dLocal vs EBANX: Difference and Comparison

Cross Border payments are always a challenge for consumers, especially when they plan to buy a product from overseas. The cost of the product is one part, and the bank charges are the other. This is mainly because your bank is different from the cross-border issuing bank.

However, these days the presence of payment processors and payment gateways is mostly reduced. Such problems were evident in Latin American Countries, and with the help of two payment processors, the merchants are finding it quite easy and cost-effective to acquire customers.

The two major payment processors are dLocal and EBANX. They both are different in their functionalities in several ways.

Key Takeaways

  1. Dlocal and Ebanx are both payment processing companies that operate in Latin America.
  2. Dlocal supports more than 300 local payment methods, while Ebanx supports more than 100.
  3. Dlocal offers additional services such as fraud prevention and currency exchange, while Ebanx offers features such as recurring billing and pre-paid cards.

dLocal vs EBANX

The difference between dLocal and EBANX is in the payment methods. dLocal accepts cash payments, while EBANX does not accept cash payments. The speed at which cash payments are processed is also commendable. dLocal takes 1 to 2 business days for merchant settlement. But, EBANX for any transaction takes a longer duration.

dLocal vs EBANX

dLocal is a Fintech that has a payment platform that connects global merchants with Latin American People. Consumers can use the platform to make payments for any online purchases.

The platform has many domestic and international payment methods that help both businesses and customers. EBANX is a payment gateway based out of Brazil.

It aims at connecting e-commerce vendors with Latin American people for online purchases. The transaction fee is minimal, and that makes many customers opt for this platform. Also, the payment gateway is considered to be a secure one.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisondLocalEBANX
Cash PaymentsdLocal also processes Cash payments.EBANX does not have that facility.
Payment Time LimitdLocal is fast in payment settlement.EBANX transactions take 7 days from the date of payment to get the funds settled.
Payment Gateway ChargesAll-inclusive charges range between 2.7% to 7%.EBANX charges 2.7% of the transaction.
Customizable CheckoutThe facility is not available with dLocal.EBANX offered customizable checkout options.
Customizable Charges for merchantsdLocal specializes in this aspectEBANX charges for every transaction and consolidates the same.

What is dLocal?

dLocal is a financial technology company that is established in Uruguay. This company has a payment technology platform that handles online payments in mass for many merchants around the world. This platform mainly connects Latin American countries with vendors around the globe.

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dLocal offers payments in various ways.

  1. Local Card Transaction
  2. Monthly Instalments
  3. Internet Bank Transfers
  4. Direct Bank Transfers
  5. E-Wallets and
  6. Cash Payments

Global merchants are finding it cost-effective these days as Latin American consumers are less tapped because of many internal banking policies. The overseas payments were costing their customers a lot of money in terms of bank charges.

It is a fact that dLocal handled $ 2 billion worth cross border transactions in the year 2019. The platform accepts payments like a local payment method. It also converts the funds into suitable EUR or dollars as the currency of the transaction.

The facilitation of B2B payments began in the year 2013. The best part of Fintech is it offers cross-border payments to over 20 countries and also accepts 300 different payment methods. Both local and international.

The platform functions like a payment gateway as well as a payment service provider. The most prominent companies that use dLocal are Amazon, Shopify, Didi, Uber etc.

What is EBANX?

EBANX is a Brazilian Fintech that operates as a payment gateway and payment processor for the people of Latin American Countries. It connects people to global merchants. The best part is that people in Latin American Countries can purchase online without the use of Credit or a Debit Card.

As the countries have a pretty complex regulatory structure, EBANX has helped the merchants with its payment platform. The main objective of EBANX is to connect businesses with consumers of LATAM.

The major solutions offered by EBANX are

  1. Processing Payments
  2. Processing Payments through Instalments
  3. Processing Recurring Payments
  4. Local Consulting
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International purchases by the consumers of Latin America have increased by 80% these days. Global merchants have eyed EBANX as the best solution for their challenges in countries with stringent banking policies.

