iRobot i7 vs i8: Difference and Comparison

The iRobot i7 features advanced navigation technology, efficient cleaning patterns, and customizable cleaning schedules, making it ideal for larger homes with multiple rooms. On the other hand, the iRobot i8 introduces upgraded suction power, improved dirt detection capabilities, and enhanced brush designs, ensuring deeper cleaning performance and better handling of pet hair or debris.

Key Takeaways

  1. The iRobot i8 has a higher suction power than the i7, making it better at picking up debris and pet hair.
  2. The i8 has a more advanced navigation system, allowing it to map multiple floors and specific rooms, while the i7 can only map one floor at a time.
  3. The i8 also has a larger dustbin capacity and a self-emptying dock, making it more convenient for those with larger homes or frequent cleaning needs.

iRobot i7 vs i8

The iRobot Roomba is a robot vacuum designed to clean hard floor surfaces with dual multi-surface brushes and a power-lifting suction. Its i7 series has a small battery with 75 minutes of run time. The i8 series has a large battery with a 90-minute run time and comes with a virtual wall barrier.

iRobot i7 vs i8

Comparison Table

FeatureiRobot i7iRobot i8
Model NameRoomba i7Roomba i8
Self-Empty BaseNoYes
Cleaning PerformanceExcellentExcellent
NavigationImprint Smart Mapping with iAdapt 3.0Imprint Smart Mapping with iAdapt 3.0
App ControlYes (iRobot Home App)Yes (iRobot Home App)
Voice ControlWorks with Alexa and Google AssistantWorks with Alexa and Google Assistant
Spot CleaningYesYes
Passover ModeYesYes
Carpet BoostYesYes
Rubber BrushesYesYes
Hepa FilterYesYes

What is iRobot i7?

Key Features

1. Smart Navigation:

The iRobot i7 employs iAdapt 3.0 navigation technology, allowing it to efficiently map and clean your home using advanced sensors and algorithms.

2. Customizable Cleaning:

With the iRobot HOME app, users can create personalized cleaning schedules and designate specific areas or rooms for targeted cleaning.

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3. Powerful Performance:

Equipped with a high-efficiency cleaning system and dual rubber brushes, the i7 effectively loosens, lifts, and suctions dirt, dust, and debris from various floor surfaces.

4. Convenient Control:

Users can command the iRobot i7 through voice commands using Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, enabling hands-free operation and seamless integration with smart home ecosystems.

5. Adaptive Navigation:

The i7 utilizes Imprint Smart Mapping technology to learn the layout of your home, optimizing cleaning routes and adapting to changes in furniture placement or room configurations over time.

6. Automatic Recharge and Resume:

When the battery runs low, the i7 autonomously returns to its charging dock to recharge, then resumes cleaning from where it left off, ensuring complete coverage of your home.

7. High-Efficiency Filter:

Equipped with a high-performance filter, the i7 captures up to 99% of allergens and particles as small as 10 microns, promoting cleaner indoor air quality.

8. Virtual Barrier Technology:

Users can set up virtual barriers using the included Dual Mode Virtual Wall Barrier or Virtual Wall Lighthouse accessories to prevent the i7 from entering specific areas or rooms.

9. Compatibility:

The iRobot i7 is compatible with Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal (sold separately), allowing for hands-free emptying of the robot’s dustbin for up to 60 days.

Ideal for

Multi-Room Homes:

With its intelligent navigation and mapping capabilities, the iRobot i7 is well-suited for larger homes with multiple rooms, ensuring efficient and thorough cleaning.

Users Seeking Customization:

Individuals who value customization and control over their cleaning routines will appreciate the i7’s ability to tailor cleaning schedules and target specific areas for cleaning.

Tech-Savvy Users:

The integration with smart home platforms and the intuitive app control make the iRobot i7 an attractive choice for those who embrace technology to simplify household chores.

irobot i7

What is iRobot i8?

Key Features

1. Enhanced Suction Power:

The iRobot i8 boasts upgraded suction power, ensuring deeper cleaning performance on various floor surfaces, including carpets, rugs, and hard floors.

2. Improved Dirt Detection:

With advanced dirt detection sensors, the i8 efficiently identifies and targets high-traffic areas or heavily soiled spots for thorough cleaning, enhancing overall cleaning effectiveness.

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3. Enhanced Brush Designs:

Equipped with redesigned brush systems, including high-efficiency brushes and rubber extractors, the i8 effectively lifts and removes dirt, dust, and pet hair, providing comprehensive cleaning results.

4. Customizable Cleaning:

Similar to its predecessor, the i8 offers customizable cleaning schedules and room-specific cleaning preferences through the iRobot HOME app, allowing users to tailor cleaning routines to their preferences and lifestyle.

