PUBG Mobile vs PUBG PC: Difference and Comparison

Player Unknown Battlegrounds, also known as ‘PUBG’, is the new version of a battle royale game. Hundreds of players compete against each other with the minimal skills of survival, exploration and scavenger hunting, etc.

Launched by the subsidiary of South Korean Company PUBG has become one of the best-selling and most-played video games.

Key Takeaways

  1. PUBG Mobile is a free-to-play battle royale game that can be played on mobile devices, while PUBG PC is a paid game that requires a gaming computer.
  2. PUBG PC offers better graphics and gameplay than PUBG Mobile, but PUBG Mobile is more accessible and has a larger player base.
  3. PUBG Mobile is played for shorter periods, while PUBG PC offers longer, more immersive gaming sessions.

PUBG Mobile vs PUBG PC

The difference between PUBG Mobile and PUBG PC is that PUBG Mobile game is free to download, and PUBG PC is paid, which you must buy from a digital distribution service. PUBG PC has better graphics and visuals when compared to PUBG Mobile. PUBG Mobile has different game modes, which are fewer in PUBG PC. The developers frequently add different modes in PUBG Mobile to engage the audience.

PUBG Mobile vs PUBG PC

PUBG Mobile Game provides us with a different kind of gameplay. In Mobile, you can easily pick up the weapons and all the other things available. There is an auto-pickup in it. The user interface of a Mobile is different from the PC.

In PUBG Mobile, a touchscreen and triggers are used, whereas in PUBG PC, it is controlled through a mouse and keyboard.

PUBG PC has good graphics if we compare it to the Mobile game. PUBG Pc is a bit difficult to play as you have to manually select the weapons and map, which is automatically done in PUBG Mobile. PUBG PC makes the game look more natural and gives us an excellent experience.

Comparison Table

Parameter of Comparison PUBG MobilePUBG PC
GraphicsPUBG Mobile doesn’t have good graphics. It mostly has a lower resolution as compared to a PC.PUBG PC is known for having good graphics and design. With 1080 HD Resolution, it gives a natural feel.
ModelIt is free; anyone can download it from the app and ios store.It has a paid version. 
Game ModesIt has more game modes like Arena, PlayLab, and Ranked Solo, Dual, and Squad modes.It has comparatively fewer game modes and only has Ranked Squads.
GamePlayRecoiling guns and weapons are much easier.It is challenging to recoil the same game here, and it doesn’t have minimaps.
Additional FeatureIt has visual-audio cues and location-based features, and more customization options.It has fewer customization options than mobile, but it offers plenty of it.

What is PUBG Mobile?

PUBG Mobile game is one of the best video games available for free worldwide. It has become so popular that since its release in 2017 till now it has almost 1 billion downloads. It offers a new type of gameplay that any user can play and is replayable.

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It comes with the concept of battle royale in which there are different battlegrounds and a hundred players compete with you, and at the end, whoever survives wins the game.

PUBG Mobile has a lot of advantages if we distinguish it from PUBG PC.

To make the game much more attractive for mobile users, developers have added a lot of game modes in mobile, and a lot of customization option is available. Auto-pickup of guns and machinery has a user interface of touch and triggers.

It has minimaps and shows the location and blood marks on the player screen from where they were shot.

It is available for free to allow more users to discover the app. However, it has some cons also. But still, people who don’t have consoles or Xbox can play on mobile instead of cloning the game.


What is PUBG PC?

PUBG PC is a paid game that can be downloaded digitally from Steam. It was released on various platforms like Microsoft, Xbox, PlayStation, etc. One of the most prominent features of the PUBG PC is its impressive graphics, visuals, and designs.

The PC version game appears more realistic and smoother than the mobile version. There is much more detailing and decorations like extra rooms or closets available in PC, lacking in the former.

The PC Version is much more challenging to play and has slower gameplay. Due to manually picking up the items and attaching them, gun recoiling is very difficult. Due to the non-availability of minimaps, it is challenging to spot your enemies.

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But it has 16x scopes, making it so natural, as if hitting and killing feels much more intimidating.

The Training Modes in both games are different. PUBG PC has Camp Jackal. Camp Jackal is much larger and grander than the Training Camp of Mobile. Here you can easily practice long-range battles and driving cars compared to Mobile.

