Red vs Green Cabbage: Difference and Comparison

Cabbage is a versatile vegetable with a leafy head used in various cuisines. It arrives from the plant family that is closely associated with broccoli and cauliflower.

Key Takeaways

  1. Red cabbage has a deeper, more intense flavor than green cabbage.
  2. Red cabbage is used in salads or pickled, while green cabbage is used in coleslaw or stir-fries.
  3. Red cabbage has a higher nutritional value than green cabbage.

Red Cabbage vs Green Cabbage

Red cabbage is a variety of cabbage that contains anthocyanin pigments, which give it a deep purple colour. It has a slightly bitter taste and a chewy texture. Green cabbage is another variety of cabbage that is pale green in colour and has a milder taste compared to red cabbage.

Red Cabbage vs Green Cabbage

The red cabbage provides a distinct pop of color to the salads and other dishes when added. Interestingly, red cabbages turn bluish after it is cooked.

Green cabbage is rich in nutrients like the red cabbage. But green cabbage possesses the nutrient folate. It turns mildly sweeter after being cooked.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonRed CabbageGreen Cabbage
Nutrient compositionA mix of vitamins, minerals, folate, vitamin C, and potassium.It contains protein, fiber, Vitamin K, and vitamin C.
TasteIt tastes flavorful when raw and cooked.It tastes close to lettuce and it is used in preparing coleslaw.
Dormant and fresh stageIt keeps well when it is raw during the period of winter.It has to be prepared as sauerkraut to keep well in the winter months.
ColorIt turns blue in color when cooked.It has a hint of sweetness when it is cooked.
Anti-oxidants compositionIt possesses anthocyanins that contain anti-cancerous properties.In comparison to red cabbage, it does not contain anthocyanin and anti-oxidants.

What is Red Cabbage?

Red cabbage contains ten times more nutrients than green cabbage. Cabbage with red or purple color comes from soil that contains an accurate, neutral pH scale.

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It is a spring vegetable and hence cultivated and harvested during the spring season. It can be found in the region such as Europe, America, and China.

Red cabbage contains unique health benefits. Unlike green cabbage, it aids in an additional boost to the immune system of the consumer.

It is cultivated in well-fertilized, humid soil. It is also extremely advantageous to consumers as it helps in preventing cancer with its extreme flavonoid content.

red cabbage

What is Green Cabbage?

Green cabbage contains more vitamin K when compared to red cabbage. The quantity portion is almost doubled with respect to the amount of vitamin-k composition of the red cabbage.

Green cabbage is rich in folate content, and its unique characteristic is that it turns a little sweet in taste when it is cooked.

Green cabbage does not contain as many flavonoids as red cabbage but is still considered healthy for its mineral and vitamin composition.

Green cabbage helps in weight maintenance as around half of the cabbage’s carbs come from fiber. They contain a low number of calories, and it is also cholesterol-free, thus making it an extremely healthy option for intake.

green cabbage

Main Differences Between Red and Green Cabbage

  1. The intake of red cabbage helps in eye, teeth, and bone health improvisation, whereas the intake of green cabbage helps in muscular health and regulation of blood calcium levels.
  2. Red cabbage is said to have ten times more Vitamin-A content than green cabbage.
Difference Between Red and Green Cabbage

Last Updated : 22 July, 2023

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22 thoughts on “Red vs Green Cabbage: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The detailed breakdown of red and green cabbage’s nutritional value is fascinating. It’s amazing to see how much these varieties differ in terms of health benefits.

  2. I’m glad to have learned about the health benefits of red cabbage. This will definitely help in making better dietary choices.

    • Yes, the unique qualities of red cabbage are quite interesting. It’s always good to know how different foods can contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

  3. The distinct health benefits of red and green cabbage are intriguing! It’s great to know that each variety brings something unique to the table.

    • This detailed discussion about the health benefits of red and green cabbage is quite enlightening. I’ve gained a whole new perspective on these vegetables.

    • Absolutely! Having this knowledge about their individual benefits helps in diversifying our food intake for better health.

  4. I didn’t know there were so many significant differences between red cabbage and green cabbage. I appreciate this detailed breakdown.

    • The information provided in the post is quite enlightening. I am now better informed about the major qualities of red and green cabbages.

  5. Cabbage is an extremely healthy and versatile vegetable, it provides many nutritional benefits and can be prepared in so many ways.

    • Green cabbage is extremely nutritious, as it is rich in folate content and is low in calories. It’s a great option for people seeking a healthy diet.

  6. The information provided about red and green cabbage is quite valuable. Understanding their unique benefits adds depth to our dietary knowledge.

    • Absolutely, it’s important to recognize the distinctive qualities of different foods to make informed choices about our health.

  7. Cabbage is more than just a side dish; it’s packed with nutrients! It’s great to learn about the distinct benefits of both red and green cabbage.

  8. The nutritional analysis of red and green cabbage is truly enlightening. It’s impressive to see the array of health benefits each variety offers.

  9. The comparison table is really helpful in understanding the differences between red and green cabbage. It’s amazing how these variations can impact our health.


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