Ideal for

Homes with Pets:

The iRobot i8’s enhanced suction power and brush designs make it particularly suitable for homes with pets, effectively tackling pet hair and dander for a cleaner living environment.

High-Traffic Areas:

With its advanced dirt detection capabilities, the i8 is ideal for cleaning high-traffic areas prone to accumulating dirt and debris, ensuring thorough cleaning and maintenance of these spaces.


Users who appreciate smart home technology and customization options will find the iRobot i8 appealing, thanks to its integration with the iRobot HOME app and ability to tailor cleaning schedules and preferences to individual needs.

Main Differences Between iRobot i7 and i8

Battery Life

  • i7: Up to 75 minutes of cleaning time
  • i8: Up to 90 minutes of cleaning time (Exclusive to the Costco bundle)


  • i7: Sold individually with no additional accessories.
  • i8: Sold at Costco with a bundle including:
    • 3 extra dust bin bags
    • 2 extra HEPA filters
    • 1 Virtual Wall barrier
    • Extended warranty


  • i7: Widely available at various retailers
  • i8: Exclusively available at Costco (bundled version)

Last Updated : 29 February, 2024

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22 thoughts on “iRobot i7 vs i8: Difference and Comparison”

  1. It’s fascinating to see how the iRobot i7 and i8 differ in terms of feature sets and suitability for specific home environments. The emphasis on customizability and powerful performance is certainly appealing.

    • The comparison table provides a comprehensive view of their differences. It’s clear that both models have distinct benefits that cater to various cleaning needs.

    • Absolutely! The i8’s focus on deep cleaning and pet hair removal is valuable for pet owners, while the i7’s adaptability to multi-room homes is equally impressive.

  2. I’m not sure about the higher price of the i8 compared to the i7. Is the enhanced suction power and dirt detection worth the extra cost, especially for users with larger homes?

  3. The iRobot i8 seems like a great choice for homes with pets or high-traffic areas, while the i7 suits larger, multi-room homes. It’s fantastic to have options that cater to different cleaning needs!

  4. The iRobot i7 and i8 offer compelling features, but which one truly delivers on its promises? The customizable cleaning and powerful performance sound promising, but practical user experiences will determine their value.

    • Agreed. It’s crucial to assess how these features translate into real-world benefits. User feedback and long-term performance will shed light on their effectiveness.

    • Absolutely. While the specifications are impressive, user satisfaction and reliability are key factors in evaluating the overall worth of these robotic vacuums.

  5. The iRobot i7’s high-efficiency filter and virtual barrier technology offer practical advantages for users seeking cleaner indoor air and targeted cleaning. The i8’s focus on pet hair removal is a strong selling point.

    • The comparison highlights the unique strengths of each model. While the i7 prioritizes broader cleaning needs, the i8 excels in specific cleaning challenges, catering to different user priorities.

    • Absolutely. It’s impressive to see the i7’s comprehensive approach to indoor air quality and its adaptability to diverse home layouts.

  6. I’m curious to see how the iRobot i7’s smart navigation compares to the i8’s enhanced suction power. Both models target distinct cleaning needs, but which one balances navigation and performance more effectively?

    • The user experience will ultimately determine the balance between navigation and performance. It’s a matter of finding the right fit based on individual cleaning priorities.

    • That’s a great point. The trade-off between navigation and performance will be a crucial factor for users with unique home layouts and cleaning demands.

  7. I’m intrigued by the i7’s automatic recharge and resume capability and its compatibility with smart home platforms. The convenience and adaptability of the i7 make it a compelling choice for tech-savvy users like myself.

    • The seamless integration with smart home ecosystems is indeed noteworthy. It’s exciting to see how the i7 streamlines cleaning tasks through advanced navigation and control options.

  8. The iRobot i8 may have its advantages, but the i7’s ability to suit multi-room homes and its efficient navigation make it hard to ignore. The self-emptying dock of the i8 is tempting, though!

    • The pricing should also be considered in terms of long-term convenience and cleaning results. It’s a matter of weighing the pros and cons based on one’s individual needs.

    • I agree; the i7’s extensive coverage is a valuable feature. However, for users with specific cleaning requirements, the i8’s enhanced performance may be worth the investment.

  9. The iRobot i7 and i8 offer an intriguing blend of intelligent features and powerful cleaning capabilities. It’s exciting to see how these robotic vacuums elevate home cleaning standards through advanced technology.

  10. I’m so impressed with the advanced features of both the iRobot i7 and i8! It’s incredible how they offer customizable cleaning schedules and optimize cleaning routes for thorough results. I’m excited to see such innovation in home cleaning technology.

    • Absolutely! The upgraded suction power and dirt detection of the i8 make it a game-changer for pet owners like myself. It’s a relief to have a vacuum that can handle pet hair with ease.


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