Aphasia vs Dysphagia: Difference and Comparison

Nowadays, lots of new diseases and disorders are emerging out. People should take care of themselves whenever they get with all the safety precautions.

Because a stroke or head injury will lead to some complications that will sometimes stay longer or go away on their own, the two diseases that are caused due to injuries are Aphasia and Dysphagia. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Aphasia is a language disorder affecting the ability to speak, understand, read, or write, while dysphagia is a swallowing disorder.
  2. Aphasia results from damage to the language centers of the brain, caused by stroke or brain injury, while dysphagia can result from neurological or muscular conditions.
  3. Treatment for aphasia involves speech and language therapy, while dysphagia treatment includes swallowing therapy and dietary modifications.

Aphasia vs Dysphagia

The difference between Aphasia and Dysphagia is that in aphasia, the person’s speaking and hearing abilities will be affected. For Dysphagia, the person will find trouble in swallowing their food. There is no proper medicine available for aphasia. There is some medicine available for Dysphagia. Aphasia cannot go away on its own. But Dysphagia is a temporary disease that will go away at some stage in life. 

Aphasia vs Dysphagia

Aphasia is caused due to head injury or brain damage that happens due to a brain tumour. A speech and language therapist will take care of you when you are affected by aphasia.

They will motivate you to speak and understand. It will give you much-needed confidence. Because these people will lose their confidence and strength when they find they cannot speak and hear properly. 

Dysphagia is a disease where the person will find it hard to swallow their food. It will become a serious problem when the person has dementia.

In some cases, Dysphagia will go on its own because it is a temporary disease and not a permanent one. Dysphagia people should eat only soft and mushy foods.

They should not eat hard foods and meat that are not cooked properly. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAphasiaDysphagia
DefinitionAphasia will impact the person’s speaking and hearing abilityDysphagia is a disease where the person will feel difficulty eating
ReasonDamage to the brainDamage in the nervous system
MedicineDopamine and amphetaminesDiltiazem
DifficultyThey will have trouble forming the wordsDuring eating, they used to cough, or the food gets choked
Affecting lifeThey will have problems understanding other people’s wordsPneumonia and malnutrition

What is Aphasia?

Aphasia is a brain disorder that damages a person’s brain and impacts their ability to understand and speak. Aphasia will be further divided into 3 types.

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And all these 3 types will affect your speaking and hearing abilities. In your brain, there will be a dominant language side.

The area will be affected when the person gets aphasia. This will happen due to a head injury or brain tumour. Taking care of our brain is very important if we want to avoid this disorder.

As of now, there is no cure for aphasia. Some people will accept it as fate and try to move on with their life. But you have to remember and keep on fighting so that you can improve your condition.

Having strength and courage is the only way to improve your condition. Aphasia can be tested by an MRI scan. This will help them to identify what causes aphasia.

Some people will go for speech and language therapy for their treatment. 

Because these are the only hopes available for aphasia patients, for some people, it will improve on its own without any treatment if the person is lucky.

A speech and language therapist will take care of this treatment. If you get admitted to the hospital for aphasia treatment, there will be a speech and language therapy team available.

You can even drive if you have aphasia. For that, you should be very confident even if you fail to speak properly. It can also come suddenly after you are affected by a stroke or head injury. 

What is Dysphagia?

Dysphagia is a disease that creates discomfort in swallowing. It will be caused when your nervous system gets affected or head injury and stroke.

Even cancers will create Dysphagia in some patients. When you swallow some food, you will feel terrible pain. You will feel that your food got stuck inside your mouth or between the back of your breastbone.

It will create an uneasy feeling in the patient. 

This condition will be temporary in a person. In that case, it will go on its own. You can do small exercises for swallowing to fix Dysphagia.

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People with problems with their brains, nerves, and muscles will do these exercises to swallow their food easily.

If you find solid foods hard to swallow, then switch to liquid foods first. It will give you a chance, and you will no longer feel any discomfort.

ENT doctors will help in treating Dysphagia since they deal with neurological problems. If you have any anxiety attacks, you will feel difficulty swallowing.

Don’t ignore it when you have difficulty swallowing. Not only might it be Dysphagia, but it could also lead to some other diseases as well.

A swallow test will also be taken to find the reasons for not being able to swallow your food. People who have Dysphagia will also find dementia in their later stages.

Dysphagia can be caused due to dementia as well.

Main Differences Between Aphasia and Dysphagia

  1. Aphasia is a disorder where the speaking and hearing ability of a person will be affected. On the other hand, Dysphagia is a disease where the person will find trouble swallowing.
  2. Aphasia is caused due damage to the brain. Dysphagia is caused due to nerve problems. 
  3. People having aphasia will find difficulty in speaking and forming sentences. On the other hand, dysphagia people will find their food getting choked when they eat.
  4. The medicine used for aphasia is dopamine and amphetamines. On the other hand, the medicine used for Dysphagia is diltiazem.
  5. Aphasia people’s lives will be affected by understanding other people’s words. On the other hand, Dysphagia people’s life will be affected by pneumonia and malnutrition.
Difference Between Aphasia and Dysphagia
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021992413000117
  2. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1179/136132804805575949

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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8 thoughts on “Aphasia vs Dysphagia: Difference and Comparison”

  1. Understanding the causes and treatments for Aphasia and Dysphagia is crucial for both patients and healthcare providers. The detailed description of the various aspects of these disorders is beneficial for improving awareness about these health issues.

  2. The details provided about Aphasia and Dysphagia are significant for those seeking to comprehend the complexities of these health conditions. The comparison table highlights the distinctive differences between the two disorders and underscores the need for proper medical intervention for affected individuals.

  3. The discussion of Aphasia and Dysphagia, including their causes and effects, facilitates a deeper understanding of the complexities associated with these conditions. Furthermore, the comparison between the two disorders emphasizes the need for tailored treatment approaches to address their distinct challenges.

  4. The detailed descriptions of Aphasia and Dysphagia serve to illuminate the significant impact of these disorders. The various aspects outlined in the article enable a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of these health conditions and the intricacies of their management.

  5. The differentiation between Aphasia and Dysphagia provides an insightful understanding of the impact that these disorders have on individuals. It is essential for patients to access the relevant treatments to improve their quality of life, particularly considering the intricacies of the disorders and the recommended treatments.

  6. The information presented in the article offers valuable insights into the nature and treatment of Aphasia and Dysphagia, acknowledging the complex challenges posed by these conditions. This reinforces the critical importance of providing comprehensive care and support to individuals living with these disorders.

  7. Aphasia and Dysphagia are physiological conditions that require immediate attention and proper care. The specific characteristics and treatments for these diseases highlight the importance of understanding the health needs of individuals experiencing these conditions.

  8. Aphasia and Dysphagia are considered important issues and it is crucial for people to understand the implications of these conditions. Performing regular exercises and treatments can help improve these disorders, making it essential for individuals to seek proper medical assistance when affected.


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