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A markup language is a system that annotates a document in text processing on computers. The annotations are Visually different from the content. The main uses of these languages are to format the text in the document. 

So that when the document is made ready for display, the markup language disappears. Two of the many marks up languages available right now are XML and XAML.

Thus, in this article, we will analyse how the Extensible Markup Language differs from the Extensible Application Markup Language.

Key Takeaways

  1. XML is a markup language for storing and transporting data, while XAML is for designing user interfaces.
  2. XML is primarily used for data exchange between different applications, while XAML is used for developing graphical user interfaces for Windows applications.
  3. XML is a general-purpose language that can be used in various domains, while XAML is specific to Windows application development.


XML is an abbreviation for Extensible Markup Language. It is a markup language that stores and transports data between software applications. XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language) is a declarative language used to define user interfaces and graphics for Windows-based applications, especially by Microsoft Farmwork.


XML is considered a highly flexible markup language that has the potential even to replace HTML. However, not all the documents which belong to are subjected to Xml are XAML.

The use of XML can be found extensively in web applications. This language is used to describe other existing markup languages in the market. Its derivation can be traced from Standard Generalized Markup Language or SGML.

It is primarily used for creating interactive pages, searching the web and automating certain web tasks.

XAML is a type of declarative language which has been derived from XML. Thus, all the documents that come under Xaml are also authentic to XML. Its use is extensive in designing window controls and other web apps.

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It focuses on the properties of objects, their definition, and the relationship between all of them. It is also used to create, edit, design, and control Windows and web apps, like Silverlight plug-ins. Currently, XAML is available on the Windows platform. But later, it can be moved to other platforms.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonXMLXAML
SubsetAll XML documents are not equal to XAML.All XAML documents are XML documents.
TypeMarkup LanguageDeclarative Language
PresenceWeb applications.Design and control window, other web apps.
Also defineOther existing markup languages.Properties of objects, definition, and the relationship between them.
DerivationStandard Generalized Markup LanguageXML
Primary UseSearching webs to automate certain web tasks, creating interactive pages.Design, edit, create and control Windows and web apps, like Silverlight plug-ins.
AlternativeCan replace HTML.Available for the Windows platform and other platforms as well.

What is XML?

The full form of XML is Extensible Markup Language. 1998, XML 1.0 Specification of World Wide Web Consortium are defined as free open standards with rated specifications, called XML.

The main targets of XML are generality, simplicity, and usability across the web. It comes in a format of textual data. Unicode provides strong support for various human languages.

Documents are the main focus while the design of XML is concerned. This language is used extensively for the representation of structured arbitrary data. Such kinds are used in web services as well.

Several scheme systems came up to aid the definition of Extensible Markup Language-based languages.

However, many APIs have also been developed by programmers with the motto of processing the language data.

The majority of industrial data standards have XML schema specifications. Some include OpenTravel Alliance, FpML, National Information Exchange Model, Health Level 7, and MISMO.

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What is XAML?

The full form of XAML is Extensible Application Markup Language. Originally, the acronym was Extensible Avalon Markup Language. However, the code name for WPF or Windows Presentation Foundation is Avalon.

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XAML is used in .NET Framework 4.0 and .NET Framework 3.0 technologies.

However, extensively in Silverlight, WPF or also called Windows Presentation Foundation and Windows Workflow Foundation, is the framework of Windows Runtime XAML and Windows Store apps.

This technology is also used in Windows 10 Mobile, Silverlight applications and Universal Windows platform apps, also called Windows Store apps. The elements map of XAML directs to Runtime object instances.

However, it attributes the map to the Runtime properties of common language and events on objects.

With the help of visual design tools, XAML files can be made, and the Microsoft Expression Blend can be edited them with the help of hostable WWF or Windows Workflow Foundation, Microsoft Visual Studio and WWF visual designer. Standard text editors can edit and create them as well.

Main Differences Between XML and XAML

  1. Not all the documents that belong to Xml are XAML. However, all the documents that come under Xaml are authentic XML too.
  2. XML is considered a markup language. On the other hand, Xaml is considered a declarative application.
  3. The use of XML is extensive in web applications. On the other hand, Xaml is used extensively to design window controls and other web apps.
  4. XML is used to describe other existing markup languages. However, Xaml puts focus on the definition, properties of objects, and the relationship between them.
  5. XML has been derived from Standard Generalized Markup Language or SGML. Whereas, Xaml has been derived from XML.
  6. XML is primarily used to search the web and create interactive pages to automate certain web tasks. However, Xaml is used to design and control Windows and web apps, like Silverlight plug-ins.
  7. XML, because of its high flexibility, is set to replace HTML. However, XAML is presently available for Windows and can be moved to other platforms later.
Difference Between XML and XAML

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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.