MySQL vs MySQLi: Difference and Comparison

These are all the PHP APIs that are being used to interact with MySQL databases and tables. Engineers can either use one of those for their project, although MySQLi isn’t compatible with PHP 7 and newer versions.

The programmer may, meanwhile, utilize MySQLi with PHP 5, which is no longer supported.

Key Takeaways

  1. MySQL is the original extension for PHP to interact with MySQL databases, while MySQLi is an improved version that offers enhanced security and additional features.
  2. MySQLi supports prepared statements, which protect against SQL injection attacks, whereas MySQL does not.
  3. MySQLi allows for both procedural and object-oriented programming styles, while MySQL only supports the procedural approach.


The difference between MySQL and MySQLi. MySQL is the old database driver, and MySQLi is the Improved driver.


The Relational Database Management Systems MySQL and MySQLi are both Relational Database Management Systems. A Relational DBMS, as you may know, is based on objects which represent real-world connections.

This data is managed in such a table style and has been linked to much other information using normalization and restrictions.

Having object-oriented capability for the underpinning MySQL database is another advantage of MySQLi. This aids programmers in the creation of connection objects and the completion of all duties via methods in the link object’s type.

At the very same time, MySQL performs as well as MySQLi in applications where the database queries are simple CRUD activities.

Whenever it comes to safety, MySQLi has a mechanism in place to protect against SQL Injection attacks. MySQLi also supports most of MySQL’s functionalities, with the extra benefit of APIs. MySQLi does have an advantage over MySQL because of the APIs.

For duplicate jobs, developers frequently find it easier to use APIs than to write their queries. Furthermore, PHP developers are encouraged to utilize MySQLi over MySQL because of its excellent language compatibility and community support.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMySQLMySQLi
InterfaceA command-line interface is included in MySQL.MySQLi is a graphical interface for MySQL databases.
DBMSMySQL is a relational database management system with all the bells and whistles.MySQLi is just an add-on to MySQL’s basic system. The underlying architecture makes use of MySQL databases.
Written in LanguageIt was written in these two types languages C and C++  It was written in these languages that are PHP  
ReleasedIt was released on the 23rd May 1995It was Released in multiple packages in 2004-05
Programming ParadigmMySQL has a procedural approachMySQLi has a dual approach.

What is MySQL?

These would be the primary extensions for assisting Application code in sending and receiving information with MySQL databases. MySQL, on the other hand, has also been depreciated and deleted in PHP 7 and subsequent versions.

MySQL is a database management system that is free and open-source. This is the most popular data management solution on the market. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other well-known applications are examples.

It takes a step-by-step method. MySQL is offered just below a number of proprietary licenses as well as free and open-source software under the provisions of the GNU General Public License.

MySQL was developed and funded by MySQL AB, a Swedish firm that was later purchased by Sun Microsystems (now Oracle Corporation). Once Oracle bought Sun in 2010, Widenius split the open-source MySQL project to form MariaDB. 

Dual-licensing is used in both the MySQL web server as well as the client libraries. They’re available underneath the GPL version 2 or under a proprietary license.

The official handbook can provide assistance. In addition, free help is accessible in a variety of IRC channels and newsgroups.

Oracle’s MySQL Enterprise solutions provide premium support. These differ in terms of service breadth and cost.

There are also a variety of third-party organizations that offer services and assistance.


What is MySQLI?

MySQLi is indeed a relational database driver that gives you access to MySQL databases. In MySQLi, the letter I stands for “improved.”

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It is mostly used in PHP scripting. It takes an object-oriented approach to problem-solving.

PHP version 5.0.0 introduced the MySQLi extension, while PHP version 5.3.0 featured the MySQL Native Driver.

 In MySQLi, I stand for enhanced and offer a number of methods for accessing the MySQL database and manipulating the data entries inside it. The MySQLi functions would need to be called in the very same way as any other PHP function.

This review is designed for Java programmers who would like to learn how to use the PHP MySQLi methods to connect to MySQL in depth.

One must have a solid grasp of the PHP programming language before starting this course. Because you’ll be working with MySQL databases, you should be familiar with SQL and database principles.

Main Differences Between MySQL and MySQLI

1. A command-line interface is included with MySQL. But in MySQLi uses a graphical user interface for the MySQL databases.

2. In SQL Injection, attacks have been a frequent occurrence in MySQL. But SQL Injection attacks are prevented by My SQLi’s protection measures.

3. MY SQL supports the ACID transactions, but My SQLI supports These fundamental MySQL transactions have API support.

4. Prepared statements exist in the MySQL database. But in My SQLi, Prepared statements were supported by MySQLi in the core MySQL database.

5. MySQL is a database, but MySQLi is not a database

Difference Between MySQL and MySQLi

Last Updated : 28 July, 2023

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22 thoughts on “MySQL vs MySQLi: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The explanation of the programming paradigms of MySQL and MySQLi helps me understand the differences more clearly. Thank you for this insightful post!

  2. I appreciate the detailed explanation of what MySQL and MySQLi are and their differences. This article is a great resource.

  3. I appreciate the clear comparison between MySQL and MySQLi in the article. This will be helpful in choosing the right option for my projects.

  4. After reading the article, I am a better equipped to make decisions about using PHP and MySQL. I am glad I learned that MySQLi has an enhanced security and additional features that it makes it an attractive option over MySQL.

  5. The article does a good job of outlining the benefits and enhancements of MySQLi over MySQL. It’s an important read for PHP developers.

  6. The article provides a valuable perspective on the advantages of MySQLi over MySQL, especially in terms of security concerns. It’s a must-read for programmers.

  7. The detailed information about the programming paradigms and interfaces of MySQL and MySQLi is very useful. I’m grateful for this knowledge.


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