Sonos Connect vs Sonos Connect Amp: Difference and Comparison

Sonos Connect and Sonos Connect Amp are both wireless home audio streaming components used for streaming music and are marketed under the most popular and trusted brand in the Hi-fi product industry, Sonos.

Key Takeaways

  1. Sonos Connect is a wireless music streaming device that connects to an existing stereo or home theater system. At the same time, Sonos Connect:Amp combines a streaming device and an amplifier in one unit.
  2. Sonos Connect requires an external amplifier or receiver to power speakers, while the Connect:Amp includes a built-in amplifier, eliminating the need for additional equipment.
  3. Both devices allow users to integrate non-Sonos speakers into their Sonos multi-room audio system but cater to different needs depending on the user’s existing audio setup.

Sonos Connect vs Sonos Connect Amp 

Sonos Connect is a device that allows you to add your existing audio equipment, such as a stereo system, to the Sonos wireless network. It can be controlled with the Sonos app. Sonos Connect Amp is a device that includes a built-in amplifier, allowing you to power your speakers directly.

Sonos Connect vs Sonos Connect Amp

The wireless home audio streaming component that can turn home speakers into wireless receivers is known as Sonos Connect. They are marketed under the trusted brand in the Hi-fi product industry, Sonos.

The product is much more advanced than Sonos Connect as it also comes with an amplifier that makes it have better sound quality. However, it is a bit pricier than the Sonos Connect. 

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Comparison Table

  Parameters of Comparison   Sonos Connect  Sonos Connect Amp 
 Amplifier   Comes without an amplifier.  Comes with a 55-watt power-per-channel integrated amplifier.  
 Sound quality   Not as good as Sonos Connect Amp.  Better sound quality. 
 Cost   Cheaper than Sonos Connect Amp.  Much costlier than Sonos Connect. 
 Setups   Works only for indoor setups.  Works for both indoor and outdoor setups. 
 Sonos Controller App   Does not have it.  Help operate speakers in the room through the app. 
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What is Sonos Connect? 

The wireless home audio streaming component that can turn home speakers into wireless receivers is known as Sonos Connect. The Sonos Connect will, however, only work when you already have a receiver.

Sonos Connect updates the existing streaming system with wireless music. It has a compact size and comes with a line-in. It connects comfortably with any receiver through analog or digital coaxial digital audio outputs it uses.

It is also not as advanced as its predecessor. It is a lot cheaper compared to the Sonos Connect Amp. 

sonos connect scaled

What is Sonos Connect Amp? 

Sonos Connect Amp is a small amplifier that conveniently fits anywhere in a room and works with the existing speaker system. It is the predecessor of Sonos Connect and is, therefore, marketed under the trusted Hi-fi brand Sonos.

Through the Sonos Controller app, the Sonos Connect Amp provides wireless sound. Therefore, any person can operate the Sonos speakers in their room and outdoors with the help of the Sonos Controller app.

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The device has a 55-watt power-per-channel integrated amplifier that improves sound quality. It also comes with AirPlay 2, HDMI input, and custom configurations.

sonos connect amp scaled

Main Differences Between Sonos Connect and Sonos Connect Amp 

  1. The Sonos Connect can only connect with the speakers that are indoors or in the room. On the other hand, the Sonos Connect Amp conveniently connects with both indoor and outdoor speakers. 
  2. Sonos Connect does not have the Sonos controller app for operating indoor speakers. On the other hand, the Sonos Connect Amp helps operate indoor and outdoor speakers through the Sonos Controller application. 
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Sandeep Bhandari
Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.


  1. The Sonos Connect Amp’s compatibility with both indoor and outdoor speaker setups is a significant advantage for those who enjoy music both indoors and outdoors.

  2. The Sonos Connect is a great way to integrate existing audio systems to the Sonos network. It could become a cornerstone in building your smart home audio system

  3. The Sonos Connect offers a cost-effective solution for integrating existing audio equipment into the Sonos wireless network, which is excellent for those working on a budget.

  4. It’s fascinating to learn the technological advancements of the Sonos Connect and Connect Amp. The integrated amplifier is an interesting addition.

  5. The Sonos Connect and Sonos Connect Amp have unique features, making them suitable for different audio needs. The Sonos Connect Amp’s compatibility with both indoor and outdoor setups is a standout feature.

  6. The Sonos Connect Amp’s built-in amplifier greatly improves sound quality and flexibility, especially for existing speaker systems.

  7. Comparing the differences between the Sonos Connect and the Sonos Connect Amp is essential to make informed decisions for home audio integration.

  8. The Connect and Connect Amp cater to different needs depending on the user’s existing audio setup, offering flexibility and adaptability to the user’s needs.

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