Uraemia vs Azotemia: Difference and Comparison

Uraemia and Azotemia are both diseases or conditions that occur as a result of injuries to kidney function.

The kidneys are the vital organs responsible for removing toxins from the body and maintaining homeostasis, and failure to do so can lead to such conditions as uremia and azotemia.

Key Takeaways

  1. Uraemia is a clinical condition caused by a buildup of waste products in the blood due to impaired kidney function.
  2. Azotemia is an abnormal increase in nitrogen-containing compounds in the blood, specifically urea and creatinine, which can be a precursor to uraemia.
  3. Uraemia presents with symptoms and requires medical intervention, while azotemia is asymptomatic and can be discovered through laboratory testing.

Uraemia vs Azotemia

The difference between Uraemia and Azotemia is that although both refer to kidney dysfunction yet, uremia, as the name suggests, is related to urea, while azotemia is associated with an abnormally high nitrogen concentration in the blood, considering general medical standards.

Uraemia vs Azotemia

Uraemia means urea in the blood. This is a very realistic and accurate description of the situation.

Uraemia refers to a condition in which the kidneys are unable to maintain homeostasis and excrete urea, leading to high levels of urea in the blood characterized by a set of symptoms.

Azotemia is a condition in which the kidneys cannot process or remove metabolic waste products from the body, causing elevated nitrogen levels in the blood and leading to many associated symptoms.

Serum creatinine levels may develop when a person suffers from azotemia.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonUraemiaAzotemia
Associated WithUraemia is associated with high levels of urea in the blood.Azotemia is associated with high levels of nitrogenous wastes and creatinine in the blood.
Normal LevelsThe normal level of urea is 6 to 24 mg/dl.Normal nitrogen levels in the body are 0.5 mg / dl for women and 0.6-1.2 mg / dl for men.
SymptomsFatigue and nausea are the most common symptoms. Also, joint pain in the lower body can be caused.Nausea and lethargy are the most common symptoms.
TreatmentDialysis is the only way to treat uraemia.Intravenous fluid administration, medicines, and dialysis can be done for azotemia.
CausePolycystic kidneys, diabetes, and kidney failure are the most common causes of uraemia.Tubular necrosis, diabetes, prostate disease are the most common causes of azotemia.
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What is Uraemia?

Uraemia is considered to be a serious kidney disease that is associated with a set of conditions and symptoms called end-stage renal (kidney) disease.

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In simple terms, it refers to the accumulation of urea in the blood due to the accumulation of metabolic wastes in the blood and body.

It can be caused by kidney failure. The kidneys are the organs responsible for maintaining the balance of electrolytes in the body, such as sodium, potassium, urea, creatinine, and other nutrients.

If the kidneys are affected, the kidney corpuscles do not effectively filter these electrolytes that accumulate in the blood above safe levels and cause serious problems.

Symptoms of uremia include fatigue, congestion in the lower extremities, inability to concentrate, headache, vomiting, nausea, decreased appetite, and other associated symptoms.

Often, uremia occurs when kidney damage is irreversible, so the disease is chronic.

High blood pressure, polycystic kidney disease, diabetes, and cancer are some of the most common causes of uremia.

However, uremia cannot be completely corrected as the damage done to the kidneys is too great to be reversed, so the only treatment left is dialysis.

What is Azotemia?

Azotemia is another kidney condition that occurs when the kidneys lose their ability to filter natural and nitrogenous wastes from the body effectively.

Azotemia is a condition characterized by an abnormally high level of nitrogen in the blood associated with the accumulation of nitrogenous wastes.

Medically, azotemia can be of three types: pre-renal, renal, and post-renal azotemia. Each of these has different causes. Prerenal azotemia is caused by decreased blood flow to the kidneys.

Renal azotemia is caused by infection, injury, trauma, or disease, and post-renal azotemia is caused by any obstruction that occurs during discharge.

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The symptoms of different types of azotemia are different. However, they all lead to severe kidney failure.

Common symptoms are fatigue, nausea, vomiting, kidney failure, fatigue, and other related conditions such as miscarriage, tubular necrosis, and so on.

Azotemia, however, can be controlled by dietary and lifestyle changes. However, the best treatment option is dialysis based on the initial stages with medication.

In the event of any urinary incontinence and symptoms, one should immediately consult a urologist to diagnose the disease.

Main Differences Between Uraemia and Azotemia

  1. The level of urea in the blood that can be described as uraemia is more than 300 mg/dl, while the nitrogen content is 8-20 mg/dl for azotemia.
  2. Uraemia is caused by high levels of urea in the blood, while azotemia is associated with high levels of nitrogenous waste in the blood. Circumstances are found together in patients.
  3. Uraemia is considered to be more serious and endemic than azotemia.
  4. Uraemia occurs when irreversible damage is done to the kidneys, and that is why only blood dialysis remains as a treatment, while in the treatment of azotemia IV, ion balance restoration drugs can also be performed.
  5. Uranium is only one type, while azotemia can be clinically classified into three types with different symptoms.


  1. http://researchonline.jcu.edu.au/10175/
  2. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/abs/10.7326/0003-4819-66-6-1097
  3. https://europepmc.org/books/nbk538145

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Piyush Yadav
Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.


  1. I’m so impressed with the depth and clarity provided in this article. It’s a goldmine of valuable information that not only clarifies the differences and similarities between uremia and azotemia but also sheds light on the symptoms, causes, treatments, and the critical importance of understanding and addressing these kidney-related conditions. Truly an outstanding piece of content!

    • Your insight is spot on! This article is a testament to the value of promoting awareness and understanding of complex medical conditions, particularly those related to kidney health. It serves as a valuable tool for educating and empowering individuals to prioritize their renal well-being.

    • Absolutely agree! The comprehensive nature of this article makes it an invaluable asset in promoting education and awareness about uremia and azotemia. Its detailed comparison and insights can aid healthcare professionals and the general public in identifying, managing, and addressing these conditions effectively.

  2. Uraemia and Azotemia are indeed two closely-related terms that are, unfortunately, often misunderstood. The post does a great job in explaining the difference between these two conditions, clearing up any confusion that readers might have had. It’s definitely important to have a proper understanding of these conditions to be able to identify and address them effectively.

  3. The post provides a clear, concise, and well-organized breakdown of uremia and azotemia, helping to raise awareness and understanding of these conditions. It’s a valuable resource for those seeking to learn more about kidney diseases and the associated symptoms, causes, and treatments. A great read for both the general public and healthcare professionals alike.

  4. While understanding these conditions is crucial, it’s equally important to take the right steps to prevent, manage, and treat them effectively. This post goes beyond simply defining uremia and azotemia by delving into their symptoms, causes, and treatment options, empowering readers with the knowledge needed to take proactive steps in maintaining their kidney health.

  5. This post effectively dispels any misconceptions or confusion surrounding uremia and azotemia, providing readers with a comprehensive and enlightening comparison of these closely-related yet distinct renal conditions. It’s a valuable piece of educational content that contributes to raising awareness and understanding of kidney health and associated diseases in the community.

  6. It’s fascinating to see the stark differences between uremia and azotemia laid out so clearly. By highlighting their respective symptoms, causes, and treatments, this post serves as an enlightening and informative resource for anyone looking to better understand and differentiate between these two kidney-related conditions. Truly eye-opening!

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