The companies have contemplated expanding their services only because of EBANX. The deep knowledge of the market and the financial solutions offered by EBANX keeps them the best in the industry so far. EBANX has established their partnerships with

  1. Uber Pay
  2. Coursera
  3. Scribd
  4. Visa

This comprehensive solution began in Brazil for Brazilian citizens. Now it has expanded big, connecting other countries too.

Main Differences Between dLocal and EBANX

  1. The main difference between dLocal and EBANX is that the former accepts cash payments from customers. It shall be processed within 2 business days too. EBANX do not offer such services.
  2. dLocal has quick payment settlement plans. All the payments happen very quickly. The bank transfers the credit card payments happen instantly too. However, EBANX takes 7 days for any type of payment to be settled.
  3. The transaction charges with dLocal are slightly expensive when compared to EBANX’s transaction charges.
  4. dLocal has many payment features but fails at customised checkout options, where EBANX clicks best.
  5. The charges incurred by the merchants can be customized as per the client’s choice to make the payment, while EBANX consolidates all the transactions for the month and sends the invoice to be cleared.
  1. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3673240

Last Updated : 14 October, 2023

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20 thoughts on “dLocal vs EBANX: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The details about dLocal and EBANX’s services and differences in payment methods are enlightening. It’s clear that both platforms offer unique advantages to both consumers and merchants.

    • Absolutely, the article provides valuable insights into the payment processing landscape in Latin America and how dLocal and EBANX are addressing the unique challenges in the region.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The in-depth comparison and explanations in this article make it easy to understand the benefits of both dLocal and EBANX for cross-border payments.

  2. The comparison between dLocal and EBANX, especially regarding cash payments, is very informative. It’s clear that both processors have their unique features that cater to different needs.

    • Absolutely. Understanding the specifics of each payment processor is essential in making an informed decision about which one to use. This article provides a great breakdown of their differences.

  3. The article provides an insightful comparison of dLocal and EBANX, shedding light on how these payment processors are making cross-border transactions more efficient and accessible.

  4. The detailed information provided about the functionalities and scope of dLocal and EBANX is immensely helpful in understanding their impact on cross-border payments in Latin America.

    • Absolutely, the insights into the payment processing landscape in Latin America and the solutions offered by dLocal and EBANX are incredibly valuable for consumers and businesses.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The article offers a comprehensive view of how dLocal and EBANX are addressing the challenges of cross-border transactions in the region.

  5. This article provides an in-depth comparison of dLocal and EBANX, highlighting the nuances of their payment processing services. It’s clear that these companies are revolutionizing cross-border payments in Latin America.

    • Absolutely, the insights provided in this article offer a comprehensive understanding of how dLocal and EBANX are innovating in the realm of cross-border payments.

  6. The article presents a comprehensive overview of dLocal and EBANX, making it clear how these payment processors are making cross-border transactions more seamless and cost-effective.

  7. The article offers a well-structured comparison of dLocal and EBANX, making it easy to grasp the unique features and advantages of each payment processor.

  8. This article provides some excellent insights into the challenges of cross-border payments and the solutions offered by dLocal and EBANX. It’s clear that these two payment processors are game changers for merchants and consumers in Latin America.

    • I totally agree. The payment methods available through dLocal and EBANX open up a world of possibilities for consumers and businesses alike.

  9. The detailed explanations of dLocal and EBANX’s offerings, including their payment methods and transaction processing, provide valuable insights for merchants and consumers alike.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The article gives a comprehensive understanding of how dLocal and EBANX are reshaping the cross-border payments landscape in Latin America.

  10. The comparison table in this article provides a clear understanding of the differences between dLocal and EBANX, particularly in terms of cash payments and transaction times.

    • Absolutely, the breakdown of key parameters between dLocal and EBANX is very helpful in understanding which processor aligns best with different business needs.

    • I completely agree. The side-by-side comparison makes it easy to see the unique features and benefits of each payment processor.


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