LG Voyager Titanium vs LG Voyager Black: Difference and Comparison

LG has been a reputable and trustworthy company for a long time. Especially in its initial phase, it launched numerous electronic devices that revolutionized the industry.

LG Voyager Titanium and LG Voyager Black are two phones that can be added to the list. Essentially, they are the same device when it comes to hardware. However, several other differences set them apart.

Key Takeaways

  1. LG Voyager Titanium and LG Voyager Black are mobile phones with similar features and specifications.
  2. The primary difference between the two models is their color: the LG Voyager Titanium has a metallic gray finish, while the LG Voyager Black has a glossy black finish.
  3. Both phones offer a touchscreen display, full QWERTY keyboard, and multimedia capabilities, with no significant differences in functionality.

LG Voyager Titanium vs LG Voyager Black

The LG Voyager Titanium, as the name suggests, featured a titanium-coloured finish with silver accents. It had a sleek and modern look, which appealed to users. The LG Voyager Black had a more classic and understated design. It featured a black finish with chrome accents, which gave it a more conservative and professional look.

LG Voyager Titanium vs LG Voyager Black

The LG Voyager Titanium came with updated firmware that drastically improved the phone’s overall performance.

It included several features such as a City ID, a visual voice mail, and VCast Music developed and integrated by Rhapsody. Moreover, the silver-grey metallic colour gave it a sharper appearance.

Meanwhile, the LG Voyager Black could be considered an older version. It was criticized for glitches, which affected its productivity and resulted in low customer satisfaction.

Moreover, it did not support as many features as the Titanium variant. The colour was pure black and non-metallic.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonLG Voyager TitaniumLG Voyager Black
ReleaseColourIt was an older version of the Titanium variant.
It had a silver-greyish metallic colour.It had a pure black non-metallic colour.It had many glitches, which resulted in low performance.
PerformanceIt was updated to fix glitches and increase performance.It had many glitches which resulted in low performance.
FeaturesIt had additional features such as City ID, visual voice mail, and VCast Music powered by Rhapsody.It did not have any additional features.
FlexibilityIts design could not be upgraded after purchase.Its design could be upgraded to Titanium after purchase.

What is LG Voyager Titanium?

LG Voyager Titanium was very similar to its predecessor in design and hardware. However, what made it stand out was the silver-grey metallic colour that it features.

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This gave the phone a sleek and sharp look, making it perfect for professional use. Moreover, the device came with upgraded firmware, which was much better than the Black variant.

The Titanium variant came with upgraded firmware which solved the problem of glitches. This meant that the device would perform better and increase productivity.

Further, this was also a significant reason for a massive amplification in customer satisfaction.

Several additional features were incorporated into the phone. A City ID allows users to associate their city, state, and country with their phone number.

It also had a visual voicemail feature that allowed voicemails to appear in a list. This allowed users to select them as per their preference instead of going through them sequentially.

A VCast music feature was nothing but a cherry on the cake. This music service allowed users to download music over the air directly. The best part about this is that there was no significant surge in its price, despite all the perks.

What is LG Voyager Black?

The LG Voyager Black was the predecessor of the titanium version. It featured a pure black colour which was non-metallic.

Overall, this was the most notable difference that it had when compared to the Titanium variant. However, the phone did not gain positive reviews due to several factors.

One of the main problems that users faced was that the phone had a lot of glitches. This negatively impacted the performance of the phone, leading to low productivity.

Due to this, the customer satisfaction response was not very good. Moreover, the phone did not feature City ID, visual voice mail, or VCast music.

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This made the phone a substandard device that could be used for casual purposes. There were no bells and whistles, which made it attractive to customers.

It also had several problems with the keypad and touchscreen. Due to this, the device could not garner as many sales as the Titanium version.

However, these shortcomings were compensated for by the facility of upgrading. Customers could upgrade the phone’s firmware and features, which would make it similar to the LG Voyager Titanium.

However, the color would remain the same. This was made possible at a measly cost.

Main Differences Between LG Voyager Titanium and LG Voyager Black

  1. LG Voyager Titanium was released 10 months after the Black variant, whereas LG Voyager Black was an older version of the Titanium variant.
  2. LG Voyager Titanium had a silver-greyish metallic colour, whereas LG Voyager Black had a pure black non-metallic colour.
  3. LG Voyager Titanium was updated to fix glitches and increase performance, whereas LG Voyager Black had many glitches, resulting in low performance.
  4. LG Voyager Titanium had additional features such as City ID, visual voice mail, and VCast Music powered by Rhapsody, whereas LG Voyager Black did not have any additional features.
  5. LG Voyager Titanium’s design could not be upgraded after purchase, whereas LG Voyager Black’s design could be upgraded to Titanium after purchase.
  1. https://search.proquest.com/openview/ae1109c583505a2a20e7341a75cff0b9/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=43721
  2. https://search.proquest.com/openview/5478c8f8828f2bb05c7211cd9a08eb33/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=38869

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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10 thoughts on “LG Voyager Titanium vs LG Voyager Black: Difference and Comparison”

  1. A close analysis of the LG Voyager Titanium and Black phones’ features and similarities can be useful to tech enthusiasts


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