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These groups people are loyal and help their people to grow, and at the same time, give rise to amenities for other groups. Tribalism and racism are used interchangeably but are different in loyalty and enmity.

Key Takeaways

  1. Tribalism emphasizes loyalty to a specific social group, based on culture, religion, or ethnicity, while racism discriminates against individuals or groups based on their race or perceived racial differences.
  2. Tribalism promotes group solidarity and can foster a sense of belonging, but it can also lead to conflicts when different groups have opposing interests or beliefs.
  3. Racism is a belief in the inherent superiority of one race over another, which can result in systemic discrimination, marginalization, and oppression of targeted racial groups.

Tribalism vs Racism

The difference between tribalism and racism is that tribalism is an act of forming groups or communities where people share the same values and thoughts and follow each other. On the other hand, racism is people’s belief that certain races, especially the same color, have superiority over another color. Tribalism tends to increase loyalty among group peoples, and racism tends to increase hatred among people of other races people.

Tribalism vs Racism

Tribalism is a group of people divided by social, economic, religious, and blood ties. These groups share the same culture, values and follow their leader.

People believe that some races people have superiority over other races. It leads to enmity, suppression of rights, and domination.

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Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonTribalism Racism  
Derived FromTribeRace
DefinitionTribalism  is a  partial behavior and attitude towards one’s tribeRacism is a belief of superiority over other race people
Positive consequencesTribalism provides support, security, and comfort in society.There is no positivity in racism.
Negative consequencesIt leads to threat, fear among groups due to competition.Racism leads to superiority, dominance, poverty, and unemployment.
FactorsTribes are formed based on the same religion, status, and values of peopleRacism is formed based on physical appearance, the color of the skin of people

What is Tribalism?

Tribalism is an attitude and behaviour of strong loyalty and trust among a group of people or tribes over other tribes. Tribalism is present from the ancestral periods before racism started.

Tribalism has negative impacts when the tribes compete with each other. It affects individual rights, independence, and status. Tribalism with negative consequences promotes racism, threat, fear, and anxiety among tribal people.

Tribes are not formed based on physical characteristics of people like racism but with culture and traditional values.  Tribalism in African states results dangerous as the tribe supports their people in any situation that increases conflicts among tribes.

What is Racism?

Race is a term used to differentiate people according to their physical appearance and characteristics. Racism is a belief among people, especially in Africa, where people are judged by their skin color, not their capabilities.

Racism is also practised in the united states and other countries. Racism has many negative consequences, such as violation of laws, low trust among people, no faith, the rights of others being ignored, unemployment, and discrimination.

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The government of countries penalize organizations and people who practice racism.  Racism is not only a social problem but also a sin, as it increases arrogance in humans.


Main Differences Between Tribalism and Racism

  1. Due to competition among tribes, tribalism leads to fear and threat, whereas racism leads to poverty, unemployment, fear, and anxiety.
  2. Same culture, religion, and status are the factors for forming tribes, whereas skin color is the factor for racism.
Difference Between Tribalism and Racism

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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.