Coconut Butter vs Coconut Oil: Difference and Comparison

Coconut is a versatile fruit. It is a source of food, drink, clothing, and shelter. Coconut is an all-season fruit and has been in consumption for centuries.

Coconut butter looks and smells familiar, and coconut oil is a common edible ingredient found in most households.

Key Takeaways

  1. Coconut butter contains whole coconut flesh, including its oil and fiber, while coconut oil is extracted solely from the coconut’s fat.
  2. Coconut butter has a thicker, creamier texture than coconut oil, which is liquid at warmer temperatures.
  3. Coconut oil is more versatile for cooking due to its higher smoke point, while coconut butter is used as a spread or in baking.

Coconut Butter vs Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a clear, liquid oil that is extracted by pressing the coconut flesh to obtain the oil. Coconut butter is made by blending the whole coconut flesh until it becomes a smooth, creamy paste, and it is a thick, creamy paste with a texture similar to peanut butter.

Coconut Butter vs Coconut Oil

Coconut butter, obtained from the whole coconut, contains saturated fat. Coconut butter burns effortlessly, and it’s best for fudge candies.

It could be substituted for butter or oil, adding a sweet coconut flavor to the recipe. Coconut butter makes an excellent spread for toast or a topping for pancakes and waffles.

Coconut oil gets extracted from coconut meat and has a mellow, sweet, and nutty flavor. It gets utilized mainly for cooking. Neutral for sweet and savory cooking but best for sauteing vegetables or spicy curries.

It helps to season cast iron pans or wooden cutting boards. At room temperature, it is solid or in a semi-solid state.

Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonCoconut ButterCoconut oil
IngredientIt is composed of coconut flesh.It is extracted from coconut meat.
TemperatureIt is either rigid or semi-rigid like peanut butter.It is rigid in cool temperature and fluid in heated temperature.
CookingBest used on something already cooked.It is used in cooking.
MakingIt is made like a puree with the flesh.Cold pressing from coconut meat.
FatIt contains saturated fat along with dietary fat.Coconut oil is entirely fat about 14% saturated fat.

What is Coconut Butter?

Coconut butter is the flesh of the coconut ground like a paste. It contains fat, fiber, and nutrients from the coconut.

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The consistency depends on the storage, and it could either be super creamy or semi-soft when warm or hard to waxy when stored in a cool place.

The butter has a typical tropical coconut flavor, not too overpowering or sweet. Coconut butter gets utilized for eating rather than cooking. 

Coconut butter gets used in the following ways:

  • Spread-Just like peanut butter, you can spread on a piece of toast or fruit. It tastes great on a baked sweet potato or greens.
  • Smoothies-Coconut butter adds fiber and flavor to the smoothies and gives them a delicious coconut taste.
  • Dessert-You can swap coconut butter for vegan desserts. The dairy-free fudge from coconut butter tastes delicious.
  • Sinful Delight-Eating straight from the jar tastes yummy, and it contains less than one gram of sugar per serving.

Coconut butter contains lauric acid and is a booster for the immune system. After breast milk, coconut butter is the richest form of lauric acid. It is helpful for babies, and type 2 diabetes or osteoporosis reduces with the help of coconut butter. It reduces joint inflammation. 

Coconut butter is rich in fiber and iron compared to coconut oil, and both are essential for the proper functioning of the body. It boosts metabolism and aids in weight loss if taken in an appropriate quantity. Coconut butter gets considered a superfood as it has numerous health benefits. It is a perfect blend of food and medicine.

coconut butter

What is Coconut oil?

Coconut oil comes from a tropical coconut palm tree(Cocos nucifera) and is a plant-based oil. Coconut oil gets obtained by cold-pressing coconut meat. It gets solid at cold temperatures and liquid when heated.

Coconut oil consists of saturated fat, and a tablespoon of oil contains around 14 gms of fat. The fatty acid of coconut oil helps reduce wrinkles, dry skin, and even dark spots. 

The following are the benefits of coconut oil in the beauty regimen:

  • Skin Moisturizer
  • Bath oil and lip balm
  • Massage oil
  • Eye makeup remover
  • Body or foot scrub along with sea salt.

