XML vs DTD: Difference and Comparison

XML (extensible mark-up language) and DTD (document type definition) are two types of encryption software. They both work through coding and decoding the encryption. Both are used widely all around the world for language encryption.

Key Takeaways

  1. XML is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a human-readable and machine-readable format. At the same time, DTD is a specific type of XML schema that defines the structure and content of an XML document.
  2. XML allows for custom tags and attributes, while DTD is limited to a predefined set of elements and attributes.
  3. XML can be used for various applications, including web development and data storage, while DTD is primarily used for validating and parsing XML documents.


XML (extensible mark-up language) specifies a set of guidelines for encoding documents in a way that is both machine- and human-readable. Custom tags and attributes are possible with XML. While An XML document’s structure and content are specified by its DTD (Document Type Definition).


XML is the short form of extensible markup language. XML can be exceeded how a person wants to according to his needs.

Other mark-up languages can quickly oppose CML. XML has the feature of being a handy format when it comes to storing and communicating a person’s data.

DTD is the short form of the document type definition. This is used in describing the attributes of the XML document in the most precise way possible.

The DTD wasn’t aware of the namespace as such. A person using DTD cannot strongly type on it.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonXMLDTD
Full formThe complete form of XML is an extensible Mark-up language.The complete form of DTD is the document-type definition.
FeaturesXML is well aware of its Namespace and can be strongly typed by people into the system or PC.DTD is not well aware of its namespace and cannot be strongly typed by a person when coded into a system or PC.
Written inThe schemes of XML (extensible mark-up language) are written in XML itself.DTD (document type definition) is not written in DTD itself.
Inline definitionsInline definitions are not allowed in XML.Inline definitions are allowed in DTD.
CapabilityXML is capable enough of deriving inbuilt data types for one’s business.DTD is not capable of deriving in-built data types for one’s business.

What is XML?

XML is the short form of extensible markup language. XML has the feature of being a handy format when it comes to storing and communicating a person’s data.

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The XML serves two purposes: the first one is at the garbage, which can be rejected, and the second one is the protocol to be defined in a standard manner that makes it easier for developers to understand.

XML is well aware of its Namespace and can be strongly typed by people into the system or PC. The extensible mark-up language is simple as one does not need to learn a new language. The extensive mark-up language has been featured, which helps derive built-in data types.

What is DTD?

DTD is the short form of the document type definition. This is used for defining the structure of an XML document.

This is used in describing the attributes of the XML document in the most precise way possible. The DTD wasn’t aware of the namespace as such. A person using DTD cannot strongly type on it.

The Document type definition is divided into two parts, namely the internal DTD and external DTD. A document type definition corrects all the grammar mistakes in an XML document—a DTD help in understanding whether the XML document is structured or not.

The document type definition is used widely by many people over the world. A DTD cannot help in deriving built-in data types for a user. It cannot be strongly typed, but it does act as the extended version of the XML.


Main Differences Between XML and DTD

  1. The complete form of XML is an extensible Mark-up language, and on the other hand, the entire structure of DTD is the document-type definition.
  2. A person using XML (extensible mark-up language) is of its Namespace; conversely, a person using DTD (document type definition) is unaware of its Namespace.
  3. The schemes of XML (extensible mark-up language) are written in XML itself, and on the other hand, DTD (document type definition) is not written in DTD itself.
  4. Inline definitions are not allowed in XML (extensible mark-up language); inline definitions are also permitted in DTD (document type definition).
  5. XML (extensible mark-up language) is capable enough of deriving inbuilt data types for one’s business. On the other hand, DTD (document type definition) is not capable of deriving in-built data types for one’s business.
Difference Between XML and DTD
  1. https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/1017074.1017095
  2. https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/335168.335173
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Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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25 thoughts on “XML vs DTD: Difference and Comparison”

  1. I appreciate the exhaustive details about XML and DTD provided in this article. It’s a fantastic resource for anyone looking to understand these concepts.

  2. This article’s straightforward approach to dissecting XML and DTD is truly praiseworthy. It’s a valuable resource for the tech community.

  3. The author’s deep understanding and clear explanation of XML and DTD make this article an essential read for anyone working in this domain.

  4. The in-depth insights on XML and DTD provided here are truly commendable. It’s a goldmine of knowledge for those interested in the topic.

    • The detailed comparison table is the highlight for me. This article made it very easy to understand the complexities of XML and DTD.

    • Absolutely, the comprehensive coverage of XML and DTD in this article is enlightening and beneficial for both beginners and experts.

  5. The meticulous approach and comprehensive coverage of XML and DTD in this article are exceptional. It’s a must-read for anyone delving into this subject.

  6. The information about XML and DTD is presented in a very organized and engaging way, making it easier to comprehend. Great job!

  7. The author’s expertise in navigating through the intricacies of XML and DTD is truly commendable. This article is a treasure trove of knowledge.

  8. This article provides a detailed and clear explanation of the differences between XML and DTD, it’s very informative and useful for those working with encoding documents. Kudos to the author!

  9. The author’s ability to elucidate the nuances of XML and DTD in a clear and concise manner is highly impressive. This article is a gem.


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