Full vs Queen Bed: Difference and Comparison

From sleeping on stone beds to sleeping on luxury beds, mankind has come a long way. In the modern-day, we have a pallet of bed styles and sizes, ranging from King-sized beds to two single beds, to choose our desired bed from.

The vast range of bed sizes and types leads to a great deal of confusion before purchasing beds- two such confusing bed sizes are full beds and queen beds.

Key Takeaways

  1. Full beds measure 54 inches wide by 75 inches long, while queen beds measure 60 inches wide by 80 inches long.
  2. Queen beds provide more space for couples and are suitable for taller individuals than full beds.
  3. Full beds are more suitable for smaller rooms or single sleepers, whereas queen beds are ideal for larger spaces and couples.

Full Bed vs Queen Bed

The difference between a Full Bed and Queen Bed is that while full beds can accommodate two people but are smaller compared to queen or king-sized beds, queen-sized beds are spacious enough to accommodate a family of three with ease. As a result of differences in their size, the size of the rooms to fit in such beds also differs.

Full Bed vs Queen Bed

Full beds were made to accommodate two people (initially, a couple), but their purchase steadily declined during the 1950s because bigger beds entered the market, thus, ensuring that couples could share a bed despite having plenty of sleeping space for themselves.

Queen and King-sized beds were considered a better buy for bigger rooms and also allotted more space to people who shared the same bed.

On the other hand, Queen-sized beds took over the markets quite soon after World War II. These beds are much more spacious. A couple can sleep comfortably on them.

Furthermore, it is quite reasonable to buy this bed size if one has a family of three. The room size required for this bed has to be slightly bigger in comparison to double beds.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonFull BedQueen Bed
MeaningFull Beds are beds that can accommodate two people and do not have a space between them.These beds are bigger than a standard-size bed
Rise and FallFull Beds were introduced in the 1870s, and their purchase declined in the 1960sIts popularity rose in the early 1940s and continues to be in high demand
PurposeSo, that a couple can share the bedSo, that a couple can sleep spaciously and there’s also some room left to fit a child.
Standard MeasurementsIt is ideally fifteen inches wider compared to a single bed and of the same length as a single bed.It is ideally five inches wider and five inches longer than a full bed
Sleeper and Room SizeFull beds can easily accommodate two average-height adults but cannot satisfactorily accommodate tall people. Since it is big, it needs to be placed in a relatively bigger room.These beds can accommodate tall individuals comfortably and a child too. The room has to be bigger.
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What is Full Bed?

Full beds were introduced during the 1870s. The beds were wider than single beds. Therefore, they came to be known as “Double beds”. These beds rose to popularity quite sharply in the elite British society. Now two adults could share the same bed!

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By the 1950s, there was a steady drop in the sale of full beds because, despite accommodating two people, the beds were too small to give individuals space to turn around or sleep freely.

This is why bigger and more luxurious beds were introduced in the market.

Sleeping on comfortable bed sizes was no longer a necessity but a fashion statement. Couples wished to share the bed whilst having ample space for themselves and found an upgrade in the size of the bed as the best possible solution.

Despite its decline, full beds are still a good buy for two average-sized adults or older children. Since the size of the bed is slightly bigger than the single bed, it cannot be placed in a small room and is not suited for individuals who shift houses often.

Double frames for a full-sized bed, along with a mattress and bedding, can be comparatively expensive. However, there are a lot of bed-style options to choose the most desired bed.

full bed

What is Queen Bed?

These beds were introduced after double and single beds. These beds are wider than standard or double-sized beds. Queen-sized Beds gained popularity as it was viewed as a sign of affluence.

Unlike twin or double-sized beds, these beds continue to be popular amongst bed purchasers as they provide plenty of room for a small family. Two tall individuals can easily spread out and sleep comfortably without having to come close to one another.

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Not only couples, a child, too, can sleep with his parents comfortably if they go for this bed size. More than two siblings can also share a bed of this size as it is quite spacious.

However, the size of the room required for this bed size is bigger than the room required to fit a double bed.

