Mexican vs Puerto Rican: Difference and Comparison

The whole territorial area of the earth is divided into seven continents: South America, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, and Oceania. And within these continents, there are numerous countries divided by  Geographical borders.

The relationship between the countries within one continent is closer than the relationship with countries of other continents; for example, England would be more closely related to France,

the culture of its people will be more identical to the people of France compared to  Dubai. 

The cultural habit of people, their physical appearance, accent, language, religion, or other traditions will be somewhat identical to adjacent countries within a continent. Sometimes people also travel to different nations, which leads to the mixing of genes.

The most affected feature is the physical appearance of people living on the same continent. This also happens due to climatic conditions, food habits, etc. For example, in Asia, people’s skin color is more likely to be Brown. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Mexican refers to people or things from Mexico, a country in North America; Puerto Rican refers to people or things from Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory in the Caribbean.
  2. Mexican culture is heavily influenced by Spanish and indigenous traditions, with a diverse culinary tradition; Puerto Rican culture is a blend of Spanish, African, and indigenous influences, with a distinct cuisine that includes plantains and sofrito.
  3. Mexican Spanish has distinctive regional variations and idioms; Puerto Rican Spanish has its unique slang and accent.

Mexican vs. Puerto Rican

Mexicans are the people who live in a completely independent country, Mexico. They have less clarity in the Spanish language. They do not have permission to enter the United States mainland. Puerto Ricans are the citizens of The United States of America. They speak very clear Spanish. They can freely enter the mainland of the United States.

Mexican vs Puerto Rican

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMexicanPuerto Rican 
Citizens ofMexicoPuerto Rico
Part ofIndependent NationThe United States
The clarity in the Spanish languageLess clearMore clear
Melodious toneMore melodiousLess melodious
Freedom to enter United States mainland Not permittedPermitted 

What is Mexican?

Mexicans are people of Mexico, a country in North America that is completely independent. Mexico shares its borders with the United States of America, the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific Ocean, Guatemala, and Belize also border it.

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People of Mexico have a mixture of descendants of indigenous people like Spanish colonizers, Aztecs, Toltecs, Mayans, etc.

Most Mexicans are not indigenous but mestizos, a mixture of European colonization, African ancestry, and indigenous. Sometimes Mexican people also look like Indians. 

Mexico is famous for being the origin of chocolate, food, and drinks. The most famous dishes of Mexico include tortillas, burritos, tacos, Tequila, etc.

It is also famous for its culture, like the “Day of the Dead” festival, and destinations like the Mayan Temple, Cancun beach, cenotes, mariachi bands, etc.

Mexican food is a blend of indigenous and Spanish food. Use spices in Mexican food: corn, chocolate, Chipotle, beans, oregano, Chilly, etc.

Mexican food is world-famous and is loved in different countries of the world. The Spanish blend gives spicy features to the food.

The language of Mexican is also different; there are different languages spoken in Mexico, like the Spanish language, Nahuatl, Mixtec, Zapotec languages, etc.

The accent of Mexicans is musical; it feels as if they are singing a song, and they are sweet and humble in behavior.

Mexico’s most famous dress code is the huipil, Rebozo, or Mexican skirt. These dresses are known by different names in different parts of the world. They are the most comfortable and basic in  Mexico.

mexican 1

What is Puerto Rican? 

The people of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico are known as Puerto Ricans. It is the Territory of The United States of America, situated in the Caribbean Sea Near the Dominican Republic, the United States Virgin Islands, and the British Virgin Islands.

Puerto Ricans are allowed to move freely across the mainland of the United States, unlike the Mexicans.

People of Puerto Rico are citizens of the US, and they also look like other Americans; they have Blonde hair, blue eyes, mulatto with dark eyes and hair, and they are completely American by culture.

Due to Africans as ancestors, Some Puerto Ricans are also of dark skin color. 

The food culture of Puerto Rico is famous across the world; the food has African, American, Taino, and Spanish blends. The basic spices they use are oregano, onion, garlic, and other seasonings.

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The most traditional dish of Puerto Rico is asopao de pollo; it is essentially a blend of rice and soup, which is famous across the Caribbean.

The languages of Puerto Rico are mainly English and Spanish; due to less mixing of ancestors’ genes, there are no various languages in the country.

Puerto Rican Spanish is clearer than Mexican Spanish, but Puerto Ricans are not melodious like Mexicans; their way of speaking might sound rude. 

The Puerto Rican Spanish does not produce “R” and “S”; they Leave out “D” And change “R” to “L.” Guayabera Is the traditional and distinctive dress of Puerto  Rico. 

puerto rican

Main Differences Between Mexican and Puerto Rican

  1. Mexican are citizens of Mexico; on the other hand, Puerto Ricans are considered to be citizens of The United States of America.
  2. Mexicans are restricted from entering the mainland of the United States. On the other hand, Puerto Ricans can move freely in the mainland of the United States.
  3. Ancestors of Mexicans include Mayan Indians, Spanish colonizers, Aztecs, etc.; on the contrary, ancestors of Puerto Ricans include Tainos, Africans, etc.
  4. The United Mexican State is a country in North America and just sent to the United States of America; on the other hand, Puerto Rico is the Territory of the United States.
  5. The Spanish of Puerto Ricans is more clear than the Spanish of Mexicans.
  6. The tone of Mexicans is more melodious than that of Puerto Ricans.
Difference Between Mexican and Puerto Rican

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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23 thoughts on “Mexican vs Puerto Rican: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article provides a clear and informative comparison between Mexicans and Puerto Ricans, stating differences in language, culture, and history.


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