Distilled Water vs Boiled Water: Difference and Comparison

The normal drinking water that we drink from our house is water that contains some amount of impurities.

Yes, there should be some impurities in your drinking water, or your body will not receive most minerals from the water.

So, this is why you should consider carefully which water filter is best for you. There is a TDS meter to check how many impurities are present in the water supply coming to your home.

If it is from 100-150, there is no need for a water filter, but if you want, you should go for a UV-filtered water purifier.

On the other hand, if your water’s TDS meter shows more than 1000, you should go for an RO water purifier. You must know how many impurities are in your home’s water supply.

Make sure that the impurities should not be too less neither should they be too more.

Distilled water is nothing but where all the impurities are removed, whereas boiled water is just water that has reached its boiling point. However, both are not the same, as they differ in some ways.

Key Takeaways

  1. Distilled water is pure water that has been boiled, condensed, and then collected, while boiled water is heated to its boiling point and then cooled down.
  2. Distilled water has no impurities, minerals or dissolved solids, while boiled water retains some minerals and impurities.
  3. Distilled water is suitable for various industrial and medical applications, while boiled water is suitable for drinking after it has been cooled down.

Distilled Water vs Boiled Water

Distilled water is produced by heating water to its boiling point and then collecting the vapour that condenses into a liquid. Boiled water is water that has been heated to its boiling point, killing any harmful bacteria and viruses that may be present, making it safe for drinking.

Distilled Water vs Boiled Water

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonDistilled WaterBoiled Water
MeaningDistilled water is nothing but water that has no impurities or minerals.Boiled water, on the other hand, is just water that has reached its boiling point.
UsesBoiled water has no long process because water is heated and when it reaches its boiling point.Boiled water is used mainly for drinking because it is one of the most common forms of purifying water.
ProcessDistilled water has a long process before the water becomes distilled.Boiled water has no long process because water is heated when it reaches its boiling point.
CommonDistilled water’s first step is boiling water.Boiled water is just boiled.

What is Distilled Water?

Distilled water is nothing but the water that has no impurities in them and also no minerals. There is a long process for making distilled water because to make distilled water, the water is first boiled, and then it is turned into steam.

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And the steam is turned back to its liquid form as a pure form of water known as distilled water.

Distilled water is not recommended for drinking at all because it would be useless to drink water with no minerals. Drinking water that contains minerals in them is useful for the body.

If you ever get to bring distilled water, check out their impurity level through a TDS meter.

I am sure it would be less than 5 or even less.

However, if you check the TDS of coconut water, it would come to more than 1000 or close to that because it contains a high amount of minerals and some good impurities for the body.

Distilled water is used in e-rickshaws because of its purity. They are used inside the battery of an e-rickshaw. However, other than that, distilled water is not suitable for drinking purposes.

If you want, you can try out how distilled water tastes.

Researchers also use other than that, distilled water for conducting various types of experiments. It is said to be the pure form of water, so there is no harm in drinking it, but the taste is bland, which I am sure nobody will like.

distilled water

What is Boiled Water?

Boiled water, on the other hand, is water that has reached its boiling point. Most doctors recommend boiled water drinks because they kill harmful bacteria, but they do not kill all the useful minerals like calcium.

However, boiled water can also have a bland taste, but if you drink it daily, it is really good for your health because, unlike distilled water, that is in its pure form.

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Boiled water does not require much procedure to be formed because it is just boiling water that has been heated up to its boiling point.

Boiling is also the first step in making distilled water, which is why boiled water can have a bland taste.

If your home water shows a high TDS meter, then boiling water will help you survive because it is the most basic purifying water as it kills all the harmful bacteria from the water.

Especially in the rural areas where there is less water sanitisation then, those people should boil water for drinking purposes as it is the water that creates almost most of the diseases in the world.

Since only 3% of the world’s water is for drinking, one should be careful about how safe their drinking water is.

boiled water

Main Differences Between Distilled Water and Boiled Water

  1. Distilled water is nothing but water with no impurities or minerals.
  2. Boiled water, on the other hand, is nothing but water that had reached its boiling point.
  3. Distilled water is safe for drinking, but they are not recommended because they do not provide useful minerals.
  4. Boiled water, on the other hand, is very rich in minerals and is useful for the human body.
  5. Boiled water kills all the microorganisms and other bacteria in the water and is one of the most common methods of purifying water.
Difference Between Distilled Water and Boiled Water
  1. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00268044
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0017931015009795

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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16 thoughts on “Distilled Water vs Boiled Water: Difference and Comparison”

  1. This article is a great resource for anyone looking to understand the nuances of water purification. The information is presented clearly and concisely.

  2. While this article is informative, the recommendation against drinking distilled water seems one-sided. A more balanced perspective on the topic would be beneficial.

  3. The comparison table is very helpful in highlighting the differences between distilled and boiled water. Thank you for this detailed breakdown!

  4. I find the section on the specific uses of distilled water, such as in e-rickshaw batteries and research, quite fascinating. It’s interesting to learn about the varied applications of distilled water beyond drinking.

  5. This piece provides an excellent explanation of the distinctions between distilled and boiled water. The detailed descriptions are highly beneficial.

  6. The distinction between the processes involved in creating distilled and boiled water is well elucidated here. Well-done!

    • Indeed, Lizzie51. The clarity in explaining the production processes of both types of water is commendable.

  7. Interesting read, but I still have doubts about distilled water being completely useless for drinking. Would love to see more scientific evidence to support this claim.

    • I understand your skepticism, Rogers Tina. It’s definitely worth digging deeper into the scientific research behind the recommendation against drinking distilled water.

  8. Very informative! I now understand the difference between distilled and boiled water and why it’s important to have some impurities in drinking water for mineral intake.

    • I agree, Carmen67. I also appreciate the detail about the TDS meter and how it determines water impurities. Great article!

  9. The detailed comparison between distilled and boiled water is highly enlightening. It’s crucial to have a thorough understanding of water quality.

  10. I appreciate the practical examples provided to illustrate the uses of distilled water. It adds an interesting dimension to the discussion.


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