Lasik vs Cataract Surgery: Difference and Comparison

The environment wherein we live is made up of billions of objects, each with its own color and sharpness. Those with good vision have the luxury of seeing all of these things, which is a blessing.

This could be due to visual impairment or hazy and poor vision. Lasik Surgery and Cataract Surgery are two well-known treatments for treating vision problems in people.

Key Takeaways

  1. LASIK surgery corrects refractive errors in the eye, like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.
  2. Cataract surgery involves removing the clouded lens in the eye and replacing it with an artificial lens.
  3. LASIK reshapes the cornea, whereas cataract surgery focuses on the eye’s lens, addressing different eye problems.

Lasik Surgery vs Cataract Surgery 

LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis) is a type of eye surgery that utilizes a laser to reshape the cornea, which can improve and correct vision. Cataract surgery is also eye surgery, but it involves removing the cloudy lens from the eye and replacing it with an artificial one.

Lasik Surgery vs Cataract Surgery

Lasik Surgery, also known by various names such as Laser eye surgery or Laser vision surgery, seeks to improve an eye’s vision.

 Cataract Surgery, on the other hand, removes the extra cataract from one’s eye and allows the person to see things clearly. It’s also known as lens replacement surgery since it tries to replace the natural lens in the eye with an artificial lens. This artificial lens is made with acrylic in order to improve efficacy. 

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Comparison Table  

Parameters of ComparisonLasik Surgery Cataract Surgery 
Definition  This refers to a form of eye surgery aimed at improving eyesight by altering the shape of the cornea. It refers to eye surgery in which the natural lens of an eye is replaced with an artificial one when the natural one becomes cloudy or obsolete.  
Also referred to as Laser eye surgery or laser vision surgery is another name for this surgery. Lens replacement surgery is another name of this surgery. 
Used to Treat farsightedness or nearsightedness of an individual allowing him to see without having dependent on glasses.  Treat the obsoleteness which occurs in the natural lens of an eye. 
Effectiveness  This surgery has a success rate of about 96-97 percent This surgery has an average success rate of about 99 percent 
Most suitable for  People with farsightedness or nearsightedness People with blurry vision or cataracts in the lens  

What is Lasik Surgery? 

Lasik surgery is known by certain other names, too, such as Laser eye correction or Laser vision correction, and is a prominent form of eye surgery that is used all across the world by a number of people.

In this surgery, a laser is used to cut a flap in the outer layer of the eye, which is properly known as the Cornea. This cornea is responsible for the vision a person has.  

In a normal course, this surgery is done on both eyes in the same session. This surgery is most suitable for people who are habitual of glasses as it reduces the need for glasses in the life of such a person.  

lasik surgery

What is Cataract Surgery? 

It is also called Lens replacement surgery, for it attempts to change the natural lens of the eye and put an artificial lens in the vacant position.

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This cataract or clouding hampers the process by which a person sees in a better way. As per a study, a total of 50 percent of cases of blindness all around the world are caused due to this clouding.

The surgery is said to have an average success rate of 99 percent and is deemed to be most suitable for people who have blurry or unclear vision.

cataract surgery

Main Differences Between Lasik and Cataract Surgery 

  1. The success rate of the former is 96-97 percent, while the latter is said to be 99 percent effective. 
  2. Lasik Surgery is most suitable for people having trouble with eyesight, while Cataract Surgery is most suitable for people having blurry or cloudy vision. 
Difference Between Lasik and Cataract Surgery

Last Updated : 20 July, 2023

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22 thoughts on “Lasik vs Cataract Surgery: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article addresses the main differences between Lasik and Cataract Surgery, offering valuable insights for those considering these procedures.

  2. The article’s clear and concise presentation of information is beneficial for individuals seeking detailed knowledge about these surgeries.

  3. The emphasis on the main differences and purposes of Lasik and Cataract Surgery is commendable, providing a comprehensive comparison.

  4. The distinction between Lasik Surgery and Cataract Surgery is well-explained to provide a clear understanding of the procedures.

  5. The article presents a detailed comparison of Lasik Surgery and Cataract Surgery, which is beneficial for individuals looking to understand their options.

  6. The effectiveness and suitability of each surgery are clearly outlined, providing valuable considerations for potential patients.

  7. The article offers a comprehensive overview of Lasik Surgery and Cataract Surgery, enabling readers to make informed decisions.

  8. The amount of information in the article is impressive. The article gives a clear distinction between Lasik Surgery and Cataract Surgery.


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