Rotisserie vs Broil: Difference and Comparison

An oven is an essential kitchen device used to cook food in a heating environment. The Oven comes in different forms like convection, conventional, microwave ovens, and freestanding ovens that do similar operations, but the time consumption and the cooking process will be different.

Ovens are used for cooking food using different functions like baking, toasting, roasting, rotisserie, and broiling. Rotisserie and broiling techniques are used for cooking meat and vegetables but differ in time and effort.

Key Takeaways

  1. Rotisserie is a method of cooking food on a slowly rotating spit while broiling involves cooking food directly under high heat.
  2. Rotisserie cooking tends to result in more even cooking and a crispy exterior while broiling can result in uneven cooking and a less crispy exterior.
  3. Rotisserie cooking is used for larger cuts of meat, while broiling is used for more minor cuts or quick-cooking foods like vegetables.

Rotisserie vs Broil

The difference between Rotisserie and Broil is that the Rotisserie method is used to heat the food by spinning the food using the spit over indirect heat, while in the broiling method, the food is heated under indirect heat. The rotisserie method takes hours to cook while broiling cooks food within minutes. 

Rotisserie vs Broil

Rotisserie is a method of cooking food like poultry, beef meat, pineapple, turkeys, eggplant, potatoes, and other vegetables. The food is inserted into the rotisserie rod and placed at the centre.

The spit rotates slowly using the convection heat. It does not require preheating as a crumb tray filled with water is placed to lock the moisture and flavours. 

In the Broiling method, slim food items are exposed to direct oven heat at higher temperatures above 500°F. It is used to cook food quickly, create char on vegetables, and melt any food item.

Broiling is better than barbecue as it takes less time. Broiled food is healthy as it reduces fat content and limits aldehydes and other toxic substance formation.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonRotisserieBroil
Type of food cooked  Beef meat, seafood, poultry, hard vegetables, pineapple fruit.Boneless meat, seafood, any vegetables, and fruits.
Cooking TimeIt takes hours to cook.It takes few minutes from 3-12 minutes.
Placement of foodPlace the food at the center of the rod.     Place the food try close to the top heating element.
TemperatureIt is cooked under a low temperature below 500°F and uses indirect heat.It is cooked at a high temperature above 500°F and uses direct heat.
Benefits The resulting meat will be soft, tender, and healthy.The resulting food will be dry, healthy but loses its natural juice.
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What is Rotisserie?

Rotisserie is one of the methods to cook poultry, meat, and turkeys in the oven. In this method, the bird or any meat is rotated in the spits in the convection heat.

The rotisserie method requires a rotisserie rod, wing nuts, prongs, and a rotisserie tool. Depending on the rotisserie rod length, the meat can be accommodated.

The method does not require any preheating. Insert the wingnuts into the prong.

Place the food at the centre of the rotisserie rod and fix the wing nuts tightly. Rotisserie ovens have many spits to place multiple poultries.

To cook high-fat food, pour water into the crumb tray before cooking. Use the rotisserie tool to remove the cooked food after resting it for ten minutes.

It cooks the food by spinning the spit. It locks the moist, natural juice and flavour of the food.

It cooks the food using indirect heat. Rotisserie is also used on a charcoal grill to cook the whole animal once.

In an oven, the spit can carry about 5 pounds of meat. Even seafood can be cooked by using the crumb tray.

Patience is an essential element in eating delicious food in this case. Vegetables and fruits such as eggplant, potatoes, kebabs, zucchini, mushrooms, and pineapple can also be cooked. 


What is Broil?

Broiling is a method used to cook solid food items like meat, fruits, and vegetables at higher temperate by using direct heat from the oven. The food is spread on the Broiling pan and kept inside the oven.

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It uses dry heat at higher temperatures to cook thin food or already cooked food to add texture. It takes less oil to cook, and hence an alternative method to grill on the barbecue. 

It is suitable to cook thin meat like rib eye, tenderloin, kabobs, patties, boneless chicken, fish fillets, seafood like shrimps, scallops, tender fruits like banana, mango, peaches, and vegetables like tomato halves, pepper strips, and others. 

Preheat the oven as per the instruction for different food items. Broiling creates smoke during the process.

To prevent the smoke, place the broiling rack filled with food on the broiling pan so that the smoke flows into the pan. Defrost the poultry or meat before broiling for the best results.

In some ovens, the broiler will be either at the top or bottom. If the broiler is at the top, slide the broiler rack to the highest slot; if it is below, then slide the rack to the lowest slot.

In both cases, the rack should be four-inch away from the heat. It is best suitable for charring food, browning, melting, crusting, and crisping. 


Main Differences Between Rotisserie and Broil

  1. Rotisserie is an alternative to roasting done on a spit by rotating the meat at a low temperature under indirect heat, and broiling is an alternative to grilling, where the food is cooked at a higher temperature under direct heat.
  2. Rotisserie is a slow process and takes hours to cook the meat, depending on the size, while broiling is a fast process and takes less than fifteen minutes.
  3. The rotisserie method is suitable for cooking whole meat like beef, poultry, seafood, solid vegetables, and pineapple that are skewered on the rod and rotated. The broiling method fits to cook tender fruits, vegetables, patties, kebabs, fish, and seafood.
  4. Food is placed in the centre of the Rotisserie rod, while the food is placed in the broiling pan near the top heating element.
  5. Rotisserie uses dry and diffused heat, while Broiling uses dry and radiant heat.
Difference Between Rotisserie and Broil

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.