Emgality vs Aimovig: Difference and Comparison

As time passed, the pharmaceutical sector increased its production, and new research on medicines and drugs for diseases minor to major has developed.

Key Takeaways

  1. Emgality and Aimovig are both medications used to treat migraines.
  2. Emgality is administered once a month, while Aimovig is administered once a week or once a month.
  3. Emgality targets the CGRP receptor, while Aimovig targets the CGRP ligand.

Emgality vs Aimovig

The difference between Emgality and Aimovig is that the key ingredient or drug used to prepare the medicine Emgality is gulcanezumab which is a monoclonal antibody, whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the key ingredient or the drug used to prepare the medicine Aimovig is erenumab which is also a monoclonal antibody. Monoclonal antibodies are the immune system antibodies prepared in the lab by cloning certain white blood cells.

Emgality vs Aimovig

The medicine is used as a preventive measure for the treatment of migration pain as well as the episodic cluster of headaches in adults. The main ingredient of the drug used to make it is galcanezumab.

Aimovig is a medicine which FDA approves on 17 May 2018. The medicine is available in the market by its brand name, and no generic medicine is available.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonEmgalityAimovig
Approval for Migration Prevention27 September 201817 May 2018
Drug IngredientGalcanezumab-gnlmErenumab-aooe
Process of intakeIt is given in subcutaneous layer self-injection, prefilled pen, or syringe.Given on the subcutaneous layer self-injection by prefilled autoinjector. 
WorkingThe drug binds to the CGRP which prevents its effectThe drug blocks the CGRP receptor.
Half Life27 days28 days
Used ForTreatment of migraine and the episodic cluster of headache in adultsTreatment of migraine in adults
DosageIn starting 240mg then 120mg for migraine while 300mg (3×100mg) injection monthly for the episodic cluster of headache.70mg monthly, while sometimes the dose can be doubled depending on the patient.

What is Emgality?

Emgality is a medicine developed by Eli Lily and Company. The medicine got his approval for treating migration pain on 27 September 2018 while for treating an episodic cluster of headaches on 04 June 2019.

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The medicine is injected into the subcutaneous layer of the skin with the help of prefilled pen or syringe. The dosage composition given to the patient for treating migraine is about 240 mg, but later it can be reduced to 120 mg.

Some of the side effects reported by the patients after using the medicine are – constipation, itchy skin, dizziness, welts, injection site reactions around 18%, and anti-drug antibodies (up to 12.5%).

What is Aimovig?

Aimovig is a medicine developed by Amgen. Medicine Aimovig got his approval from FDA for treating patients (adults) with migraines on 17 May 2018.

The dosage composition given to the patient for treating migraine pain is about 70 mg, while it can be doubled depending upon the need of the patient.

Some of the side effects reported by the patients after using the medicine are – constipation, itchy skin, tiredness, cramps, muscle spasms, and injection site reactions of about 6%.

Main Differences Between Emgality and Aimovig

  1. The medicine Emgality is used for the treatment of migraine and the episodic cluster of headaches in adults, while Aimovig is only used for the treatment of migration pain in adults. 
  2. The dosage of the emgality is given in the initial days is 240 mg which is then lowered to 120 mg later for treating migration pain. Still, the dosage given for the treatment of episodic cluster headaches is 300mg (3 × 100mg) injection. On the other hand, the dosage of the aimovig given to the patient initially is 70 mg once in a month, but sometimes the dose of the medicine can be doubled depending upon the patient. 
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  1. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03007995.2020.1783219
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7847775/

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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22 thoughts on “Emgality vs Aimovig: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The articles offers a comprehensive view of Emgality and Aimovig including the key takeaways and comparison table. It is a highly valuable resource for understanding these medications.

    • Absolutely. The detailed information is vital in assessing the potential of these medications for treating migraines effectively.

  2. The information provided about the main differences between Emgality and Aimovig is crucial to understand the focus of each medication.

    • Indeed, the detailed phrasing is highly informative and can be helpful not only for medical professionals but also for patients to understand the treatments better.

    • Absolutely. Knowing the primary uses and dosage for each medication is essential for the decision-making process in patient treatment.

  3. The detailed explanation given for both Emgality and Aimovig provides a comprehensive understanding of each medicine’s effects and dosages.

    • Absolutely. The information thoroughly covers each aspect necessary to comprehend the differences and similarities between these medications.

  4. The detailed explanations and comparison between Emgality and Aimovig offer vital insights into their applications and differences.

    • Indeed, understanding the parameters of comparison and the approval dates provides a cohesive view of the medications.

  5. The comprehensive nature of the details about Emgality and Aimovig is of particular significance for anyone dealing with migraines both professionally and personally.

    • Precisely. The article outlines the crucial differences in the development and side effects of these medications, which is very enlightening.

    • I couldn’t agree more. This information empowers patients to have informed discussions with their healthcare providers about the potential treatment options.

  6. The key takeaways and the comparison table are presented exceptionally clearly. This article is a valuable resource for gaining a deep understanding of Emgality and Aimovig.

    • Absolutely. The side effects and the process of intake information gives a comprehensive view of each medicine’s interaction with the patients.

  7. The detailed information and comparison table provide a highly informative understanding of Emgality and Aimovig, offering valuable insights into these medications.

  8. The development of both Emgality and Aimovig offer new alternatives for the treatment of migraines. The difference between their administration and drug ingredients is highly relevant for medical professionals.

    • I agree. The comparison table provides a clear overview of the characteristics of these medicines. This is valuable information for both patients and healthcare providers.

  9. The comprehensive information about Emgality and Aimovig provides a crucial understanding of their differences and main uses. It’s a remarkable source of knowledge for anyone dealing with migraines.

    • Absolutely. The content offers valuable insights into the applications and dosages of Emgality and Aimovig, making it an excellent resource for understanding the differences between these medications.

    • Indeed, the detailed information gives a well-rounded understanding of these medications and their potential applications for treating migraines.

  10. The article successfully provides a highly detailed comparison of Emgality and Aimovig, which will help guide both patients and professionals in their decision-making.

    • I completely agree. Understanding the main differences and the main uses of Emgality and Aimovig is crucial to assess their potential benefits in a clinical setting.


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