Zapier vs IFTTT: Difference and Comparison

Today, technology is making more and more advances and making our day-to-day tasks easier. Both applications are used to link more than one app into a single one for a better experience.

These applications help to automate business and make it compatible with the office environment. It makes more services available in a compact way.

Key Takeaways

  1. Zapier targets businesses with automation services, while IFTTT focuses on individual users and smart home devices.
  2. Zapier offers more advanced features and a greater number of app integrations than IFTTT.
  3. Zapier has a tiered pricing structure for its services, while IFTTT offers a free version and a subscription-based plan.

Zapier vs IFTTT

Zapier is an electronic tool which is used for connecting different applications to initiate specific tasks and can control another app while being on one app and saves time. IFTT is a cyber space which connects different devices and apps to perform automatics actions between them. It operates based on conditional statements, where users can define triggers (“If This”) and corresponding actions (“Then That”) to automate tasks and workflows.

Zapier vs IFTTT

Zapier is one of the most useful applications in the generation of software and technology. It helps to link two apps together. It also helps to expand the features of both apps.

In case of complex requirements like memory or file management. In the case of price, Zapier is good to go.

IFTTT is also a software-based application that links two or more apps together. It is a platform that connects apps devices from different domains.

It helps to make a device more compatible and flexible according to user requirements. The functioning of this software is based on the applet.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonZapierIFTTT
DefinitionIt helps to connect applications.It provides services of event responses.
IntegrationIt has the integration of 6000 apps.It has the integration of 600 apps.
TypeIt involves business-related automation.It involves home-based apps.
TerminologyIn Zapier, workflow is called “zap”.In IFTTT, workflow is called an “Applet”.
AvailabilityIt is only available in the desktop version.It has both an app and a desktop version.

What is Zapier?

 Zapier is a service that enables users to connect their web applications. Zapier is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, and employs over 550 people in the United States and 38 other countries.

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This service was founded by Wade Foster, Bryan Helmig, Mike Knoop.

It was first officially released on 1 August 2012. This application is available in the English language. As we all know that software is classified into various categories depending upon its work and usage.

Similarly, Zapier is task automation software. If we talk about backend language, then this application is written in Python/Django and Javascript/React language.

Zapier’s online interface is used to construct commands known as zaps. Each zap has two essential components: a trigger and an action.

The trigger is the event that starts the zap – think of it as the “if this happens…” element of the operation in programming terms.

Zapier integrates with over 2,000 apps and services, so there are a plethora of triggers on which you may build a zap. The action is the event that brings the zap to a close.

The command’s “then do this” element, as well as the automation, simplify your task or procedure.

For example, a zap could be written to generate a Google Calendar event for each new Trello card added to your board, or a zap could be built to create a Todoist to-do list based on emails you star or flag in Gmail.

What is IFTTT?

“If This Then That,” which is commonly known as IFTTT, is a commercial company that allows the user to create responses to any event. It allows this facility to create programs.

It is a kind of event notification service provider. It collaborates with different companies to expand its usage.

Some of the events or commands are public APIs. It is a private service provider which was founded in 2010. The founders of IFTTT are Linden Tibbets, Jese Tane.

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The headquarters of IFTTT is situated in California, United States.

IFTTT’s core building blocks are services. They primarily describe a set of data from an online service like YouTube or eBay. Services can also refer to behaviors that are controlled through APIs, such as SMS.

They can sometimes be used to represent whether or stock market data. Each service has its own set of actions and triggers.

The “this” element of an applet is called a trigger. They are the things that set the action in motion. You can get a notification based on a keyword or phrase from an RSS feed.

For example, An applet’s actions are the “that” component. They are the outputs that result from the trigger’s input.

Main Differences Between Zapier and IFTTT

  1. Zapier is more related to the office-like environment. On the other hand, IFTTT is related to home-based apps.
  2. Zapier refers to its automation as ‘zaps.’ On the other hand, IFTTT calls its automation ‘recipes.’
  3. Zapier is a paid application. On the other hand, IFTTT is free of cost.
  4. Zapier supports more number of apps which include third-party apps also. On the other hand, IFTTT supports only a few of the apps as compared to Napier.
  5. Zapier is not available in android or iOS versions. On the other hand, IFTTT is available in all kinds of versions.
Difference Between Zapier and IFTTT

Last Updated : 25 July, 2023

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