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In elementary school, the first thing that they teach the children is identifying colours. Seven unique colours are there, and they are constituents of the colour- white.

While observing the electromagnetic spectrum, we see it is continuous. But there are seven colours with different wavelengths.

The range of some colours may seem the same, but they are different. Violet and Purple are such colours. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Violet is a spectral color with a higher frequency and shorter wavelength than purple.
  2. Purple is a composite color made by mixing blue and red, whereas violet is not a composite color.
  3. Violet is associated with flowers like violets, whereas purple is associated with royalty.

Violet vs Purple

Violet is a spectral color between blue and purple, with a shorter wavelength and higher frequency than purple. It is associated with creativity, imagination, and spirituality. Purple is a secondary color made by mixing red and blue, and is a warmer, luxurious color associated with wealth, power, and ambition.

Violet vs Purple

Violet is a colour that occurs in our visible spectrum. It inspires unconditional love and is devoid of ego.

This colour has a dominant wavelength. It is sensitive to all forms of pollution, and it encourages various pursuits.

Violet is the innermost colour in the rainbow, and anyone can describe it from a physical standpoint. Purple colour relates to spirituality and imagination. It is not there in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Also, it is not a natural colour. You can make it by mixing the colours- blue and red.

Our brain cannot perceive this colour easily as it is a mixture of two colours. Purple is just a subjective colour, and it is more saturated. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonVioletPurple
DefinitionIt is a colour named after a flower- violet and is a spectral colour.It is a colour that is made by man and is not a spectral colour.
WavelengthHas a dominant wavelength.Not a single wavelength but the product of two colours.
Electromagnetic spectrumIt is present there.It is not present there.
ComponentsNo components but natural colour.Red, blue.

What is Violet?

Violet is a colour which is there in the conventional wheel, present between blue and red. You can also see it on the opposite of yellow.

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It has a wavelength range of 380-450 nanometres in the spectrum. Pigments for this colour come from cobalt phosphate, berries, manganese, and artificial chemical compounds. 

The name of the colour comes from a flower- violet, which grows in many parts of the world. This colour has the shortest wavelength, unlike the other colours.

That is why it lies on the opposite end of the spectrum. The wavelength is too small, so the human eye cannot see ultraviolet light.

Just like this, we cannot see the ultraviolet colour also. As this colour lies between blue and red, it has both characteristics. It reflects positive energy and strength, just like the red colour.

Also, it presents spirituality, like the colour blue. Violet is a reflective colour that helps humans connect with profound thoughts.

People believe that this colour helps them gain a better perspective on life. Violet is the colour of a better future.

Many famous artists wear this colour while performing, and they face success. Some shades of violet are- blackberry, mallow, forest, lilac, plum, eggplant, etc. 

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What is Purple?

The purple colour represents royalty, luxury, wealth, and power. It combines the energy of red colour and the calmness of blue colour.

Colour also has a variety of effects on the body and mind of a person. It includes- calming the nerves, uplifting spirits, and increasing sensitivity.

Different shades and hues of this colour have different meanings. Light purple ones show feminine energy and romantic feelings.

On the other hand, dark purple ones show feelings of frustration and sadness. It is a rare colour of nature and also the colour of magic and fantasy.

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Adolescent girls love the colour purple these days. It is the colour of autumn when the days are short while the light is fading. 

This colour represents bravery as they give purple hearts to the members of forces who lost their lives in the line of duty. Other uses of purple colour convey lofty goals.

It also represents the crown chakra which is at the top of the head. 

  1. Dominica is a nation that has purple on its flag. 
  2. There are ample amounts of words that rhyme with the purple colour.
  3. We celebrate the purple day on 26th March every year, and Cassidy Megan found it. 
  4. There is a purple people bridge that connects Cincinnati with Newport. The residents think that it is a good colour for public consumption. 

Main Differences Between Violet and Purple

  1. Violet is a noticeable colour, and it is natural. On the other hand, the purple colour is a shade made by man, and it is unnatural. 
  2. Violet is there in the electromagnetic spectrum and is a spectral colour. But the purple colour is not there in the electromagnetic spectrum and is not a spectral colour. 
  3. Violet has a dominant wavelength in the visible spectrum. On the other hand, you cannot see the purple colour in the visible spectrum. 
  4. Violet is a colour in Newton’s colour wheel. But we cannot see the purple colour in it because Newton did not accept it. 
  5. Violet is in the single wavelength range, while purple comes under the range of many wavelengths and has many shades. 
  6. Anyone can describe violet from a physical standpoint. But purple colour is a mixture of two colours, so our brain cannot perceive it easily. 
Difference Between Violet and Purple
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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.