PUBG PC has Ranked Squads, Solos, and Duals are not available, but Ranked Solos are expected to come.

pubg steam

Main Differences Between PUBG Mobile and PUBG PC

  1. PUBG Mobile plays the game in a lower resolution mode. If you try to play it in ultra mode, the gaming experience of PUBG Pc cannot match it, giving you a fantastic gaming experience.
  2. One of the advantages of PUBG Mobile is that it is free, and you can download and play it from app stores. Whereas for PUBG PC, you have to pay money for gaming.
  3. PUBG Mobile has more game modes like Arena, PlayLab, etc., and Ranked Solo, Dual, and Squad modes, while PUBG PC has significantly fewer modes like Classic mode.
  4. The gameplay and User Interface are very different in both. While PUBG Mobile has auto-pickup and minimaps on PC, loading the weapons and maps manually is difficult.
  5. PUBG Mobile has many options, like clothing, vehicles, weapons, etc., which are fewer in PUBG PC.

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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24 thoughts on “PUBG Mobile vs PUBG PC: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The thorough comparison of PUBG Mobile and PUBG PC showcases the author’s expertise in dissecting the nuances of each game’s features. The post is informative and engaging.

    • Absolutely, Jordan07. The insights shared in the article demonstrate a high level of knowledge about the gaming industry and its diverse platforms.

  2. The post does a great job highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of PUBG Mobile and PUBG PC. It’s useful for gamers looking to choose between the two platforms.

    • I appreciate the in-depth analysis of what each game offers. It’s a useful guide for gamers who are considering trying PUBG for the first time.

    • Absolutely, Yvette. The comparison table makes it easy to see the differences and decide which version suits one’s preferences.

  3. The comparison between PUBG Mobile and PUBG PC is enlightening, shedding light on the key differences between the two versions. Well done!

  4. The comparison between PUBG Mobile and PUBG PC is very well laid out. I like the detailed explanation of the differences between the two versions of the game.

    • Yes, the breakdown of the graphics, game modes, and gameplay is informative. It helps in making an informed decision on which version to play.

    • I totally agree, Ross. The post gives readers a clear understanding of what to expect from each version of the game.

  5. The detailed discussion of PUBG Mobile and PUBG PC provides valuable insights into the unique features of both versions. It’s an excellent resource for gaming enthusiasts.

    • Completely agree, Miller. The explanations are thorough, and it’s evident that the author is well-versed in the gaming industry.

  6. The author’s comprehensive evaluation of PUBG Mobile and PUBG PC brings forth a compelling narrative that aids in discerning the disparities between the two gaming platforms.

    • I share your perspective, Aaron. The thoroughness of the analysis makes it easier for readers to identify the distinct elements of PUBG Mobile and PUBG PC.

  7. This article presents a well-researched comparison of PUBG Mobile and PUBG PC. It’s a valuable read for anyone interested in exploring the differences between these two popular gaming platforms.

    • I appreciate the attention to detail in comparing the features of PUBG Mobile and PUBG PC. It’s evident that the author has a deep understanding of the gaming landscape.

  8. This post presents a well-structured analysis of PUBG Mobile and PUBG PC, catering to a broad audience of gamers. The detailed comparison aids in making informed decisions about gameplay preferences.

    • The depth of information provided fosters a deeper understanding of the unique experiences offered by PUBG Mobile and PUBG PC. It’s a commendable piece of content.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Adam. It’s evident that the author has thoroughly researched and articulated the differences between the two gaming platforms.

  9. The post effectively outlines the key differences between PUBG Mobile and PUBG PC. The comparison table is particularly helpful in understanding the contrast between the two versions.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Eden. The table simplifies the comparison and provides a comprehensive view of the distinct characteristics of each game.

  10. The post brilliantly captures the distinct attributes of PUBG Mobile and PUBG PC, making it easier for readers to comprehend the unique offerings of each version. Well done!

    • I share the same sentiment, Julia. The post serves as an excellent guide for gamers who want to differentiate between PUBG Mobile and PUBG PC.

    • I’m impressed by the depth of analysis provided in the article. It demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the nuances between the two gaming platforms.


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