Peanut Butter vs Sunflower Butter: Difference and Comparison

Peanut butter and Sunflower butter are two different types of butter.

Butter is an edible product whose core product is milk. Both the butter or any kind of butter is a paste or spread as it is a semisolid emulsion made of proteins and fat of churned cream.

Key Takeaways

  1. Peanut Butter is made from peanuts, while Sunflower Butter is made from sunflower seeds.
  2. Peanut Butter has a stronger, nuttier flavor, while Sunflower Butter has a milder, earthy flavor.
  3. Peanut Butter has higher protein and healthy fat levels, while Sunflower Butter has higher levels of vitamin E and other nutrients.

Peanut Butter vs Sunflower Butter

Peanut butter is made by grinding roasted peanuts into a smooth paste. Some brands of peanut butter may also contain added salt, sugar, and other ingredients. Sunflower butter is made by grinding roasted sunflower seeds into a smooth paste.  Sunflower butter is a good source of protein and healthy fats and is also high in calories.

Peanut Butter vs Sunflower Butter

Peanut butter’s raw material is peanuts to which more ingredients are added in the process of making it butter to add more flavour to the paste.

Mostly peanut butter is spread on bread to make sandwiches. It is also used in many dishes like cookies, croissants and drinks like smoothies.

Sunflower butter is butter with sunflower seeds as the main ingredient. Sunflower butter was introduced as an alternative in the 1980s, as many people are allergic to peanut butter.

It is also used to spread in breakfast dishes.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonPeanut ButterSunflower Butter
Main IngredientPeanuts (Mostly roasted underground peanuts)Sunflower seeds
Mineral ContentProteins, Several Vitamins, and Dietary minerals.Protein, Zinc, Vitamin e, iron, Selenium, Magnesium, etc.
TasteIt is strong in taste. Mostly taste like roasted peanuts.It’s milder in taste. Tastes like sunflower seeds.
TextureThick with a bit of palm oil.It is thicker than peanut butter.
UseIt is used to make breakfast dishes, cookies, smoothies, desserts, etc.It is also used to make breakfast dishes.

What is Peanut Butter?

Peanut butter is a paste that is made up of churned cream with peanuts as the main ingredients. More ingredients, like sugar, salt, emulsifiers, etc, are added to modify the taste and texture.

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In some peanut butter, palm oil is mixed too.

Although natural peanut butter doesn’t have Palm oil. Peanut butter is consumed almost all around the world.

It tastes mostly like peanuts and has a strong flavour. It is mixed with sugar for a sweet taste, with three grams of sugar per serving.

Peanut Butter has around 30% saturated fat. Peanut butter is a nutrient-rich edible product with a richness of proteins and antioxidants. It helps to prevent heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes.

And keeps blood sugar stable as well because it has Oleic acid, which reduces the body’s insulin resistance.

Peanut butter is used to eat with bread. It is used in many breakfast dishes, cookies, desserts, and smoothies as an ingredient. It has fewer calories and therefore has been added to the meal as a healthy, nutrient-rich food.

There are two types of peanut butter available in the market: Crunchy or chunky and Smooth or creamy.

Extra coarsely ground peanut fragments are added to the Crunchy peanut butter to give it a better texture.

peanut butter

What is Sunflower Butter?

Sunflower butter is also known as Sunflower seed butter, as the main ingredient in the butter is sunflower seeds. More ingredients like salt and sugar etc., are added to add to its taste and texture.

Sunflower Butter has about 1.7 grams of sugar per serving.

Sunflower has high iron, magnesium, and vitamin E, which help in repairing skin from sun damage and prevents stress, anxiety, and migraines. It has four times more iron and vitamin than peanut butter.

Sunflower butter also has zinc and selenium, which helps increase the immune system, fight off infections, and reduces inflammation.

Indeed, because it is rich in protein and minerals, it is very healthy, and so it is added to a part of the meal, mainly breakfast.

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It gives energy and a sense of fullness, and so it also helps with weight loss. Although, a mindful portion of sunflower butter should be added to the meal.

Indeed, sunflower butter lessens the pain of a person having arthritis.

Because the butter has anti-oxidants that are effective at reducing inflammation in the body, eating sunflower seeds or its butter lowers the risk of diseases caused by inflammation.

Sunflower is allergen-free, therefore, it is a great substitute for peanut butter for people who are allergic to peanuts.

sunflower butter

Main differences Between Peanut Butter And Sunflower Butter

  1. The key ingredient of peanut butter is peanuts, while sunflower butter has sunflower seeds as the main ingredient.
  2. Peanut butter has more amount of protein than sunflower butter.
  3. Peanut butter has 10 to 20 fewer calories than sunflower butter.
  4. Peanut butter has more saturated fat than sunflower butter.
  5. Peanut butter is also sweeter than sunflower butter, as peanut butter has more sugar as compared to sunflower butter.
  6. Peanut butter has less mineral content than sunflower butter. Peanut butter is considered less healthy than Sunflower butter as Sunflower butter has four times more Vitamin E & Iron and so is considered more healthy.
Difference Between Peanut Butter and Sunflower Butter

Last Updated : 15 August, 2023

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10 thoughts on “Peanut Butter vs Sunflower Butter: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The description of sunflower butter’s potential health benefits is insightful. It’s impressive to see how this alternative offers a range of nutrients that can support wellness.

  2. The comparison table is very helpful in understanding the contrasting aspects of peanut butter and sunflower butter. It’s fascinating to see the nutritional differences between the two.

  3. I found the comparison between crunchy and smooth peanut butter to be quite interesting. It’s intriguing to learn about the texture differences in these products.

  4. The information about the health benefits of sunflower butter is particularly intriguing. It seems like a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

  5. The breakdown of nutrients and mineral content in both peanut and sunflower butter is fascinating. It’s helpful to know how these products can contribute to overall health.

  6. I appreciate the in-depth overview of both peanut butter and sunflower butter. This has provided a comprehensive understanding of these ingredients and their respective uses.

  7. The detailed descriptions of both peanut butter and sunflower butter are valuable. I now have a better understanding of their composition and culinary uses.

  8. The information about sunflower butter’s anti-inflammatory properties is particularly noteworthy. It’s interesting to see how this product can contribute to reducing inflammation and supporting overall health.

  9. The explanation of peanut butter’s impact on blood sugar and insulin resistance is enlightening. Understanding these effects can help make informed dietary choices.

  10. Thank you for explaining the differences between peanut butter and sunflower butter. It’s enlightening to learn that sunflower butter is a great alternative for those allergic to peanuts.


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