Windows vs Linux: Difference and Comparison

In any computer, PC, or laptop, an operating system is the most needed software which is required to manage all the activities of it, like – computer hardware, software resources, etc.

In short, it can be said that the operating system provides an interface between the user and the computer hardware.

Different applications require an operating system to run, and these operating systems can be any of these given – Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, and many others.

Key Takeaways

  1. Windows is a proprietary operating system developed by Microsoft, while Linux is an open-source OS based on the Unix architecture.
  2. Linux offers better customization and flexibility, whereas Windows provides a more user-friendly interface and broader software compatibility.
  3. Linux systems are more secure and stable than Windows due to their open-source nature and community-driven development.

Windows vs Linux

The difference between Windows and Linux is that Windows is an expensive package of operating systems, and also they aren’t open-source of it, while comparatively, on the other hand, Linux is another operating system and is more or less free of cost along with this, it is considered as an open-source of the operating system.

Windows vs

Windows or Microsoft Windows is the operating system that was developed by the Microsoft Corporation company. The first version of the operating system was developed in the year 1985.

And globally, 90% of computers use the operating system developed by Microsoft. The company developed the operating system with one of the first Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) that ruled the entire market. 

Linux is the operating system developed by Linus Torvalds in the year 1991. He developed the respective operating system as a hobby and created a similar version of the MINIX operating system.

The Linux operating system is available for anyone to modify, run, work, and access. The operating system was released under the name of GNU General Public Licence (GPL).

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonWindowsLinux
Open-source It cannot be accessed as an open-source.It can be accessed as an open-source.
Case SensitivityIt is considered to be a case-insensitive file.It is considered a case-sensitive file.
Kernel TypeMicrokernelMonolithic Kernel
EfficiencyLess efficientMore efficient
Path separatorBackward SlashForward Slash
LicenseUsers cannot modify the source code.Users can modify the source code.
UsabilityEasy to operate but takes much time for installation.Difficult to install but perform tasks easily.
UpdatesDoesn’t have control over it.It can be controlled by the user completely.

What is Windows?

Windows, or Microsoft Windows, is one of the world’s most widely used operating systems. Approximately 90% of the computers have priorly installed Windows in it.

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The operating system was developed by the Microsoft Corporation Company in the year 1985. When the first edition was released, the company incorporated the first-ever Graphical User Interface (GUI) that was compatible with IBM PCs.

The Windows operating system is not considered as an open-source file; also, it is a case of insensitivity. The kernel type used in the Windows operating system is micro.

The cost of the operating system installed in the computers is very expensive. The backwards slash is the path separator between the directories in Windows.

Over time, the company has developed many updated versions of Windows like – Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 10, and Windows 11.

With each update, the features and interface were changed. Currently, the company has introduced the new Windows 11 in the market.

64 bit windows 7

What is Linux?

Linux operating system is another type of operating system that is available in the market. The operating system was developed by a software engineer named Linus Torvalds.

The system was initially released in the 1990s, and over time, the operating system gets its up-gradation with new features and updates.

Linux was developed as a similar version to the MINIX operating system, and the operating system is also available for everyone to modify, run, work, and access. In short, this can be concluded that the operating system is working as an open-source file.

The Linux operating system was developed under the name of GNU General Public Licence (GPL).

The different versions of the system are Linux 0.02, Linux, 1.0, etc. The system uses the forward flash system as its path separator in between the directories. 

linux 1

Main Differences Between Windows and Linux

  1. Windows operating system is not considered to be open-source, while comparatively, on the other hand, the Linux operating system is said to be open-source.
  2. Windows operating system is quite expensive, while comparatively, on the other hand, the Linux operating system is developed free of cost.
  3. Windows operating system is considered as the case insensitive file while comparatively, on the other hand, the Linux operating system is considered as the case sensitive file.
  4. Windows operating system uses the microkernel, while comparatively, the Linux operating system uses the monolithic kernel.
  5. Windows operating is less efficient in performing different operating while comparatively, on the other hand, the Linux operating system is considered to be more efficient towards performing different tasks.
  6. Windows operating system uses the backward slash as the path separator, while comparatively, on the other hand, the Linux operating system uses the forward slash as the path separator.
  7. Windows operating system is less secure, while comparatively, on the other hand, the Linux operating system is more secure. 
  8. In the Windows operating system, one cannot access and change the source code of the file, while comparatively, on the other hand, in the Linux operating system, the user can change the source code of the file as their choice.
  9. The user can easily operate Windows, but still, they might have to face a longer installation time while comparatively, on the other hand, the user in Linux has to face quite a difficulty in installation, but later on, it performs tasks easily.
  10. Windows update is irregular and can pop up at an unnecessary time, which may be frustrating for the user, while comparatively, on the other hand, the user completely controls Linux updates.   
Difference Between Windows and


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Last Updated : 21 June, 2023

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