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The CISCO Clientless SSL VPN creates a remote access VPN tunnel without requiring the installation of any hardware or software VPN client to provide access to a corporate network.

AnyConnect is another extremely popular VPN. It simplifies secure endpoint access, which ensures the safety and protection of an organization’s corporate network.

Key Takeaways

  1. Clientless SSL VPNs allow remote access through a web browser without installing software, while AnyConnect requires a software installation on the user’s device.
  2. Clientless SSL VPNs provide limited access to internal resources, whereas AnyConnect offers full network access.
  3. AnyConnect supports more advanced features and greater security, while Clientless SSL VPNs are easier to deploy and use.

Cisco Clientless SSL Vpn vs AnyConnect

Clientless SSL VPN allows users to access remote networks without installing software. Cisco AnyConnect is a VPN client software that provides a secure connection to a remote network and allows users to access network resources as if they were on the same physical network. It uses SSL or IPsec for secure encryption.

Cisco Clientless Ssl Vpn vs AnyConnect

CISCO Clientless SSL VPN requires only a web browser and the IP Address of the ASA to establish a secure connection between the user’s device and the corresponding corporate network.

Even though the product does not offer full network connectivity, it provides strong, limited, and valuable access to any organization’s corporate network.

AnyConnect also requires a web browser and an IP Address of the ASA to enable the user to access the required corporate network.

However, the connection is completely established upon completing its VPN Client download. AnyConnect provides complete network connectivity to any remote user.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCisco Clientless Ssl VpnAnyConnect
Full Network ConnectivityCISCO Clientless SSL VPN does not provide full network connectivity to users. AnyConnect provides users with full network connectivity. 
Required Prerequisites AnyConnect requires a web browser, ASA IP address, and AnyConnect VPN Client installation.AnyConnect extends the corporate network’s perimeter to remote endpoints and enables continuous web filtering service integration.
Accessible ServicesUsers can access all internal websites of a particular corporate network when using CISCO Clientless SSL VPN. AnyConnect extends the corporate network’s perimeter to remote endpoints and also enables continuous integration of web filtering services.
Installation of VPN ClientWorks without installation of VPN Client.Requires download of VPN Client.
Accessibility on Android and IOSCISCO Clientless VPN does not work on any Apple iOS or Android device.AnyConnect is supported on iOS as well as Android devices. 

What is Cisco Clientless Ssl Vpn?

The CISCO Clientless SSL VPN assures safe and easy access to diverse web resources. Here do keep in mind that SSL refers to ‘Secure Sockets Layer’, while VPN, on the other hand, is abbreviated for ‘Virtual Private Network’.

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To name some – Internal websites (all HTTP and HTTPS), Windows file shares, Web applications, and Email servers, including IMAP, POP3, and Microsoft Outlook Web Access.

It ensures that all users can safely access their corporate network from any remote location. As it’s a highlighting characteristic of the product, it provides limited but valuable access to a corporate network and is a great asset.

Its primary function is to aid the user in achieving secure browser-based access to corporate resources.

Any system that can reach HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Internet) sites can help users access web-enabled and legacy applications.

Thus, it needs a Hypertext Transfer Protocol format over an SSL connection to provide access to the user. There is no need for a VPN client to be installed on the user’s computer.

Thus, no additional client is needed to provide separate access to internal resources.

What is AnyConnect?

AnyConnect is a tool that extends the corporate network’s perimeter to remote endpoints and enables continuous integration of web filtering services. Web security appliances offer these web filtering services.

Anyconnect provides VPN access through a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) while also offering robust security using its various built-in modules. 

For AnyConnect VPN’s installation, we require the usage of a Clientless VPN.

ASA firewall works as an AnyConnect WebVPN Server that assigns a pre-programmed IP Address to remote users, enabling them to establish a secure connection with their organization’s corporate network.

This means that remote user has the privilege to access the AnyConnect to Join the ASA, and after joining, they will get a unique IP Address from this VPN database. This means that they would be getting full access to the respective network.

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The entire mechanism uses IP Protocols and Applications, which function across the SSL VPN Tunnel. It is a complete, error-free process.

In short, Anyconnect is a highly secure and reliable tool that allows remote access to a designated set of resources for its users. It is highly Intelligent and dependable and has an integrated always-on connectivity feature.

In addition, it also has a comprehensive set of compatible devices, from pc to Android and ios. 

Main Differences Between Cisco Clientless Ssl Vpn and Anyconnect

  1. CISCO Clientless SSL VPN  does not provide full network access, whereas AnyConnect offers full access.
  2. CISCO SSL Clientless VPN won’t require the installation of any VPN client on the user’s system. It uses commonly used web browsers (like Chrome and Firefox) for the same. Alternatively, AnyConnect requires downloading a VPN Client to build a guarded network between the parties.
  3. CISCO SSL Clientless VPN is a secure portal to access the internal resources of any corporate network. Users can simply authenticate the firewall by entering the ASA Address and unlocking access to the corresponding web portal. 
  4. CISCO SSL Clientless VPN provides users limited access to internal applications like Windows file shares, email servers, etc., whereas Any Connect does not.
  5. The SSL VPN refers to a separate portal allowing users to access a company’s internal resources through web-based Java plugins, While AnyConnect VPN is an entire SSL VPN client.
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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.