Sea Lions vs Walrus: Difference and Comparison

Sea lions and walruses belong to the same type of animals named the pinnipeds. They are different based on what they feed, their characteristics, behaviour, and living conditions with respective habitats.

Key Takeaways

  1. Sea lions and walruses are two aquatic mammals found in different regions of the world and have some noticeable differences.
  2. Sea lions are smaller, have visible external ear flaps, and are known for their acrobatic abilities on land and in water, while walruses are larger and have long tusks used for defence and breaking the ice.
  3. Sea lions are social animals that form large colonies, while walruses are more solitary and prefer to live in smaller groups.

Sea Lions vs Walrus

Sea lions have external flaps near their ears, which helps them move faster. On the other hand, walruses do not have any outer flaps to their body, which would have enabled them to move fast and given them an external feature to their appearance, unlike seal lions.

Sea Lions vs Walrus

Sea lions are aquatic animals that belong to the pinnipeds category of the family. Seals and sea lions all belong to the same family, which is known as the override family.

These types of mammals are commonly known to ordinary people as eared seals. In some regions and countries, they are also called fur seals.

The botanical name of a walrus is (Odobenus rosmarus). There lie about two species of walrus: the Atlantic walrus and the Pacific walrus.

The botanical name of the Atlantic walrus is (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) and that of Pacific walrus is (O. rosmarus divergens).

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSea LionsWalrus
External flapsSea lions have external flaps near their ears.Walrus do not have any external flaps as such to their body.
Babies calledA baby sea lion is called a pup.A baby walrus is called a calve.
Found inSea lions are found in both hemispheres, the subarctic to the tropical waters.The walrus is found in the northern hemisphere in the Arctic and subarctic seas.
Comparison of sizeSea lions are small in size as compared to walruses.Walrus are huge as compared to sea lions.
Tusks and stiffTusks and stiff whiskers are smaller in sea lions as compared to walruses.Tusks and stiff whiskers are long in walruses as compared to sea lions.

What is Sea Lions?

Sea lions are aquatic animals that belong to the pinnipeds category of the family. Seals and sea lions all belong to the same family, which is known as the override family.

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There are such wide varieties of sea lions worldwide; there are seven well-known types of seal lions. They are the Japanese Sea Lion, Australian Sea Lion, South America Sealion, New Zealand Sea Lion, Galapagos Sea Lion, Steller Sea Lion, and California Sea Lion.

Sea lions have a body type that looks like a torpedo shape. This helps them for gliding in water.

They have excellent eyesight and can see better inside water than on land. They always live in herds on water and land. Sea lions are so fast that they can cover 25 kilometres per hour.

Sea Lion

What is Walrus?

The walrus is an aquatic mammal. There lie about two species of walrus: the Atlantic walrus and the Pacific walrus. The botanical name of the Atlantic walrus is (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) and that of Pacific walrus is (O. rosmarus divergens).

The skin, which is grey in the colour of a walrus, is about 2 inches thick. They have deep folds around their shoulder.

Walrus have skin with reddish hair, which makes them look cinnamon in colour. Their body structure comprises a round head and small eyes with no external flaps near the ears.

The walruses’ tusks are used when mating by them. They are also used sometimes while defending themselves from other walruses.

They feed on a depth of not more than 80 cm. During the winter season, the male walrus mate with multiple female walruses.


Main Differences Between Seal Lions and Walrus

  1. Sea lions have external flaps near their ears, which helps them move faster, and on the other hand, walruses do not have any outer flaps as such to their body.
  2. A baby sea lion is called a pup; conversely, a baby walrus is called a calve.
  3. Sea lions are found in both hemispheres, the subarctic to the tropical waters. On the Other hand, walrus are found in the northern hemisphere in the Arctic and subarctic seas.
  4. Sea lions are small in size compared to walruses, and on the other hand, walruses are enormous compared to sea lions.
  5. Tusks and stiff whiskers are smaller in sea lions than in walruses, and on the other hand, tusks and stiff whiskers are longer in walruses than in sea lions.
Difference Between Sea Lions and Walrus
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Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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22 thoughts on “Sea Lions vs Walrus: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article provides a commendable presentation of the distinct characteristics and habitats of sea lions and walruses, adding value to the discourse on marine biodiversity.

    • I agree, Ross. The detailed comparison facilitates a deeper understanding of the ecological roles and adaptations of sea lions and walruses.

  2. This article does a great job at highlighting the differences between sea lions and walruses in an informative and concise manner. It’s fascinating to learn about the unique characteristics of these creatures.

  3. The article provides a thorough comparison between sea lions and walruses, shedding light on lesser-known facts about these marine creatures.

  4. While the article presents valuable information about sea lions and walruses, it could benefit from a more critical analysis of the conservation efforts for these species.

    • I see your point, Bethany. A deeper examination of the conservation status and challenges facing sea lions and walruses would enhance the article’s depth.

  5. The details about sea lions and walruses are delivered with an insightful approach, enriching the reader’s knowledge about these captivating creatures.

    • Well said, Freddie. The article effectively captures the intricacies of sea lions and walruses, offering readers a well-rounded view of these marine mammals.

    • Indeed, the juxtaposition of sea lions and walruses provides an illuminating perspective on the diversity of the animal kingdom.

  6. The article’s emphasis on the distinguishing features and habits of sea lions and walruses enhances our understanding of these captivating creatures, making for a compelling read.

    • Agreed, Justine. The article surpasses mere description by delving into the unique behaviors and ecological roles of sea lions and walruses.

    • Absolutely, the informative content regarding the differences between sea lions and walruses broadens our appreciation for the wondrous diversity of marine life.

  7. This article offers an educational perspective on the distinctions between sea lions and walruses, adding depth to our understanding of these fascinating animals.

  8. The comprehensive details about the unique traits and habits of sea lions and walruses make the reading experience both enlightening and engaging.

  9. The article’s meticulous exploration of the contrasting attributes and ecological niches of sea lions and walruses offers a thought-provoking narrative on the wonders of marine fauna.

    • Indeed, the article provides a comprehensive elucidation of the unique characteristics and roles of sea lions and walruses, enriching our understanding of marine biodiversity.

    • Well expressed, Sofia. The juxtaposition of sea lions and walruses serves as a testament to the intricate beauty of nature’s creations.

  10. The explanations of sea lions and walruses’ behavior and characteristics are intriguing. It’s amazing how nature has shaped these animals to thrive in their respective habitats.


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