Cider vs Juice: Difference and Comparison

Apples are a very versatile fruit. From making pie or dessert, or even beverages. The two most known beverages from apples are apple juice and apple cider.

As a common consumer, one might not be able to differentiate between the two. The slight change in the taste of the two drinks marks one as an adult, another one as versatile for all.

Key Takeaways

  1. Cider is made from fermented apples, while the juice is made from fresh, unfermented fruit.
  2. Cider has an alcoholic content, while the juice is non-alcoholic.
  3. Cider has a stronger, more distinct flavor than juice.

Cider vs Juice

The difference between Cider and Juice is that Cider is unpasteurized pressed apple juice, which goes through a filtration process to remove any sediments, while juice is pasteurized form of beverage. Cider has an alcoholic taste, and thus it is known as Juice for grown-ups.

Cider vs Juice

Cider is a cloudy, caramel-colored liquid with a complicated sweet, tart taste. Cider refers to an apple-primarily based alcoholic beverage, or what Americans name tough cider.

In different places, apple cider refers to juice crafted from apples picked early withinside the season. There is also spiced cider, which contains additions like nutmeg and cinnamon for flavoring.

Apple juice can take a seat down unopened in the cupboard for months or drinking, and it gives off the sweeter, purifier flavor of clean filtered apple juice.

Apple juice is juice that has been filtered to do away with solids and pasteurized to live sparkling longer.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCiderJuice
ProcessingCider is unpasteurized apple juiceJuice is a pasteurized form of pressed liquid.
Shelf-lifeIt can stale very quickly, even if unopened.If unopened, it can have a long shelf life.
TasteThe taste of cider is harsh, a bit alcoholicThe taste of the juice is sweet and clear.
AppearanceThe color of the cider is cloudy and dark yellow.The color of the juice is clear and light.
CaloriesA cup of cider contains around 120 calories.A cup of juice contains about 110 calories.

What is Cider?

Apple cider is crafted from apples which might be washed, reduced, and floored into an “apple mash,” much like applesauce. The mash is then wrapped in material and pressed into clean juice.

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Uncooked apple juice that has now no longer passed through a filtration procedure to put off coarse debris of pulp or sediment.”.

Cider, which is unpasteurized, has to be saved bloodless and completed off inside per week or two. The ensuing liquid is every so pasteurized earlier than being bottled every so now no longer.

Either way, the end result is a cloudy, caramel-colored liquid with a complicated sweet, tart taste. Cider refers to an apple-primarily based totally alcoholic beverage, or what Americans name tough cider.

In different places, apple cider clearly refers to juice crafted from apples picked early within side the season. You have to be cautious approximately matters categorized as spiced apple cider additionally.

This approach that spices, mulling ones like cinnamon and nutmeg, were introduced to taste the juice.

To make clean cider, apples are washed, reduced, and floored right into a mash this is the consistency of applesauce. Layers of mash are wrapped in material and placed into wooded racks.

A hydraulic press does the work of squeezing, and the juice flows into cold storage tanks. This juice is marketed as apple cider.

The taste may have a tangier, almost “harsher” flavor than conventional apple juice. This might be why cider is -taken into consideration to be a greater “grown-up” model of apple juice.

Apple cider comes from apples, which might be basically water. Apple cider carries polyphenols, which might be plant compounds that act as antioxidants.

Antioxidants may be useful in phrases of decreasing inflammation and keeping a wholesome mind function. Cider may additionally help in decreasing the risk of cancer, diabetes, and coronary heart disease.


What is Juice?

Apple juice is filtered to remove the pulp and then pasteurized to increase shelf life. Vacuum sealing and extra filtering assist it live sparkling even longer.

Apple juice can take a seat down unopened in the cupboard for months or drinking, and it gives off the sweeter, purifier flavor of clean filtered apple juice.

Apple juice is a juice that has been filtered to do away with solids and pasteurized with a view to live sparkling longer.

The ensuing expelled juice can be similarly dealt with through enzymatic and centrifugal rationalization to do away with the starch and pectin, which holds pleasant particulate in suspension, after which are pasteurized for packaging in glass, metal, or aseptic processing containers, or similarly processed into a concentrate using dehydration strategies, are commonly manufactured on the market.

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The apples used for apple juice are harvested between September and mid-November in the Northern Hemisphere and between February and mid-April in the Southern Hemisphere.

Once the apples are harvested, they are washed and transported to the processing plant, and then the juice extractors press us.

The apples that are used for processing apple juice are harvested between September and mid-November in the Northern Hemisphere and between February and mid-April in the Southern Hemisphere.

Once the apples are harvested, they are washed and transported to the processing plant, and then the juice extractors press us.

apple juice

Main Differences Between Cider And Juice

  1. Cider is pasteurized, whereas juice is unpasteurized.
  2. Cider can stale very quickly, even if unopened, whereas juice will have a long shelf life if unopened.
  3. The taste of Cider may have a tangier, almost “harsher” flavor, while The taste of the juice is sweet and clear.
  4. The color of the cider is cloudy and dark yellow. The color of the juice is clear and light.
  5. A cup of cider contains around  120 calories. A cup of juice contains about 110 calories.
  6. Cider is considered as a gown up drink, while juice is considered a beverage for kids.
Difference Between Cider And Juice

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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15 thoughts on “Cider vs Juice: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The health benefits and potential risks associated with cider and juice consumption were particularly interesting to read about. This article has certainly broadened my knowledge on the topic.

  2. The detailed explanations provided throughout this article, from the processing of cider and juice to their health effects, contribute to a comprehensive understanding. It’s an excellent source of knowledge on this subject.

  3. The additional information about the health benefits of consuming apple cider and juice was enlightening. This article manages to deliver both educational and practical insights.

  4. I found the comparison of best-selling cider and juice products to be particularly advantageous. It attests to the article’s credibility and is a valuable reference for consumers.

  5. The explanation of how apple cider and juice are produced provided valuable insights into the differences in their processing methods. It’s enlightening to understand the varying techniques involved.

  6. The comprehensive portrayal of the manufacturing techniques and details in this article added depth to my knowledge. This is a valuable resource for individuals looking to discern the disparities between cider and juice.

  7. I appreciate the comprehensive comparison of cider and juice traits, from their shelf-life to their caloric content. The level of detail in this article is impressive.

  8. The inclusion of the best-selling cider and juice products provides added value to this article. It’s an excellent resource for individuals interested in exploring different options within these categories.

  9. It’s fascinating to learn about the inner workings of cider and apple juice production. The detailed explanations provide a deeper understanding of the nuanced differences between the two.

  10. This article’s inclusion of details about the antioxidant properties of cider and juice provides a compelling reason to explore these beverages further. I’ve learned a lot from this piece.

  11. The article’s description of the production processes of cider and juice was particularly enriching. The Writer has succeeded in creating an intricately detailed comparison.

  12. The distinction in the appearance and taste of cider versus juice was well explained. The article effectively highlights the key distinctions to enhance readers’ comprehension.

  13. This article is full of interesting and useful information about the differences between cider and juice. I appreciate the comparisons made between the two beverages.

  14. I found the comparison table to be particularly helpful in summarizing the disparities between cider and juice. The clarity of information in this article is commendable.

  15. The section explaining the main differences between cider and juice was especially beneficial. It effectively brings together all the essential disparities to create a robust understanding.


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