to connect to several peripherals through a single plug. The storage capacity offered in notebooks is 300 to 800 GB

Notebooks have high-power processors. They have thin-screen technology.

This uses a thin film transistor or a screen with an active matrix which provides better brightness and can be viewed through different angles efficiently than other STN or screens with dual scan. The devices are optimized and have a slim and sleek finish.


Main Differences Between a Netbook and a Notebook

  1. Netbooks are smaller in size and lightweight, while notebooks are bigger in size and heavyweight.
  2. Netbooks have fewer features and low processing power, while notebooks have more features and more processing power.
  3. Netbooks are best for customers on a tight budget or looking for affordable options, while notebooks are for customers ready to splurge some extra bucks.
  4. Netbooks were first launched in 2007, while notebooks were first launched in 1981.
  5. Netbooks are ideal for less basic computing needs like drafting, presentations, and calculations on spreadsheets, while notebooks are ideal for heavy computing tasks.
  6. Netbooks last for 5 to 8 hours in a continuous unplugged session, while notebooks last for 7 to 14 hours in a continuous unplugged session.
Difference Between Netbook and Notebook

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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14 thoughts on “Netbook vs Notebook: Difference and Comparison”

  1. Both Netbooks and Notebooks each have their unique benefits, given their varying battery lives, prices, and capabilities.

  2. The distinctions between Netbooks and Notebooks are quite clear when looking at the hardware and capabilities of each device


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