As the size of the bed is big, the mattress also has to be big. As a result of this, one might have to spend a few extra monies on mattresses and bedding. However, these beds come in a variety of sizes, and you can go with what suits your purpose the best.

queen bed

Main Differences Between Full and Queen Bed

  1. Full beds are suited for relatively bigger rooms in comparison to twin beds, whereas it requires even bigger rooms to fit in a queen bed.
  2. The initial purpose of introducing full beds was to ensure that couples could sleep together. In contrast, queen beds entered the market to ensure that two adults can now sleep with their baby in the same bed.
  3. Full beds are better for average-sized adults and children. On the other hand, queen beds can easily allow two tall people to sleep with ease on the same bed.
  4. The mattresses and beddings for full beds are not expensive as they are small in size. However, the mattresses, beddings, and frames for queen beds are relatively more expensive.
  5. While the styles of bed frames in full beds are limited, queen beds offer a variety of frame styles to choose from.
Difference Between Full and Queen Bed
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0032591016308609
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1385894720334367

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Chara Yadav
Chara Yadav

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.


  1. The breakdown of parameters for comparison and the purpose of each bed size is quite insightful. It’s clear that the choice between a full bed and queen bed is not just about size, but also about the room and sleeper requirements.

    • Absolutely, the detailed specifications provide a comprehensive understanding of the suitability of each bed size for different living spaces and individuals.

    • The historical and cultural significance attached to the development of bed sizes is intriguing. It shows how lifestyle and societal changes have influenced our sleeping arrangements over time.

  2. I appreciate the emphasis on practical usage and room requirements for both full and queen beds. This makes the article a valuable source for individuals looking to make an informed decision regarding their bed purchase.

    • Absolutely, the practical considerations are crucial when investing in a bed, and this article addresses those aspects effectively.

    • The comparison table and historical context provide a holistic view of the evolution of bed sizes and their suitability for different scenarios. It’s a well-researched piece.

  3. The article provides a very detailed comparison between full beds and queen beds. It’s interesting to learn about the history and evolution of bed sizes and how they cater to different needs.

    • I agree, the historical context provided on the evolution of bed sizes is very informative and adds great value to the comparison.

  4. The article effectively outlines the distinctions between full beds and queen beds, enabling readers to gain a comprehensive understanding of which bed size would be most suitable for their needs.

  5. The historical background and the descriptions of full and queen beds make this article an informative piece that not only offers a practical guide for bed selection but also enriches the readers’ understanding of cultural and lifestyle influences on domestic furniture choices.

    • The detailed analysis of historical and practical considerations in choosing between full and queen beds adds depth to the article, making it an insightful exploration of domestic comfort and lifestyle trends.

    • Absolutely, the multifaceted approach to understanding bed choices through historical, cultural, and practical lenses makes this article a compelling and enriching read.

  6. The article’s focus on the cultural and societal aspects of bed choices, coupled with the historical context, makes it an engaging read that offers a holistic view of how our living spaces have evolved over time.

    • The historical narrative and cultural significance attached to the evolution of bed sizes provide a fascinating insight into how our living spaces have been shaped by changing trends and lifestyles.

    • Agreed. The exploration of cultural and societal influences on bed size preferences adds depth to the article and makes it a thought-provoking piece on the evolution of domestic comfort.

  7. The detailed descriptions of full beds and queen beds offer a clear understanding of the differences and purposes of each. It’s a well-structured and informative piece.

    • I agree, the article thoroughly explores the features and attributes of both bed sizes, making it easier for readers to choose the right bed for their requirements.

  8. The historical background provided on the emergence of full and queen beds adds depth to the comparison, offering readers a broader perspective on how these bed sizes have evolved in different cultural contexts.

    • The article’s focus on the reasons behind the declining popularity of full beds and the rising demand for queen beds is quite enlightening. It captures the shifts in consumer preferences over time.

    • Absolutely, the cultural and historical insights enrich the discussion and make it more engaging for readers interested in the evolution of living spaces and furnishings.

  9. The practical information on sleeper comfort and room size requirements for full and queen beds offers a comprehensive guide for potential buyers, helping them make an informed choice based on their individual needs.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The article’s emphasis on practical implications and considerations makes it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to purchase a new bed.

    • Absolutely, the detailed analysis of sleeper and room size requirements sheds light on the practical aspects of choosing between full and queen beds, making this article a practical guide for consumers.

  10. The comparison table neatly summarizes the key differences between full and queen beds, presenting the information in a structured format that aids readers in evaluating their options effectively.

    • Agreed. The comparison table is a valuable resource for anyone looking to understand the distinct features and dimensions of full and queen beds. It simplifies the decision-making process.

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