It is best to test a patch on the skin before utilizing it to check for sensitivity or allergic reactions. Coconut oil is best for cooking purposes.

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The refined version has a high smoke point and can withstand high heat, so it is best suited for frying or sauteing.

The extra virgin coconut oil has a lower smoking point and is best for temperatures below 350* Fahrenheit. It is best for chocolate truffles and no-bake desserts.

Coconut oil helps in weight loss and slows the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Many of the packaged products contain coconut oil. Products like shampoo, coffee, smoothies, and sweets have coconut oil.

Coconut oil contains saturated fat that increases cholesterol levels. Coconut oil consumption must be in moderation.

The following are a few benefits of coconut oil:

  • Reduces stress-Virgin coconut oil has antioxidant properties. Researchers believe coconut oil helps in treating some kinds of depression.
  • Preventing liver disease-There are elements of coconut oil that may protect the liver.
  • Dental health-Coconut oil is best for traditional oil pulling. Oil pulling protects against cavities, improves gingivitis, and protects oral health.
coconut oil

Main Differences Between Coconut Butter and Coconut Oil

  1. Coconut butter gets made by pureeing coconut meat. Coconut oil gets made by cold-pressing coconut meat. 
  2. Coconut butter is rigid at lukewarm temperature and softens when warmed up. Coconut oil is rigid at cold temperatures and becomes liquid when warmed up. 
  3. Coconut butter gets made from the whole coconut. Coconut oil gets made from just the fat.
  4. Coconut butter tastes good straight from the jar. Coconut oil gets utilized for cooking.
  5. Coconut butter is good for no-cook candies or candies cooked over low heat. Coconut oil is suited for cooking and frying.
Difference Between Coconut Butter and Coconut Oil

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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11 thoughts on “Coconut Butter vs Coconut Oil: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The comprehensive information given about coconut butter and coconut oil, including their uses, properties, and health benefits, establishes a compelling argument in favor of incorporating them into our diet and daily lifestyle. The post provides an excellent source of knowledge for those who wish to make informed decisions about their dietary habits and health regimen.

    • The post successfully illuminates the benefits and uses of both coconut butter and coconut oil, granting us a lot of valuable knowledge. It is an excellent resource for anyone looking to enhance their diet and overall health by incorporating more nourishing and versatile products into their everyday routine.

    • Absolutely, the detailed comparison between coconut butter and coconut oil truly expands our understanding of these extremely versatile products. It is undoubtedly an incredibly useful guide for those who are considering adopting a healthier lifestyle through the use of these coconut-based ingredients.

  2. The information about coconut butter and coconut oil is profound, elucidating their properties, culinary uses, and significant health benefits. This article is extremely enlightening and serves as an excellent reference guide for individuals who aim to make informed choices regarding their dietary and health practices.

  3. It is quite striking the way in which the article contrasts the uses and properties of coconut butter and oil, making it rather easy to distinguish between both. The article stands as an excellent guide for individuals who are planning to include these coconut-derived products in their daily consumption or beauty routines.

    • Indeed, the comparison table and details about both coconut butter and coconut oil provide thorough insights into their respective characteristics. The post is certainly beneficial to those who are new to these products and wish to distinguish their uses and health advantages.

  4. The article has done an outstanding job of presenting the features and uses of coconut butter and coconut oil, making it easier for readers to discern their diverse applications and health advantages. The detailed comparison between these two products serves as a highly informative piece for anyone looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

  5. The information provided gives a comprehensive understanding of the differences between coconut butter and coconut oil, highlighting their respective uses and benefits. It serves as a valuable reference for anyone considering integrating these products into their daily lives.

  6. The benefits of coconut butter and coconut oil are extensive and varied, providing both flavor and health benefits to food and nourishment. Surely anyone can enhance their food, maintain a healthy weight, and take care of their skin, among other benefits, by simply adjusting their diet to include these versatile products.

    • Yes, I agree. The wide range of health benefits coconut butter and coconut oil have is truly outstanding. It’s certainly a great option for people who are looking to diversify their diet according to their health needs.

    • The versatility of these two coconut products is indeed impressive. I’m sure they are incredibly beneficial to our health and wellbeing. They are definitely worth incorporating into our daily lives for their numerous uses and advantages.


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